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Thread: General Election Crapfest

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    95% of the things they've thrown at Trump are just the things Trump has said himself. No one made him make fun of a disabled reporter. No one made him say the ridiculous **** about the fox lady. No one made him say anything about Mexicans. This is what happens when you spew stupid bigoted **** 24/7. It tends to get thrown back at you
    1st. He never made fun of that reporter.
    2nd He never said anything about legal Hispanics living in this country. He talked about illegal immigrants that includes Mexicans, Muslims, Whites and Blacks. Coming across the Mexican border.
    3rd.Fox lady who's name is Megan Kelly hated Donald Trump and was very unfair to him. For instance she accused him of things he said in a T.V. show. That would be like accusing Arnold Schwarzenegger of enjoying killing people because he did it in Movies.

    My point is you believed the Miss quotes and spin of a liberal media. Same Media that was encouraged by the DNC to bad mouth Bernie Sanders. Same spin saying a woman who has broken the law several times and been a complete failure at every position she has ever held is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Her name Hillary Clinton and I haven't heard one thing important or even good she has ever acomplished in public office.

  2. #17
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    1st. He never made fun of that reporter.
    2nd He never said anything about legal Hispanics living in this country. He talked about illegal immigrants that includes Mexicans, Muslims, Whites and Blacks. Coming across the Mexican border.
    3rd.Fox lady who's name is Megan Kelly hated Donald Trump and was very unfair to him. For instance she accused him of things he said in a T.V. show. That would be like accusing Arnold Schwarzenegger of enjoying killing people because he did it in Movies.

    My point is you believed the Miss quotes and spin of a liberal media. Same Media that was encouraged by the DNC to bad mouth Bernie Sanders. Same spin saying a woman who has broken the law several times and been a complete failure at every position she has ever held is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Her name Hillary Clinton and I haven't heard one thing important or even good she has ever acomplished in public office.
    Its good that we have people like that have no bias at all and can set the rest of us straight.

    So, what you are saying nothing that Trump supposedly said is true but everything bad the democrats did is true? Do you even read what you write? Man you're hilarious, as hilarious as your imaginary crowns. :)

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Its good that we have people like that have no bias at all and can set the rest of us straight.

    So, what you are saying nothing that Trump supposedly said is true but everything bad the democrats did is true? Do you even read what you write? Man you're hilarious, as hilarious as your imaginary crowns. :)
    I watch the actual interviews and press conferences. Not just the little 5 second clips they replay over and over again. As for bias I voted for Obama last time believing his lies. So I consider myself a independent actually. But from the way you attack me you must be a Democrat stooping to personal attacks. See I know when I am arguing with a Republican when they actually throw out facts :).

  4. #19
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    Trump totally did mock that reporter.
    Any decent person should be revolted by that behavior, but unfortunately this country doesn't consist of decent people. You have a substantial percentage of open fascists who think it's just great and keep making apologies for it.
    Last edited by noobium; 29-07-2016 at 23:32.

  5. #20
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    I watch the actual interviews and press conferences. Not just the little 5 second clips they replay over and over again. As for bias I voted for Obama last time believing his lies. So I consider myself a independent actually. But from the way you attack me you must be a Democrat stooping to personal attacks. See I know when I am arguing with a Republican when they actually throw out facts :).
    Calling someone hilarious is a personal attack?

    You defend Trump with tooth and nail trying to diminish what he has said and make up excuses for him. Then you make the typical "But on the other hand the Democracts they did this and that and etc"

    I live in a far better country than USA. I guess by your stupid american standards I would be a commie. :)

  6. #21
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    If Trump gets elected can I come live with you korp?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Calling someone hilarious is a personal attack?

    You defend Trump with tooth and nail trying to diminish what he has said and make up excuses for him. Then you make the typical "But on the other hand the Democracts they did this and that and etc"

    I live in a far better country than USA. I guess by your stupid american standards I would be a commie. :)
    First off I defend Trump because I am ready for a President who puts the USA first. Second i hate a biased media spreading complete lies. Lastly only difference between commies and democrats is commies are honest. ;). Also I am bored. Lol

  8. #23
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    I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Him and Bill Weld together have the most executive experience than the main candidates. I'm also just an advocate for more voices to hear from ever since the Democrats and Republicans joined together to strongarm the non-partisan League of Women Voter's and took control of the presidential debates. As far as I'm concerned the two main parties have effectively monopolized political power in the US and have little incentive to produce actual candidates of substance.

  9. #24
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    You are aware you are effectively giving half a vote to Trump, and half a vote to Hillary, right? Cause there are only 3 things you can do with the system of voting the US has - vote D, vote R, or vote .5 D and .5 R. Staying home is a way of voting half for each. Voting 3rd party is a different way of voting... half for each.

    I don't like this system, I support changing this system... but this is the system you will be voting in this Nov, so choosing to put half a vote to each is how your play will work out, no matter how little we might like that. Unless you truly don't care between the two, don't waste your vote.

    Of course with the strongly Red and Blue states, there is a good chance your vote for prez doesn't matter at all, in which case show up for the local/state vote, and go ahead and protest vote on prez... you didn't matter anyway. And I know how ya feel - I'm in a solid Blue state myself, so I could do almost anyway I wanted on my vote and it almost surely wouldn't matter.
    it's vs. its is ambiguous - from now on I'm attempting to use the proper possessive it's, and the contraction 'tis. (Its will just be the plural.)

