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Thread: A New Utopia Guide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    A New Utopia Guide

    Greetings Everyone!

    As we have mentioned, we want to provide a better and more inviting new user experience to Utopia. We hope to achieve part of this with an actual Guide that explains the different areas within the game.

    We are looking for support from you, the community, with our endeavor to create the best guide possible that will instill the notion of intrigue and lure all who may visit our great world of Utopia to stay forever and ever and help us build up an ever stronger community of competitive users.

    For those of you who may not have played Utopia in it's early days, I encourage you to visit The Dragon Portal and familiarize yourself with the guides that the original Utopia user base had at it's disposal. There was no Wiki, just the guide in all it's glory.

    My initial thought is that I would like to present a guide in similar fashion. We want to intrigue our new users with creative narratives that will spark their imagination with passion for honor and glory! We also want to weave in subtle hints of mechanics and strategy throughout our narratives so that we educate while we entertain!

    If anyone would like to contribute and for more details, please contact us at:

    We would like to offer rewards to those that contribute. A more detailed list of actual rewards will come soon however, among other things, top contributors will be given the opportunity to weigh in on race/personality/mechanic changes with the developers for next age! Collaborators will have their names (alias) printed on each guide section and forever etch your mark in the history of Utopia.
    Last edited by DavidC; 06-08-2017 at 02:15.

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