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Thread: Primary Election Clowncar

  1. #1
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    chillin in the sun

    Primary Election Clowncar

    So, who will clinch the noms in the US presidential election?

    I'm both an optimist and a pessimist so without explaining too much why, here is my take:

    Repubs - Rubio. Cruz is hated and hateable, no way he makes it to the finals after the **** he pulled. Trump is the biggest assclown ever. Carson never really had a chance in the first place. Rest are basically clones of each other in every meaningful respect, but Rubio is younger and looks better to an undecided idiot. From what I'm gathering on the internets, most of the younger Republican set are going his way on an anyone-but-Trump and anyone-but-Cruz campaign.

    Dems - Sanders. I wouldn't have thought this last month and will probably eat crow, since Democratic primaries lol - but I see Hillary's campaign tanking bad, making many of the same unforced errors they made in 2008. Taking votes for granted while trying to appeal to people against her own record is just a bad idea - it's not winning a whole lot of support and probably hurts her in the general election.

    General - Sadly, my sinking feeling is that a Repub is going to win in November, and it will be 8+ years of utter ****. Too many people are forgetting just how far this country has gone and how many people have their heads in the sand.

    I don't think Sanders' plan for education is a good idea at all, the problems with education and labor in this world aren't going to be solved with more college credits. More of the same broken system is not going to be a fix; what that money should go towards is a plan to scrap K-12 as it has persisted for the past 100 years, so people can exit the school system with something meaningful rather than a note telling them they're eligible to pay universities a ****-ton of money for a chance at a credential - and that's if they manage to pass through the childhood screening nightmare, which is of course the reason the present education system exists and why reform from within is impossible.

    I know I'm fighting a hopeless cause in this "tear down every educational institution and start everything over" campaign, but it is the only way forward, and putting more money into a broken system is just exacerbating what is to me the root of most of this society's problems.
    Last edited by noobium; 14-02-2016 at 01:16.

  2. #2
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    Agree with the Republicans.

    Hilary will win the Democratic nod. Sanders will likely win New Hampshire, possibly by a lot, but after that I don't have much faith that he'll be able to turn up enough support to combat Hilary. Say what you will about Big Banks and Wall Street, they win elections.

    Between Hilary vs Rubio, I'm not sure. I'd need to see how they handle a couple debates, but I think Rubio would win in a close race.

    As far as your thoughts on education, I don't neccessarily agree that making college more affordable is a bad idea, but I do agree that our K-12 system is absolute garbage and needs some pretty serious changes to get a respectable/effective level of education.

  3. #3
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    Vote Trump

  4. #4
    Veteran pathetic sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noobium View Post
    Repubs - Rubio. Cruz is hated and hateable, no way he makes it to the finals after the **** he pulled. Trump is the biggest assclown ever. Carson never really had a chance in the first place. Rest are basically clones of each other in every meaningful respect, but Rubio is younger and looks better to an undecided idiot. From what I'm gathering on the internets, most of the younger Republican set are going his way on an anyone-but-Trump and anyone-but-Cruz campaign.
    Rubio is hateable. Check his web site "on the issues". Pick any issue. For example he plans to "help farmers" by allowing them to dump untreated pig poo into rivers streams and ditches. The veterans part almost sounds nice. But I think he is really saying that he will fire the union staff and replace them with smiling receptionists who will quickly and efficiently tell veterans that they will get no benefits from the federal government. It will be clear. There will not be any "confusing paper work".

    You left out the libertarians. Check out Joy Waymire:

    Daryl Cherney is running for greens. Jill Stein is probably better known.

  5. #5
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    I personally can't stand a single one of the Republican candidates and can find lots to hate about their policies, but the hate for Cruz runs deep - in Republican circles, not just what a left-leaning guy like me would think. It's more than a policy thing, the guy just looks skeevy. Rubio can put on a pretty face and fool enough people for long enough to do the **** he wants to do, even though plenty of scandalous dirt can be found on the internet.

