Ho ho ho no help me! He's here again! /bad puns ahoy
I'm holding the third Utopian Secret Santa!
This edition I announce it a bit earlier, since Santa's seem to need much more time to actually make (or buy) and ship their gifts to their unsuspectingly innocent victims... err, targets.
You're wondering what I'm talking about? In short, people send small gifts (self made or bought) to other Utopians and get something in return. The fun part is that no-one knows (except me) who will give them a present! Afterwards people can of course tell (or write it on the gift), but it should stay a big mystery till Christmas (or Yule, Crimbo or whatever you call it). Here you find the 2015 edition and the 2014 edition.
How does it work?
You give me following information. I write it down and 'decide' through a random number generator who sends a gift to whom*. The sender (Santa) gets a message of who their target is. Please remember that sometimes gifts get stolen by evil postmen or simply don't arrive on time. Don't panic! If needed, contact me and I'll contact your Santa. Also, if you think your gift will not arrive in time, let me know and I'll pass the word discreetly on to your target. It might also be a good idea not to make or buy something expensive: you might get something cheap in return and be sad. We don't want that.
Please also remember: don't send something you wouldn't like to get. Don't send dildo's to everyone!
Two last things: some people want to give more gifts (to different targets), that's fine! I'll make sure that everyone who sends X gifts, gets X gifts in return (so people who send out three gifts, get three gifts). Some people don't have the means to ship stuff all around the world, no problem! Just tell me in the message what your limits are.
CHECK OUT HOW MUCH SHIPPING IT WOULD COST! I really loathe people pulling out last minute (after targets are assigned) because they forgot and it's suddenly too expensive. If you don't know how, ask me (and tell me your country).
*The two previous editions I worked with a true random number generator, only taking into account where people mentioned they didn't want to ship. To facilitate shipping (to make it cheaper for y'all and to hopefully get less missing posting packages) priority targets, still randomly, will be from your continent (N-America, S-America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia/NZ). If you want a truly random target (possibly from another continent), let me know! If there are not enough participants from your continent (I'm looking at S-America, Africa and Asia), you'll get an intercontinental target too.
I need this:
- Nick (IRC, forum)
- Sex (if comfortable)
- The way to contact you for your target (IRC, forum, e-mail, Whatsapp, Slack, whatever is the easiest for you)
- Name (in case your postman doesn't deliver gifts addressed to your nickname)
- Amount of gifts
- Ship outside EU/US/Asia/Africa/whatever (yes if all locations are fine, specify if certain limits)
* If you don't care if your target is from the same continent, tell me
- Your address or postal box (Don't forget to mention the country!)
How to contact me?
- Forum PM: Nim
- IRC PM: Dumnorix or Dumno
Participants and what they got:
1. Dumno
2. Caff / Coffee: ...
3. QueenMab: ...
4. Brickwolfman: kinky stuff! and ...
5. Universe: bluetooth speaker
6. Uhum: pickled peppers
7. Synna: ... and ... and ...
8. Ryshad: ...
9. MaximII / Awe: Utopia mug
10. CyrusTheVyrus: Utopia mug
11. Iceshimmer: hand knitted hat and hot pepper sauces
12. Dungeon / Marauder: knife pouch and beef jerky & maple syrup