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Thread: Republic of Octobrev - Double Hostile w/ Strippers & ghetto

  1. #196
    I like to post Band of Horses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsMatija View Post
    Is that a Godly reference iirc? Thank you for that.
    Yup :P

    Bishop is in RoO and Bishop pulled the greatest troll on Godly which should be reason enough for Zauper imo.
    "The Utopian voice of reason" ~Ben (And he's an official moderator)

  2. #197
    Post Fiend
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    Oh right. he razes 44 times into war and then gets to say "okay, it's over now.". Get a grip Pillz.

    You've just proven that no diplomacy would have worked with you. You've admitted that you would have backed him regardless, so thank you for blowing your own "you should have messaged us" nonsense out of the water :)

  3. #198
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kestrel038 View Post
    Oh right. he razes 44 times into war and then gets to say "okay, it's over now.". Get a grip Pillz.

    You've just proven that no diplomacy would have worked with you. You've admitted that you would have backed him regardless, so thank you for blowing your own "you should have messaged us" nonsense out of the water :)
    I thought you were off the diplomacy, why are you here making it even harder for your kingdom to solve the issue?

  4. #199
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kestrel038 View Post
    Oh right. he razes 44 times into war and then gets to say "okay, it's over now.". Get a grip Pillz.

    You've just proven that no diplomacy would have worked with you. You've admitted that you would have backed him regardless, so thank you for blowing your own "you should have messaged us" nonsense out of the water :)
    I am asking what you hoped to accomplish by razing him. It obviously did not garner the results you had hope for (him stopping) because now you have a group of people intent on razing into your wars. If Sheister could raze you 44 times that means 5 more of us will make it like 264 razes? Have fun with that I suppose.

  5. #200
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    Please, stop arguing on both sides. Can we get a reasonable civilized CF talk without harms?

  6. #201
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Should put a gag-order on Kestrel in that case, each time that person posts makes more unwilling.

  7. #202
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    So far the answer is no.

    You've offered nothing we want. And Abi manages to destroy any good will we happen to muster.

  8. #203
    Post Demon
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    Maybe you should ask Skank to mediate except their kingdom sounds to be to leet to deal with noobs like both sides in this conflict.

  9. #204
    Post Fiend Krynn's Avatar
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    We tried.

