what's the name you usually go by in Utopia and who are you playing with currently?
I usually go with celebrity names that I am into at that age. I was Avicii last age. I am playing with Kandis, but it's a young and fairly new kingdom, so I wouldn't say it's an establishment, just casual kingdom without identities.
what are some of the challenges you and your kingdom face and how do you compensate or fix it?
There are two problems I am facing, first would be player's skills and capabilities.
There are players that are loyal to the kingdom but not as capable to contribute as much to the kingdom. These players need experience, time and realization to play better in a longer run. In short, they need education.
Second problem will be loyalty, personal goals and ideology clash in between individual player, kingdom and leadership.
It is very hard to run a kingdom which you have no friends at all in the first place in my opinion. If I were to run a kingdom with a few real life friends, it would be much easier in directing the kingdom and running specific strategies, for example the balance between race and personality in the kingdom.
All in all second problem's solution is almost unsolvable because clash of ideologies, personal goals and loyalty will always be there unless you are paying the players or you have absolute power in controlling every player's account in your kingdom, which some kingdoms might run multiple accounts.
It is a very lonely journey in playing this game and leading, but nevertheless we are still playing because we love the game.
how long have you been playing?
Since 2014 September. Fairly new to be honest.
who was your mentor?
It used to be Moldy Pancakes, then they renamed themselves to Kandis, and they are in x:xx now without a specific name running I guess.
who would you consider to be the best player you know currently playing?
x:xx, Pimpstar.
what do you consider your highest achievement in Utopia?
Last age, top 53/193 kingdom I guess. 4/8 wars. The real achievement I would say is not kingdom ranks and war wins, but is finding a group of people who can play together in a long long run. I am still finding.
what keeps you playing utopia?
The game technique is one, but the tension between kingdoms it's another kind of fun. The game, the people, and the tension.
if you could change one thing in utopia, what would it be?
Make an app for it on phone, simplify it and make it usable on phone so that I can access it on my smartphone.
what is the best piece of advice you can give a new player starting out?
Stay in a kingdom and with a good king. Follow a smart, kind and sympathetic group of people and contribute as much as you can as a new player.
Is there anything else you would like Utopians to know about you or your kingdom?
Nothing lol.
Thank you for the interview