Quote Originally Posted by Perv View Post
Hey, update the community! Give summary, SN not working. :)
Back on topic, news summary is:

** Kingdom news report **
For the time from March 23 of YR2 till June 7 of YR2 - 57 hours
[ http://home-world.org/utopia/formatter/ - Seraphim online formatter ]

** Summary **
Total attacks made: 368 (25,480 acres)
-- Traditional march: 337 (24,754 acres)
-- Ambush: 8 (403 acres)
-- Conquest: 5 (323 acres)
-- Raze: 11 (0 acres)
-- Failed: 7 (1.9% failure)
-- Uniques: 108
Total attacks suffered: 411 (28,444 acres)
-- Traditional march: 382 (27,207 acres)
-- Ambush: 17 (1,237 acres)
-- Raze: 4 (0 acres)
-- Failed: 8 (1.9% failure)
-- Uniques: 112

** The kingdom of PyroManiaCs **
Total land exchanged: -2,964 (368/411)
+2,085 An unknown province (26/0)
+795 ugh not again (10/0)
+525 Heart Pirates (20/10)
+416 Popolopodopolis (3/1)
+298 Cosmic Occult (18/13)
+296 I want Dark elf back (9/5)
+240 Age67 (8/5)
+213 Baby Wipes (13/19)
+187 The Great One (8/0)
+185 The A (3/2)
+60 Notinher (19/10)
+3 Yu Yevon (19/18)
-68 bug (15/12)
-113 Styx (9/6)
-129 Butterfly Pocket (8/2)
-144 PanzerkampfwagenVI (19/10)
-214 kjbhbjjj (18/23)
-219 Dangalonglinglong (0/1)
-324 Daedalus (18/20)
-672 senescence (22/34)
-909 BigOne (22/41)
-943 Abx (13/27)
-1,007 battlefield (18/37)
-1,030 RobinHood (14/28)
-1,077 Swiggity Swooty (18/30)
-1,418 Songkkk (18/57)

** The kingdom of Green **
Total land exchanged: +2,964 (411/368)
+2,609 An unknown province (22/0)
+1,370 WhatsOnMenu Me-N-U (24/3)
+1,355 If girls were boogers (20/0)
+1,228 Lets Utopia And Chill (20/2)
+939 Did you just fart (20/1)
+878 May I flirt with you (10/2)
+869 Run Your Life With Me Baby (16/2)
+771 I d look good on you (10/2)
+678 VasAQuerer (9/1)
+560 Tour of your body please (16/6)
+21 Cause you blowing me away (1/0)
-71 you are the yin to my yang (15/14)
-189 CanIHaveDirectionsToYourHeart (17/21)
-268 IAmThiefThatWillStealURHeart (2/3)
-275 Youve been on my mind (19/16)
-323 Call me maybe (20/19)
-416 You Are My Love And Peace (16/29)
-505 You want to smell my finger (0/3)
-528 YouCanExpect2InchesTonight (22/44)
-554 Your eyes are like diamonds (24/26)
-587 How you doin (21/23)
-619 You Complete Me (26/37)
-687 ull like me good in bed i am (22/27)
-807 U be my curry I be your spice (20/29)
-1,058 DatDude (11/28)
-1,427 Melts upon touch (8/30)

For the last 16h of the fight or so, we sent our 2nd emerald drake and it was tanked by them till withdrawal. Pyro was drake free and I think after chatting with the monarch of Green, their 3rd drake was about 1.2 million away from flying but it wouldnt have hurt us too badly because it was a ruby and we had too many UBs and they were running too low defenses for it to matter. This prompted them to withdraw.

By the end of the fight, we have secured a number of UBs (some functional UBs, where they could hit 1-2x in decent range about 80% still, yet leaving close to UB defense where the opponents could only 1x and not do any more side hits except land def provinces). They were ugh not again(halfling merchant), myself (faery mystic), dangalonglinglong (halfling rogue), I want dark elf back (dwarf merchant), The A (halfling rogue), Popolopodopolis (elf mystic). This was done through focused feeding of resources on near UBs for training after our 2nd drake flew, and by halfling rogues self pumping via propping. Our smaller halflings and the faery in the core were also holding their own hitting their attackers in range and 4xing their land def province respectively. They stayed afloat, helped contribute some core hits which helped the chain ladder, and occupied some of their core's attention, while the rest pumped to UB.