    [09:59] <Steel> So what are you offering
    [10:00] <Steel> 'A line and CF
    [10:00] <Steel> is not acceptable
    [10:00] <Steel> so you best have something real good cooked up
    [10:31] <~Krynn> hi
    [10:31] <~Krynn> sorry was getting coffee
    [10:31] <~Krynn> and smokes
    [10:32] <~Krynn> you know 5K and a deletion is not a "resonable" offer
    [10:32] <~Krynn> building on that will get no where
    [10:32] <~Krynn> I aslo pointed out that we needed 2 new players in this
    [10:32] <~Krynn> some one not cought up in all the Drama
    [10:33] <~Krynn> we very well should have sent a PM
    [10:33] <~Krynn> if for no other reason than to let you know what was going on with this
    [10:34] <~Krynn> you guys should have tagged you were in a heavy hostile
    [10:34] <~Krynn> that would have been the wise actions taken
    [10:35] <~Krynn> they were not, both were wrong
    [10:38] <~Krynn> steel
    [10:39] <Steel> The offer is reasonable since the alternative is to waste your age.
    [10:39] <Steel> And if it isn't resolved by EoA, you waste next age too...
    [10:39] <Steel> But at least you admit your fault in not messaging us. Maybe you should replace Abi as monarch.
    [10:39] <~Krynn> come on man, you have to get real with this or we are both wasting time.
    [10:40] <~Krynn> we have football to watrch
    [10:40] <Steel> We're not wasting time.
    [10:41] <Steel> 'Give us excitement, Utopia Gods', we say every age
    [10:41] <Steel> And this time they delivered.
    [10:41] <Steel> So while you may be missing out on KD building or warring or getting famous, this is literally what we have accounts for.
    [10:42] <~Krynn> look, steel, this is just head banging. that guy is a dick and you know it. you all should have put a cap on him from the start. you also know that is true. we definetly should have PM'd your monarch
    [10:42] <~Krynn> that is a greivous error
    [10:43] <~Krynn> we are willing to take a few retals and a better understanding of what went wrong. I believe you should be willing to do the same
    [10:43] <Steel> Who cares if he is a dick? There'd been no attacks between your kingdom and his province for several days before he joined us. You had at least a silent agreement with him and his monarch and a CF was in place.
    [10:43] <Steel> There was no reason for you to track a lone province to its new kingdom to raze it.
    [10:44] <Steel> First of all, what the **** did you gain by razing a 400 acre province OOP?
    [10:44] <Steel> You know he resets in the same kingdom?
    [10:44] <~Krynn> hold on here please
    [10:45] <~Krynn> there was no agreement with him. only the CF with the monarch.
    [10:45] <~Krynn> please give me a sec
    [10:46] <~Krynn> I want to check on a fact or two as to the "timing" . I am not sure we "tracked" him down. I believe it was more threats
    [10:46] <~Krynn> but I need to verifiy
    [10:48] <~Krynn> ahhh
    [10:48] <~Krynn> thought so
    [10:49] <~Krynn> we were in a war when he raised into our KD then took your invite
    [10:49] <~Krynn> those were retal hits after war
    [10:49] <Steel>
    [10:49] <Steel> That is his side of the story
    [10:49] <Steel> I'm inclined to believe him
    [10:49] <~Krynn> reading
    [10:51] <~Krynn> not quite the truth. we were in a 24 hour fortified to recover from the "beating" we took before we did the retals
    [10:52] <~Krynn> but yes we did have 24 hours or so before we could retal
    [10:52] <~Krynn> all we wanted to do was get him out of our news
    [10:53] <~Krynn> and again, I and my Kingdom (abi as well) do see that a PM was called for and we appologise for that
    [10:53] <Steel> <Steel> First of all, what the **** did you gain by razing a 400 acre province OOP?
    [10:53] <Steel> <Steel> You know he resets in the same kingdom?
    [10:54] <Steel> How does tracking him down and razing him get him out of your news?
    [10:54] <~Krynn> it is ALWAYS better to inform the monarch of an asshat additionm to their ranks
    [10:54] <~Krynn> and a major fail on out part
    [10:54] <Steel> I'm trying to understand what you hoped to accomplish with your actions, here.
    [10:54] <~Krynn> we wanted him to back down and leave our T/M alone
    [10:55] <~Krynn> we wanted to loose our wars alone
    [10:55] <~Krynn> :)
    [10:55] <Steel> So you thought the way to do that was to raze him?
    [10:55] <Steel> Like I said, he resets in the same KD
    [10:55] <~Krynn> keep him from growing big enough to cause damage
    [10:55] <Steel> So you intended to raze him every 24 hours for the next 6 weeks?
    [10:56] <~Krynn> we never intended to give him a respwn
    [10:56] <Steel> Sounds to me like you never intended for this spat to come to a conclusion
