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Thread: #5 land vs #42 land?

  1. #16
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    I'm not accusing anyone of FW or **** playing. Just wanted to know what's up ;)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    They robbed up to 40m worth of gc during my war prep this age just from my prov alone... it's like the new silly pink ghetto cats all over again
    Pulse (Leadership) -> BiO (Leader) -> BeastBlood -> FREEAKSTYLE -> BeastBlood

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    I told Emeriti that " I AM NOT COMPETING WITH YOU FOR THE CROWN, being 2nd is GOOD enough"
    On the other hand, I am telling the rest I am one of the 3 CROWN CONTENDERS
    Last edited by JusticeLeague; 14-11-2016 at 04:15. Reason: Soon, another 60k acres to go...

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    wel sayd. goodluc

  5. #20
    I like to post MyNameIsMatija's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by JusticeLeague View Post
    I told Emeriti that " I AM NOT COMPETING WITH YOU FOR THE CROWN, being 2nd is GOOD enough"
    On the other hand, I am telling the rest I am one of the 3 CROWN CONTENDERS
    Yes, Spartans are not competing for the crown with Emeriti anymore. Nice suggestive way of putting that though Mr. Feint. Keep at it and we can think of a name for your signature posting style.
    Age 65 - FreeakStyle - FeyrPlay Alliance Win - Dwarves Stole My Bike
    Age 66 - FreeakStyle - #1 Honor & Warring Kingdom - Making FS Great Again
    Age 67 - BeastBlood - #1 Honor Human(Prince) - Steve from Walmart
    Age 68 - BeastBlood ft OldSchool - #1 Honor Kingdom & Avian - We Are All Feyr
    Age 69 - Ancient Spartans - #1 Kingdom in The History of Utopia - Clever Use of Words
    Age 70 - Ancient Spartans - #1 Land(25325 acres) & NW Faery - Spartan of Redeeming Qualities

  6. #21
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    any updates from the involved parties?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise View Post
    any updates from the involved parties?
    Yeah, i like turtles.

  8. #23
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    .. and there I was thinking you liked Ducks!

    Monarch of Noobs (please be advised, not Ruthless. I got like 5-6 players from that group)
    Anyway, we stole gc (about 20-25 mil? .. I mean, the guy had 25 mil before we stole, not sure how that adds up to 40 mil claimed by Baka though ... in PM they claimed we stole 100 mil). They said pay it back or we raze. I told them he should take a hike. "top" kingdoms hit my kingdom all age long, the moment we steal they whiney? Nothing happened the next week (we didnt steal any more), then they opened up with a full raze wave on us. Considering I have a bad back, I dont bend over really well. So we retaliated with razes. They capped meter, we were at about 120 points or so. They ceased this for a few hours, I offered a CF thinking both sides had made their point. Same tick they continue with razes. They did another full raze wave. We capped the meter and are now riding out the age, sadly 7 days is the maximum war time, but the age cant last that much longer now can it?

  9. #24
    Post Fiend
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    Nov 2015
    Age might last longer than that, but just enjoy it I guess!

  10. #25
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by NighT View Post
    .. and there I was thinking you liked Ducks!

    Monarch of Noobs (please be advised, not Ruthless. I got like 5-6 players from that group)
    Anyway, we stole gc (about 20-25 mil? .. I mean, the guy had 25 mil before we stole, not sure how that adds up to 40 mil claimed by Baka though ... in PM they claimed we stole 100 mil). They said pay it back or we raze. I told them he should take a hike. "top" kingdoms hit my kingdom all age long, the moment we steal they whiney? Nothing happened the next week (we didnt steal any more), then they opened up with a full raze wave on us. Considering I have a bad back, I dont bend over really well. So we retaliated with razes. They capped meter, we were at about 120 points or so. They ceased this for a few hours, I offered a CF thinking both sides had made their point. Same tick they continue with razes. They did another full raze wave. We capped the meter and are now riding out the age, sadly 7 days is the maximum war time, but the age cant last that much longer now can it?
    Actually according to SN, you made 17 razes wave and then offered CF few hours later (FS didn't hit you in meantime). You expect them to accept CF after 17 razes wave? (actually 23 attacks if i calc 6 more attacks that were done 2h before wave)
    Last edited by Dean21; 14-11-2016 at 14:58.
    Dopefiends - They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast

  11. #26
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I was worried you might say that ;p

    Our highest wpa kingdom wide is like 2 raw though, so we're done this age anyway. WPA takes stupidly long to regen regardless. Besides, screw them. They picked this fight, now they can enjoy the full seven days worth of it ;-)

  12. #27
    Post Fiend
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    Sep 2008
    Doubt they care this close to end of the age knowing they were going to cap the meter regardless.
    Original wearer of the Raikonhat

  13. #28
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    @Raikon, I guess you have a point there. Oh well, two not caring kingdoms going at it then. Although one of the two sides is quite obviously taking the not caring to a whole new level .. Made our age though xD

    Alas, the once proud province of Its seize the throne has collapsed and lies in ruins.

  14. #29
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I imagine there is a difference between not caring about eoa vs boredom. Now for both sides it's more entertaining than sitting around playing with themselves.
    Original wearer of the Raikonhat

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    There were 2 separate occassions (that I am aware of) within the course of 1 week that multiple provs (including monarch) from your kingdom dropped one of our attackers gc 80-90%. Going from say 25 Mill gc to 3 Mill gc. We left it alone while we were preparing for war, but after that fell through (thanks Sparta) we decided that your actions required retaliation.

    There is etiquette in stealing from large kd's with lots of gc. All of our attackers were around the same gc and tpa level, so instead of robbing 80-90% of one provinces gc.. just do a couple ops on each prov... that way you dont entirely destroy the prep of one prov. Absolutely destroying one provinces prep is just rude (if you expect no retaliation). If you took like 5% of 10 of our provinces gold, we would be a lot less upset than completely emptying out one of our provs.. that means to prepare for war we have to aid them up to be ready, destroying their trade balance, and hurting their effectiveness in receiving aid in war.

    We're just riding out the age, so we don't care if you delay it the rest of the age lol. dealer's choice, but you reap what you sow.

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