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Thread: Trump 2016

  1. #526

  2. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin'Birds View Post
    My god... You need to do the same. It's a fact. Not a opinion. The roles of republican and democrats have swapped over the years. There is no denying it.
    Sure. The racist south who were democrats back then suddenly switched parties and became The party stances changed, not the people.
    Wtf does planned parenthood have to do with the issue. How many KKK members identify themselves as democrat? Lol!
    You do understand that the kkk doesn't even really exist anymore right. They have like 3k members and is more of a retail organization trying to make money off trinkets then actual rasicm or terrorism.

    Planned parent hood is a good example of Democrats racist agenda. Allowing illegal immigrants to remain and be slave labor for the rich is another. How about welfare programs that create dependency on the government, instead of incentives to actually work. Insures you keep voting for Democrats who keep the free stuff coming right? Basically everything Democrats sell is a lie to stay in power. Do you really think people like Hillary Clinton gives a **** about anyone in the USA besides herself.

    Finally who said parties switched sides? The Democrat party, the media or who? I understand Democrats where smart and infiltrated and control the education system to brain wash people. Honestly it worked and is the only reason the Democrats have a party anymore. But eventually people grow up and get into the real world and figure out what there selling is bull****.

  3. #528
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    Last edited by brandonc204; 11-10-2018 at 07:08.

  4. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandonc204 View Post
    as long as he thinks middle america is ok with it.
    Agreed with everything until right there. Middle America probably didn't appreciate mortgage rates going up for home owners. Obamacare is approved by most Americans (and Trump's response is 'No you don't').

    Trump does what Trump thinks he should do, which might not be such a bad quality, if Trump's biggest source of information wasn't Fox News and he didn't consider himself to the leading expert in whatever field he happens to be talking about at the time (and I really wish I was exaggerating that)

  5. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    You do understand that the kkk doesn't even really exist anymore right. They have like 3k members and is more of a retail organization trying to make money off trinkets then actual rasicm or terrorism.

    Planned parent hood is a good example of Democrats racist agenda. Allowing illegal immigrants to remain and be slave labor for the rich is another. How about welfare programs that create dependency on the government, instead of incentives to actually work. Insures you keep voting for Democrats who keep the free stuff coming right? Basically everything Democrats sell is a lie to stay in power. Do you really think people like Hillary Clinton gives a **** about anyone in the USA besides herself.

    Finally who said parties switched sides? The Democrat party, the media or who? I understand Democrats where smart and infiltrated and control the education system to brain wash people. Honestly it worked and is the only reason the Democrats have a party anymore. But eventually people grow up and get into the real world and figure out what there selling is bull****.
    The KKK most certainly still exist and identify themselves with the republican party. 60% of planned parenthood clinics are in white dominated communities. You think planned parenthood is still about racisim?
    The whole point of this is things change over time. It's why that meme is silly and wrong. Sure the party names are the same but that is all that is the same.
    I will take the time to point out that racisim is not limited to one party or another.
    At one time both parties had conservative, moderate and liberal wings. As republican policy stances became more conservative the liberal wings shifted to the democrats. As the democrats become more liberal the conservatives in the party shifted to the republicans. It why now we have the conservative right and the liberal left with moderates stuck in between.
    Their policies changed. Has nothing to do with 'the media'.
    Republican led states recieve more in government subsidies than democratic led states. That is a fact that you can easily check for yourself if you were so inclined. But you wont because it wont fit your flawed narrative.
    When it come to lies neither party can claim the higher ground. That is politics reguardless of party. But if you want to go there Trump tops them all reguardless of party when it comes to lies. Again, a easy fact to check.
    Early republicans were for the public education system. Another fact you can look up but won't.
    The only bull**** being sold here is your opinion.
    Last edited by Swirvin'Birds; 01-03-2017 at 01:52.

  6. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandonc204 View Post
    Obviously I disagreed with you earlier, but I do not presume to understand you background or education level or degrade your opinion. Background means everything in political views.

    You are correct in that the republican party under Lincoln and early in its existence was concerned with expanding federal power. The modern republican part is interested in limiting the size of the federal government at all costs, paying down the national debt, and generally keeping the federal government out of peoples everyday lives. (How successfully these have happened is another argument entirely) The democrats have generally taken up the banner of big government, to support the programs they like.