    [10:56] <Steel> Again, raze him for the next 6 weeks?
    [10:56] <~Krynn> be that as it may, it is now become a **** storm for you and I to fix
    [10:56] <Steel> Why do you believe that would make him leave you alone?
    [10:56] <~Krynn> sorry about that too
    [10:56] <Steel> There is no 'you and i'
    [10:56] <~Krynn> I should have come in sooner
    [10:57] <~Krynn> I was away at funerals this past week
    [10:57] <Steel> There is your kingdom, and what it is willing to do to move on.
    [10:57] <Steel> 5K acres to Octo or Abi deletes
    [10:57] <~Krynn> and did not even realize we were stepping into the dark side
    [10:57] <Steel> Abi is great friends with Octo IIRC so she shouldn't object
    [10:58] <~Krynn> this is about what we (you and I) can come up with this resolve this
    [10:58] <Steel> I've given you our terms.
    [10:58] <Steel> There is absolutely nothing that will move us on this issue.
    [10:59] <Steel> Unless, of course, you offer something better then 'a cf and some hits'
    [10:59] <~Krynn> Abi and Friends are now done with the diplomacy side of this. I as the founder of DD am in here working with you to resolve this in a manor both can live with
    [10:59] <Steel> Since we don't want or need acres from you.
    [11:00] <~Krynn> but to do this we need to be willing to give and take
    [11:00] <~Krynn> are you willing to do that
    [11:01] <Steel> We're willing to CF if you agree to the terms I've set forth.
    [11:01] <Steel> A CF at all is us giving you something
    [11:01] <Steel> Since we aren't kidding when we say we can do this forever.
    [11:01] <Steel> <Steel> We're not wasting time.
    [11:01] <Steel> <Steel> 'Give us excitement, Utopia Gods', we say every age
    [11:01] <Steel> <Steel> And this time they delivered.
    [11:01] <~Krynn> and I can not give you those terms, first it will take EoA for you to even get 5K out of us. And Abi is not going to Delete, nor do we wish her to
    [11:02] <Steel> You can give up the 5k in under 4 days.
    [11:02] <Steel> Octo has the hits lined up already & can coordinate exploration where needed
    [11:02] <~Krynn> sorry, that is not resonable
    [11:02] <Steel> You have a lot of pool you'll never use
    [11:02] <Steel> It is a resource
    [11:02] <~Krynn> you can have a wave
    [11:03] <Steel> Give up that resource, which you won't miss or use, and this ends
    [11:03] <~Krynn> we are using it now
    [11:03] <~Krynn> for other reasons
    [11:03] <Steel> look
    [11:03] <Steel> im done
    [11:03] <Steel> our terms are set
    [11:03] <Steel> have a nice age
    [11:03] <~Krynn> you too
    [11:03] <Steel> we'll be razing into whatever wars you have
    [11:03] <Steel> this age
    [11:03] <Steel> next
    [11:03] <Steel> simple
    [11:04] <~Krynn> I do not think you will last that long given that you are now putting the rest of your team at risk. how many of your guys are willing to play this game for 3 to 6 months
    [11:04] <~Krynn> how many will stay to respawn
    [11:04] <Steel> lol
    11:05] <Steel> Like I said
    [11:05] <Steel> I've been here 12 ages on and off, and this is the most fun we've had since we did the same thing to simians
    [11:05] <Steel> Korp has been here a full 12 ages
    [11:05] <Steel> Bishop a full 12
    [11:05] <Steel> Most of our players just join to **** around when they dont want to play seriously
    [11:05] <~Krynn> very well, you have shown no willingness to clear this up
    [11:05] <Steel> nobody cares about being razed
    [11:05] <~Krynn> I guess we are done here then
    [11:06] <Steel> Nah
    [11:06] <Steel> We will be done next age it seems
    [11:06] <Steel> we'll put negotiations on hiatus though until you are willing to concede to our terms
    [11:07] <~Krynn> 5K and a deletiion will not happen
    [11:07] <~Krynn> you have failed to give a counter
    [11:07] <~Krynn> so yes
    [11:07] <~Krynn> I guess we are just wasting each others time
    [11:09] <Steel> That was our counter
    [11:10] <Steel> We dont want a wave
    [11:10] <Steel> we dont want hits
    [11:10] <Steel> we dont want acres
    [11:10] <Steel> We already offered to CF for 5 free hits on you
    [11:10] <Steel> you said no
    [11:10] <Steel> We're not going backwards in our offers here.
    [11:10] <~Krynn> I did not say anything
    [11:11] <~Krynn> I am here now and in the present
    [11:11] <Steel> No, your monarch did.
    [11:11] <Steel> But since that offer was rejecting
    [11:11] <~Krynn> to make a deal to move on
    [11:11] <Steel> Im not going to accept it now
    [11:11] <~Krynn> you will not budge
    [11:11] <Steel> No. Hold please.
    [11:11] <Steel> We're discussing a counter offer.
    [12:02] <~Krynn> Kick off waited near an hour. no reply as of yet.