    I really don't have a bone in this race, but it is interesting to watch and think about politics like a sociopath. Before I started paying close attention to this cycle, I would have assumed that Jeb? and Hillary would face off in a dynastic showdown, but that would be too obvious for people to swallow.

  6. #6
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    I did not need to dig any scandalous dirt on the internet. Rubio talked in the republican debates. He said he would relocate thousands of Syrians to Cuba and then torture them there. That is a hard "no" for my vote. I just needed to learn his name. The rest of what I know about Rubio is from Rubio's campaign web site:

    Cruz was endorsed by duck commander:

    Not sure why that qualifies someone to be president.
    Last edited by pathetic sheep; 09-02-2016 at 05:29.

  7. #7
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    I'm still sticking by my prediction that Bernie will win the Democratic nom. He's been getting the money and media support, and the chickens are sending omens in his favor. Older people often misunderstand how the internet can be leveraged by a political campaign to drum up support, and as I said the Hillary camp fell into the same traps they fell into against Obama. How consent is manufactured in the 21st century, especially among the younger set, is changing.

    The Republican clowncar is harder to figure out. Trumpmentum is growing, and the more the establishment pushes against Trump's buffoonery the more pull he's getting. As disastrous as Trump would be, Jeb x Donald is an epic comedy pairing. Now if he can dig into K-Sick and Rubiobot more it will be fun fun times. Some men - like me - just want to see the GOP burn.

    I seriously believe that a big overhaul is coming in these political circuses, and now would be as good a time as any. The (fake) revolution needs to be televised, after all. The GOP as it is constituted just isn't viable, the evangelicals and poor hard-rightists know by now they're not getting anywhere.
    Last edited by noobium; 14-02-2016 at 23:19.

  8. #8
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    I'll wait until after the SC votes, but I'm losing a bit of faith in my predictions, more so with Rubio than Hilary. Neither of them seem to be picking up momentum. Rubio is trapped with the rest of the republicans who are cannibalizing each other and Hilary is basically laying down the Bernie momentum train. Not quite how I expected the events to turn out after New Hampshire.

    Not that I'm complaining. I was feeling the Bern before it was a hipster thing lo

  9. #9
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    Jeb is out according to the grapevine.

  10. #10
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    Bill via Hillaruuu & Tramp! Sanders is just a left-side feeler in play to sense how far in that direction she can trend safely. When it comes to the republicants, they don't really have any playable candidates as far as the general is concerned. This has been true for ~11 years now and is the root cause for Tramp's success among them. Cruz is a troll and Rubio is a punk ass *****.
    Last edited by octobrev; 24-02-2016 at 18:05.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by noobium View Post
    I know I'm fighting a hopeless cause in this "tear down every educational institution and start everything over" campaign, but it is the only way forward, and putting more money into a broken system is just exacerbating what is to me the root of most of this society's problems.
    100% agreement! The primary function of public education is socialization and the instillation of a national identity in the youth. Any education obtained is purely coincidental. I support your fight against credentialism but I seriously doubt you will gain any ground.

    It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. -Voltaire

  12. #12
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    Even as an indoctrination and socialization machine, schools and universities are failing miserably. I see the **** going on today and ask how anyone can do a damned thing in that environment. I know better than most how corrupt education is from my vantage point at the bottom, and it's a damned racket if there ever was one.

    I still think Bernie can make a push to win the whole thing, though Hillary isn't leaking support from stupid **** as much (Berniebros, special place in hell for women). Good on her for sacking her campaign staff, those guys sucked. Super Tuesday should be interesting. Bernie has some great policy goals for the mass majority of people but needs to refine his message in a way to appeal to people besides young, educated progressives - something he has been able to do in his home state with a record to prove that he really wants to get **** done. Invective against the rich is of course correct, but the problems with this society run deeper and everyone knows it.
    Last edited by noobium; 25-02-2016 at 04:37.

  13. #13
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    Only the votes of the super-delegates count as far as the democratic party is concerned. The candidates' performances in the primaries and caucuses are irrelevant except for sake of analysis.

    It's currently 451 vs Bernie's 19.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Lolrubio. So inept.

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