    Think Different

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan View Post
    You are aware you are effectively giving half a vote to Trump, and half a vote to Hillary, right? Cause there are only 3 things you can do with the system of voting the US has - vote D, vote R, or vote .5 D and .5 R. Staying home is a way of voting half for each. Voting 3rd party is a different way of voting... half for each.

    I don't like this system, I support changing this system... but this is the system you will be voting in this Nov, so choosing to put half a vote to each is how your play will work out, no matter how little we might like that. Unless you truly don't care between the two, don't waste your vote.

    Of course with the strongly Red and Blue states, there is a good chance your vote for prez doesn't matter at all, in which case show up for the local/state vote, and go ahead and protest vote on prez... you didn't matter anyway. And I know how ya feel - I'm in a solid Blue state myself, so I could do almost anyway I wanted on my vote and it almost surely wouldn't matter.
    That's pretty much my sentiment, although I live in Ohio a notorious battleground state. Either of the main candidates may resonate with the populace, but I refuse to partake in the blue team vs. red team mentality a lot of people have subjected themselves to. Not going to vote for douche to keep out the turd sandwich if you will, and will vote for the guy that at least shares a majority of my views. Your local and state vote are more important anyway since their legislation has the most direct impact on your life. Furthermore, I find all this extreme fear mongering a bit ridiculous though, like Trump or Hillary have sole and absolute authority on nuclear launches once obtaining title of POTUS...

    "That said, there's a chain of command that involves the Secretary of Defense who could refuse to relay the order (his codes —or those of the Asst. Sec. Defense in his absence— are required to launch) and then quickly call the Cabinet and Congress to report that the POTUS had gone crazy. The Cabinet can declare the President unfit in a letter to Congress.

    Furthermore, there's a "must notify" part of the nuclear protocol that requires the DoD and whomever else inside the White House to notify senior leaders of the US government in the event of a nuclear launch. These leaders would include (and presumably not be limited to), Speaker of the House, President Pro Temp of the Senate, Majority/Minority Leaders of both houses of Congress, the Chairperson of the various oversight committees that are tied to war (Appropriations, Defense, Intelligence, Energy). The chain of command, that requires the Secretary of Defense and others to relay such an order is robust enough to handle such a statistically-impossible scenario of a "rogue president" ordering a launch." --Dan Holiday

  11. #26
    Veteran pathetic sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan View Post
    ... Voting 3rd party is a different way of voting... half for each.
    You are assuming that the only effect that a vote has is an individual's election. All of the candidate's positions would need to be absolute and never effected circumstances. In practice politicians select a stance on issues that will get him/her elected. If (s)he knows some voters will jump to third party then (s)he has to adjust in order to keep those votes. There are two main party goals: selling out for donations and taking a weak centrist position that might win some "swing voters".

    Without the libertarian party the republican party would drop "smaller government" switch to "limit government growth to mild exponential expansion". Your third party vote is most effective in a swing state.

    A lot of big money donors donate to both candidates. The donors want access to elected officials. The candidate is valuable to them because the candidate might win the election. The act of actually casting a ballot for third party indicates a future likelihood that you will do it again. So when you vote third party you are creating an impression that will last for decades. It will determine which people get early funding, long before anyone has heard of them.

    Another problem is the assumption that your individual vote is the thing that matters. Most Americans are either democrat or republican. Party is usually in line with parents and spouse. That means most American voters can be safely ignored. What does matter is your motivation to persuade others around you. Are you willing to talk to neighbors and coworkers. Are you volunteering to call people and knock on doors? Will you persuade the lazy to leave the couch and push a button polling place?

    A third party vote is rarely a thoughtless vote. Many of the people who are moving to third party could have been a candidate's dedicated core support. A third party vote is a strong message to those in power or who aspire to it.

  12. #27
    Forum Addict makeo's Avatar
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    Not that I care that ex TFC team mates are stupid , but the fact they are American and don't know of the implications of their own constitution is amusing. =]

    I'll explain.

    In the event of there not being a collegiate victory, it gets thrown to the house.

    Which is under total Republican control ( not Senate, house)

    So 3rd party vote is wasted, unless 3rd party can achieve electoral college victory at Presidential level or grass roots it etc that it makes a difference . ( e.g balance of power at local level + at executive level)

    Do they not teach you civics anymore?

    Pro tip: To achieve a third party in the US would need a miracle.

    As it would need to 1) achieve district wins enough to reach a balance and 2 ) have a president run that could stop a collegiate win.

    Jeez, this ain't hard.
    Last edited by makeo; 28-08-2016 at 17:00.

  13. #28
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    They actually don't teach us civics any more.

    I'm starting to come around to Socialism or Barbarism.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by noobium View Post
    They actually don't teach us civics any more.
    This is accurate.

  15. #30
    Forum Addict makeo's Avatar
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    synchronicity wave.

    Personal opinion is that it up to Americans.

    I can't stand either Presidential candidate. In my talks with my son , we have generally looked at the supreme court choices and local issues.

    There is no doubt Trump has affected Kirkpatrick vs McCain.

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