Quote Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
This flogger bashing has gone on long enough.

I am a peer, flogger is f**king good, very good and I know this first hand from competing against him for 10+ years.

Being good everyday and every age also depends on activity and motivation. I can relate to flogger on this, I haven't been as good as I used to be either, I am no longer in school and do not have the same activity nor motivation. It's hard to turn it on and keep it turned on.

Anyone trying to say otherwise is misguided.

Without flogger this war would have gone much differently
Flogger bashing will go on as long as he keeps claiming **** he can't back up with in-game actions.

So you competed against him for 10 years and now play alongside him? That sorta explains most of his stance during the age (continuously botch conflicts, give hilariously good deals to Emeriti, standing up for ASF, trying to convince his own KD to surrender so Emeriti can win the age).

Without Flogger this war would've gone way worse for Emeriti because first of all BB would've just creamed them or taxed them in YR4, and secondly BB wouldn't have ****ed up by giving up button with a raze-wave into an avian/tact KD.

I'm not a peer, I wouldn't know what I'd do with one either. I'm peerless simply put. And all the evidence I have before me from the last 10 ages points toward Flogger not being good at all, not being able to properly lead any KD, and simply relying on good people around him to hold his hand and talk him out of even graver errors.