I wanted to announce that we have created a tool for developers. This tool has been created in particular for third-party targetfinders to operate more efficiently, without stressing the Utopia servers. As a result, we are going to be banning any targetfinders found running that scrape the Utopia kingdom pages.
The tool updates every 15 minutes (but offset from the tick, so at 5, 20, 35, and 50 minutes into the hour), and contains the following information:
Number of provinces
Kingdom name
Kingdom Land
Kingdom NW
Kingdom honor
Province name
Protection status
Honor Rank (e.g. lord, baron -- not the numerical value)
If you would like access to the tool, reach out to us at ChristianM@Utopia-Game.com, and tell us who you are and what you intend to use it for. We will only deny access if you are banned for play violations or past activities. We look forward to hearing what kinds of resources players will make from this data -- I'm particularly excited to hear about what potential tools other than targetfinders might come from access to this information!
If you have thoughts about additional resources you'd like us to provide you, feel free to reach out as well. We are working on providing additional information to extension developers to enable easier aggregation of province data.