Trump is like trying to cure cancer with a shotgun to the face.

I don't like Hillary that much but what option do we seriously have? There is no credible third party.

You're not going to get an easy answer to the problems by just electing some moronic strongman to the presidency. A third party has to build a fairly broad coalition in order to dislodge one of the big two (or preferably, both), then start winning local and state races. Part of that involves a platform that isn't utter dog****. The Libertarian platform is utter dog**** (what, you want a 40% sales tax just so rich people don't have to pay income tax?) The Green platform is dog**** and can't decide if their ecology-focused or quasi-socialist, but they can't be both.

My ideal party would be socially libertarian and fiscally way to the left, which so far doesn't really exist. The Democrats are way too fixated on authoritarian measures like gun control and chose to ram unpopular social issues down our collective throats, and if they could just drop that **** they'd probably win by yuge margins.