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Thread: #1 vs#2 honor kds

  1. #1
    Post Fiend
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    #1 vs#2 honor kds

    Seems to be quite a fight about top spot. Any inside info? Heard something about one kd getting massive gc aid (close to 300mil gc) pre round 2. That should deffo shape things!

  2. #2
    Post Demon
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    Yeah, Spartans were mad we were occupying TBB because they wanted to farm TBB so they could war Emeriti viably so to try and boost TBB past us, bart decided to farm them hundreds of millions of gold.

    Personally, I think farming out gold to people's war opponents directly into a conflict is using your resources directly against them and should be considered a dealbreak.
    Last edited by Meep; 19-10-2016 at 20:04.

  3. #3
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    Sounds pretty unfair. Definitely a violation of the 1 v 1 fight. There is no way an honor crown should be decided in such a dispicable manner.

  4. #4
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    Don't forget TBB had all war wins removed for doing fake wars using a multi to give buttons. Too bad bishop didn't take their honor too.

  5. #5
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    Sounds to me like emeriti may pay them a visit after their war for colluding to semi gangbang them by intentionally feeding out
    BLUE your my boy!

  6. #6
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    Sounds like TBB needs to get raze kills imo

  7. #7
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    Seriously, get over yourself. Most of the top, no, EVERY SINGLE TOP-KD I KNOW has directly funded our wars or those of people I know, and this is not an incident, it's something happening structurally over the ages.

    1. Palestine you funded a million conflicts over the years. A prime example was you giving ascension tens of if not hundreds of millions 3 ages ago when they landdropped to you to war us (with us having a war agreed). I'd like you to claim on these forums right now that your kingdom hasn't funded a single KD cash before war during the last 2 ages. Or a better question would be, is it more or less than 20?

    2. CR itself was the main funder of conflicts ALL ACROSS THE SERVER during their B2B2B adventure. Hell, we were one of the main beneficiaries of this. An example is the Expendables age, when CR farmed us like 400M gc to engage a KD (I think it was TNB?) that had a CF running out with crazies, only to prevent Crazies from farming said KD. CR is a serial funder of wars, many of which were fought by Sparta at the cost of those we faced. We'd then after war farm land to CR, in return for which we'd get a nice bump of cash again for the next conflict.

    CR very well knows the reasons why this happen. You somehow mistakenly think that different rules apply to you. I got some new for you, supermen: when people cut you, you bleed as well, just as the people you cut bleed. You seem to think that you keep asking for favors yet never return. You somehow think your KD is more important than ours. Even now you refuse to do diplo with me:

    Game Date February 1 of YR10
    Real Date Wed, 19 Oct at 18:58 GMT+00:00
    Sender King Vanilla Ice the Skeptic of Collaborate and Listen (CR)
    Recipient King Sean Bean the Skeptic of Eddard Stark (Sparta)
    Subject Re:CF
    You don't get to modify deals after the fact, and you are owed nothing.

    There is no proposal in this message, so there is nothing to accept or decline.

    > King Sean Bean the Skeptic of Eddard Stark (Sparta) said: > > Yo, given the recently disturbed nature of our relationship, once amicable yet soured beyond a turn of no return as it now seems, I would like to confirm the EOA CF we signed with you at the start of the age, be it on Whatsapp, just so that if there happens to be a disturbance in the balance of the forces that are, I have some written confirmation of said CF, and vice versa.

    Please reply "agreed" to this message if you consent to this proposal and thus agree that Sparta (Sparta) and CR/Easter Canceled imop (CR) have been and will continue to be CFed for the duration of this age.

    A decline will mean that there is no CF in place. A non-reply within 48 hours will be taken as a "decline" of the proposal as well, which means that we will act as if there is no CF in place.

    Is it so hard to just in-game confirm a deal? Or do you insist on fighting us after your war? I'd happily be your partner and make it a top-disband hat-trick in 2 ages.

  8. #8
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    Funded one conflict one time. 20 million. After the fact said it was wrong and won't do it again. Even apologized. Per usual massive exaggeration by you.

    It is one thing to trade acres for gold (which I'm against btw). It is a totally different matter to give a kingdom hundreds of millions to win a crown.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    Funded one conflict one time. 20 million. After the fact said it was wrong and won't do it again. Even apologized. Per usual massive exaggeration but you
    Was definitely not 20M. And the KD you're playing in right now is funding gc all over the place. I'm not judging, just saying how it is. Or do KDs come to you and offer their land for free while the competition is offering gc for it? Bar that logic, I simply know of so many cases where you funded conflicts in the last 2 ages.

