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Thread: Town Watch

  1. #16
    Needs to get out more
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    Aug 2012
    It's a spell. I run fat a lot of the time and I use it. I also use love & peace.

    The chance of bouncing depends on a few things. On offense I generally oversend on any online active for a bag-of-butts reasons.
    In defense, if it's a kingdom where the wave captain dictates what to send, you can bounce that poor clown. I made it a personal mission to never listen to a wave captain after a couple bad experiences myself. I made that mistake one more time last age. Never again, till next time.

    Some players independently play it too tight and they can be bounced to. You can see this if they have a pristine strat. These guys are efficiency suckers. Just check their survey. If percentages are exact and brisling with meta you can reel them in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  2. #17
    Post Demon
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    Sep 2008
    @StratOcastle - I imagine you'd bet you might get me with that. Probably not good odds, but you'd expect to have a chance given you've seen me play, and know I run *tight* on hits. (I have even sent under 104.036% before, intentionally, when stretching a double. I could afford the fail at that point, but the double was gonna be nice. Got it, of course, 103.5% is still great odds.)

    Would you know to drop the TW 10 seconds after my *second* SoT or SoM though? I prep the hit, then refresh intel *again* if the target is online. I don't think you can get the spell up fast enough ;)
    (Assuming not on mobile - when forced to use the phone I consider anything under 105% close enough if at all possible - I intentionally avoid tight targets there.)

    IMO biggest problem to TW is that you can't turn it back off. And by the time you need to, your wpa is too good to get an MV though. If you can stay on constantly I imagine it isn't so bad, but I go about 12 hours between logins, even in war sometimes - I'd be long dead if I put that spell up.
    it's vs. its is ambiguous - from now on I'm attempting to use the proper possessive it's, and the contraction 'tis. (Its will just be the plural.)

    Think Different

  3. #18
    Forum Addict Bo To's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Anyone considering unds aren't the only one who have TW... and yes I'm talking about the faeries. TW on them is actually strong(if you have 130%+ DME TW is another MP) and they don't need it buffed. If you want to buff it you have to move TW to WH and WS to und.

    Buffing faeries def more is not what the game needs :).

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Ethan nailed it with
    "IMO biggest problem to TW is that you can't turn it back off."

    Shorter durations at least

  5. #20
    Needs to get out more
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    Aug 2012
    @ Ethan. Well yeah. If you're tuned into blocking you know the drill. For avian it's mp, then gp. Undead goes mp, tw. There's a kingdom out there that runs good halfers and avians that are adept at blocking. It never helps to remind your guys not to telegraph their attacks, but I try.

    I guess you've figured out why I liked faery cleric, but without NM augmentation it has early war limits. Defensively it's just as viable and by midwar gets to be a meaningful contributor. My system(iPad) is slow so I have to project based on anticipation if I want to achieve a block. I see my slow system as a challenge vs those that can execute at lightning speed. I'm pretty active so I tend to break out of chains before catastrophe.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  6. #21
    Post Fiend
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    Oct 2015
    @Feast Asking for a defense bonus such as this is greedy. That would give undead more defense per acre and offense per acre. They already lose less men on attacks and can bring back military units when they die in battle. You all are asking for undead to have all the perks. As it is undead has far more advantages than any other race when it comes to attack and defense. If you can't do great with undead as it stands then you're doing something very wrong. Picking undead is the easiest to play because it has the most advantages and yet people want more advantages when will it stop? Why not make military wages 0 and give undead a 10% to population too.
    I mean damn undead has so much already and here are people still wanting more advantages. So disappointing.

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