    Notice I also never said anything about Trump. Trump won the White House, but I never said he was a true, traditionalist conservative. Trump does whatever he thinks is best, as long as he thinks middle america is ok with it. (Whether his ideas are good or bad is another argument as well)
    Don't worry, I only have a AAS in Fisheries and Aquaculture. But I have always been a history buff and tend to search for knowlege on the subject. Especially before I go around posting about it. If I could roll the clock back about 30 years I think I would have enjoyed a history degree more.
    The problem with Trump is he has never shown to have good judgement when you dig into his past. Trump only cares about Trump.
    Last edited by Swirvin'Birds; 01-03-2017 at 01:58.

  7. #532
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    Last edited by brandonc204; 11-10-2018 at 07:08.

  8. #533
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    Last edited by brandonc204; 11-10-2018 at 07:09.

  9. #534
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    I think it's much more simple than that. Too many Americans have the idea ingrained in them that social services are the devil and that capitalism is the answer to everything.

    You can either make money or you can ensure that your citizens are getting their health taken care of (and its being paid for). You can't have both. The health of your citizens can't act as a profit center.

  10. #535
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    ohhh my favorite argument of all...Let's battle our National Debt! How about let's not. Us having a debt means that others have confidence in us, it also means that it is in their best interest that we do well. A debt at national level can not be called, so it's not like china for example could say "give us all you owe us or we'll enslave you all and take your lands".
    It's just one of those propaganda words they use , and in this case both major parties use it, to make it sound like there isn't enough to go around, there is. They use it whenever it's time to decide over social security benefits, medicare etc to keep people peacefully quiet about cuts.

  11. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandonc204 View Post
    No worries. I only meant that personal experiences, what part of the country you are from, and chosen path in life greatly influence political leanings. History is fun stuff. If it paid a decent wage, I think I would have chosen it as a career path as well.
    Totally agree. Fun part is I am born and rasied in Washington state with a Texan mother and am now (for 20 years this July) married to a Louisiana girl. Absolutely adore my southern family but when it comes to politics we don't see eye to eye.
    When I was in the Army and lived in Temple Texas for 4 years everyone watched Fox News and if you turned on AM radio for political discussions about all you had available was Rush Limbaugh and he was everywhere.
    In some sense we are brainwashed without even realizing it as we are exposed to and surround ourselves with nothing else.

  12. #537
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    It is sad and concerning ... but im pretty sure King Trump is an affiliate of the kkk...
    Live long and prosper

  13. #538
    Post Fiend kendy's Avatar
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    live the dream

    This is all very simple. Republicans want to kill the middle class and have been trying to do so since FDR and the "New Deal". The global mega rich no longer need Americas "middle class" to buy their ****. All countries now have some size of a middle class.

    Fox Noise channel is owned by a foreign national from Australia and Rupert Murdoch only cares about tax breaks for Billionaires. NOTHING ELSE. He wants to take all his profits back down under. He uses his media to poison the white bigots all over America, not just the south. Taxes are what made America GREAT. We paid our way. Not leaving an ever increasing debt for our children.

    The fascist far right Republicans use this propaganda much like Hitler used his. They say social help is communism. The truth is far more easy

    George Bush 41 raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans to pay for the first gulf war. The Clintons continued this and America went into the healthiest economy EVER in American history. Everybody had a job because of federal subsidies. What are government jobs? Police, Fire, EMS, Teachers and Admins, Grants to states to build and maintain roads bridges and electric lines. Plus the military. Not just local, state and federal civil servants.
    All these jobs lead to private sector jobs. These government employees spend their money on homes, cars, education, electronics, appliances etc etc etc supporting MILLIONS of private sector jobs.

    Rupert Murdoch, the Koch bros and billionaires of that ilk don't care about the middle class but their propaganda obfuscates their real agenda and the white racist middle class eats it up.

    If federal funded health care sux so bad why does Congress keep theirs? All members of the Senate,House, and Judiciary should get rid of their federal health care also.

    All this is caused by one thing and one thing only. Negros, and Mexicans don't vote. As I said in my opening it is so very simple. White Americans vote, minorities do not.

    So you science deniers live the dream of Trump. The Earth is flat, There is no global warming, And the Moon landing was filmed in Arizona. Live it, be it, swallow it.

    lol@Palem: tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more
    Last edited by kendy; 23-03-2017 at 23:12. Reason: lol

  14. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by kendy View Post
    Negros, and Mexicans don't vote.

  15. #540
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    see the wood through the trees palem, why undermine his message?

    I disagree that its the white middle class that eat it up though, I think its the working class - who were probably denied an equal opportunity at a good education and turned on 'the ambitious society' because of it.
    Last edited by FATstrat; 23-03-2017 at 22:42.

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