Some might consider this post a qq post, some will just consider it "old news". The community won`t really care. Nonetheless, I`m still gonna tell you a little story.
Here we have this quite chilled and casual 23 men Kd. And this Kd steals gold from the top. Most of the times with common sense. In return, they accept the risk and responsibility of eventually having to pay for their bad deeds. Sometimes, the big guys turn a blind eye and let it slide. Some other times, the big guys come and put the little guys in place. A big pat on the little guys` backs in the form of a wave or two. People speak, agree with eachother, Cf, rejoice and move on with their lives. Fair play and civil. And everybody`s happy.
But not the U. The U comes to raze. And raze and raze more. The U says that their diplo with the small guys failed because the small guys didn`t respond. We assume it`s true. RL can happen to anyone and unfortunately, not only good things happen to people. So diplo failed, the razes came, the small guys took it without fighting back, admitted their failure, apologized and tried to put an end to the senseless conflict. Now it was the U`s turn to ignore the diplo and when they finally answered, the answer was : "We'll be done when I feel like we're done.". Straight from the U`s monarch.
Ok. I understand, maybe, that they lost the 2nd place to FS? I didn`t quite know that people actually fight for the 2nd place, but then again I might not know a lot of things. I understand they might be frustrated so they took it out on the little Kd. But really? We`re in kindergarten? My toy broke so I`ll come and break yours so you can`t play as well? We`re a handful of old friends who`re trying to enjoy what`s left of Uto. Out of passion for the game and maybe the melancholy of what the game used to be. If the age is over for you - the U, why do you want to ruin other people`s time and work? Why don`t we put an end to this childish behavior and we all mind our own stuff?