    So damn ridiculous this BS. Top-KDs have been funding conflicts for as long as I play utopia, and now when CR is on the receiving end of it all the top-whine babies come out and complain? CR itself has funded us so much gc/runes, not just before conflicts but even during conflicts.

  10. #10
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    Again trading small amounts of gold is one thing and I'm still against it. And I am judging when you throw a fight that far out of balance by funding. Considering all of the gold came from my Province or one other one and I monitored it I can tell you for a fact that it was 20m. Also can be verified by the person who took it. Knock it off with the ad hominem arguments and stay on topic.
    Last edited by Pale; 19-10-2016 at 21:52.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    Again trading small amounts of gold is one thing and I'm still against it. And I am judging when you throw a fight that far out of balance by funding.
    Again, CR least of all KDs has ANY grounds on which to complain. They have been the MAIN and MAJOR proponents and beneficiaries of a gc for acres farming system which landed them 3 crowns. That's up to them, and it was a legit way to get their crowns. But at least don't be hypocritical about it and whine when you're on the receiving end of it. This gc farming was all about them not winning, not about TBB winning.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
    Again, CR least of all KDs has ANY grounds on which to complain. They have been the MAIN and MAJOR proponents and beneficiaries of a gc for acres farming system which landed them 3 crowns. That's up to them, and it was a legit way to get their crowns. But at least don't be hypocritical about it and whine when you're on the receiving end of it. This gc farming was all about them not winning, not about TBB winning.
    Had nothing to do with TBB winning and then feeding you to war emeriti?
    BLUE your my boy!

  13. #13
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    We farmed TBB the gc for the b2b after we signed off the age with Em. Before the first comflict TBB stole 15M that we owed them for land. CR QQed so we farmed CR the same on condition theyd be lenient in case of a victory allowing us to farm more land of TBB to war Emeriti. CR didnt and for us that was the (dutch) proverbial final drop that flooded the bucket. CR seems to think were their lapdogs. Well. the dog has grown teeth and might bite.

    I think the gc farming is a dumb system, but having observed all the top kds for many ages it seems to best and most efficient way to get land. On top of that it is accepted by all as well so relatively low risk.

    2 ages ago Div gave land + gc to Pandas so Pandas had a shot at the crown.

    Please let a KD come forth here that has whored in the last 5 ages and hasnt done gc deals.

    Im also fine agreeing with the other whoring kds for the next age to make land for gc an offense.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
    We farmed TBB the gc for the b2b after we signed off the age with Em. Before the first comflict TBB stole 15M that we owed them for land. CR QQed so we farmed CR the same on condition theyd be lenient in case of a victory allowing us to farm more land of TBB to war Emeriti. CR didnt and for us that was the (dutch) proverbial final drop that flooded the bucket. CR seems to think were their lapdogs. Well. the dog has grown teeth and might bite.

    I think the gc farming is a dumb system, but having observed all the top kds for many ages it seems to best and most efficient way to get land. On top of that it is accepted by all as well so relatively low risk.

    2 ages ago Div gave land + gc to Pandas so Pandas had a shot at the crown.

    Please let a KD come forth here that has whored in the last 5 ages and hasnt done gc deals.

    Im also fine agreeing with the other whoring kds for the next age to make land for gc an offense.
    Fair enough then. If you had already signed a deal with emeriti prior to the gc farming then CR should have organised their own gc farming. If the gc farming happened first and you just happened to get caught well..... Try not to get caught next time (:
    BLUE your my boy!

  15. #15
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    CR can and should complain about whatever the **** they want to complain about. Just like KDs that double hostile complain about double hostile, and KDs that used to FW would complain about FWs, and KDs that used gbp to raise banks would complain about gbp to raise banks.

    There is no double standard you can call out because no standard exists to begin with. Everything is situational and everybody is a hypocrite.

    I don't know how you thought farming out 300mil gc to TBB was going to fly with CR, but boys have to become men eventually I guess...

    And @ Consigning the age to Emeriti - literally the biggest pussy move. Its been explained that the reasoning was 'better a lost age then a lost age and war', but if Spartans is so feminine and delicate that its going to fall to shambles over a loss then maybe you should rethink charting.

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