Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
Just to keep the other thread on-topic. I have nfi what ur talking about but it must all be recent enough to be relevant!
Ofcourse it's not recent enough to be "relevant", abs died a whole bunch of ages ago and what they're talking about is even longer back than that.

But yes they did. Abs would always make sure that cf's expired staggered so that a kd would be forced to fight whichever cf expired first and then they all took turns vulturing. It's why Anri tried the whole "notice everybody" thing, of course that blew up in his face which was to be expected given that it's Abs we're talking about and ****playing was often the norm, just look at the whole AMA v Sanct & Havoc mess, that's where the absolutely retarded 24h of no hits == no active conflict comes from.