    We have given time to a resolution. It has gone unanswered so far. I guess there is nothing to do but play the game and slowly watch this player base move to a more friendly alternative like M****A. better UI and you do not need 3 3rd party programs to play.
    " It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 ? April 21, 1910)
    Dungeon Dwellers Founder est age 25 -

  10. #205
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    No surprise DD would rather pay to win then play with some semblance of skill or adeptness.

    I didn't respond back because Abi posted in that time frame, BTW. We were actively discussing alternatives until then.

    Our last offer stands. And we're happy to go on and on with this.

  11. #206
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Krynn - You didnt provide any counter offer. A blank CF is not an option either.

  12. #207
    I like to post Sheister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nanka View Post
    The problem seems to be unwanted razing, i dont suppose stopping that and moving on with whatever game goals that motivates you to play is being considered as an option. For all the drama and logic? we all know neither would be yielding from any form of verbal debate. Yall just enjoy being dicks to each other imo. :P

    Prior to my joining RoO, at the end of their war, I offered them Yr 11 cf and 72 hr notice. They sent a CF (but did not respond to me) and I advised my monarch to accept their CF (presuming they had to have their ghetto pride). After they came out of EoWCF and there was no action to me for 48 hrs, I accepted the invite from Korp and then only after I came out of protection days later, then they restart.

    Yesterday in IRC they offer us Yr 11 CF and tell people all they want to do is move on.

    They are so moronic it hurts to think that there are special olympians that are given a bad name by their existence.

    Quote Originally Posted by sangken View Post
    LOL. I'm from DD, and I call BS on this Sheister's story (or whoever this guy thinks he is).

    T'was really simple really, douche took an ABDUCT hit while not in any war (did not lose any sci by the way), and then DEMANDED free acres. I mean, who does that? If everyone demanded for anything EVERYTIME they got hit, then Utopia will be a desolate place.
    ROFL! No, I demanded a Yr 5 CF with a 48 hr notice. Holy crap you are dumb.

    But anyways, words are just words and don't mean crap until you do something, which is what nachos AKA sheister did. What you do is everything. He RAZED into our wars, not just once, but twice. Damn the words exchanged. But he razed into 2 of our wars, which severely affected our wars.

    But this guy is malicious, he defected (to hide himself, since his first KD was CF'ed) to continue razing into our war. He didn't attack while out of war, like the douche coward that he is. He did not hit during our hostile, like what we did. He waited, maliciously until one of our chained provinces was down because that's all he could do, this weakling.

    So there ya go. Harsh words have been exchanged, but those are just words. The moment this douche razed into our wars, he set himself up for what came to him. Boohoo he cried and cried and told his friends and momma about it, and of course the "gang" and momma's always gon be there to defend lil johnny no matter what, that's just how it is. And here we all are.
    Ummmm, I never once cried. You are so misinformed it is funny.

    Also forgot to mention that if you think I was hitting the chained provinces because that was all I could do, you know so little about game mechanics that you should just not talk in public fora about the game.
    Last edited by Sheister; 25-09-2016 at 17:33.
    "having fun warring when you have whoring and number 1 as a goal is totally pointless..." - Korp
    "while I heart shiester when we both play serious and are in the same kingdom, I hate shiester on the forums and pretty much disagree with everything he says. Even he knows this." - Flogger asking me out on a date

    The devs have made a decision to kill competitive utopia and have thereby killed my interest with it.

  13. #208
    Post Fiend Krynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Krynn - You didnt provide any counter offer. A blank CF is not an option either.
    There was a counter. I had offered a land grab. and our negotiations we on going whatever had been posted in here should have been irrelevant. your unwilling to negotiate. Nothing I can do with that. You have shown your unwillingness to be reasonable.
    " It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 ? April 21, 1910)
    Dungeon Dwellers Founder est age 25 -

  14. #209
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krynn View Post
    There was a counter. I had offered a land grab. and our negotiations we on going whatever had been posted in here should have been irrelevant.
    Posts in public definitely influence negotiations. Particularly since we don't want land. If you want to CF for land speak to Octo about that 5k.

  15. #210
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krynn View Post
    There was a counter. I had offered a land grab. and our negotiations we on going whatever had been posted in here should have been irrelevant. your unwilling to negotiate. Nothing I can do with that. You have shown your unwillingness to be reasonable.
    lol, get real Krynn. How would you react if a kingdom had razed you for the past 6 days and then when they got tired of it just wanted a clean slate? No, you probably throw another tantrum just looking how you reacted to Sheister when he sent his first message. "A land grab" is not a fair enough compensations either.

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