TVK 71 Age of Compensation
The Virtual Kingdom is a template with particular rules in place to explore both limits and possibilities. By limiting the wiggle room in racial and personality choice the endeavor is to spark player ingenuity. We want the most from the kingdoms we occupy, but tunnel vision and presumption can sometimes lead to failure.
Oftentimes leaders will assume a direction that the kingdom may not be able to accomplish. Environments can change and a kingdom may find itself faced with challenges the strat was not designed to meet. In knowing this, the age 71 Virtual Kingdom features more compensating builds than in ages past.
We all know the avian cleric is an exceptional build this age, but depriving orcs of sustain and the greater protection spell seemed an unnecessary sacrifice. Greater protection is a redundant spell for avian and they do suffer a -10% in the gains department. What's is gained is a more balanced attacking core that makes for higher overall offense and defensive potential. The reality that avians can practically run full elites hasn't gone unnoticed on my part, but I also didn't want avians that "range out" given their intended purpose.
One reason you don't see orcs stacked with warrior in The Virtual Kingdom 71 is because it's pretty much a given that the higher offense attackers can break t/ms somewhat easier than in ages past. Thus, more attention was given to overall core speed and defensive prowess.
There are two undead war heroes as a nod to player choice and undeniable utility, but my instincts led me to reserve one undead as sage. Again, this is a compensatory build with an eye for the tougher opponents that will exploit undead weaknesses. Certain builds will be chopped down in war so we owe it to ourselves to create situations where the enemy must think about who they target. We want the enemy to waste resources in finding the weaknesses if possible.
Parts of the kingdom do indeed stack features that might be less spectacular on a different race. The first question I ask when building dwarves is "gold dragon?" If the answer is "oh crap!" then you might be wise to strat otherwise. We want the dwarves to be integral to economy and armed conflict. Free builds is a critically important feature not just to dwarves but kingdom flexibility. We don't want enemies to be able to answer the dragon question in 5 seconds. Elf tactician and elf cleric both feature compensation in their build. The cool part is that these odd elf builds can find themselves standing through long war.
While I find rogue the most dominating personality of the age I chose to regard them more as targets. I could've easily incorporated rogue as a 4 banger personality but I chose cleric because I've withstood the onslaught of sabotage as an elf cleric and come through. This is as much a romantic choice and not quite strategically sound on the surface. That said, I can say that elf cleric out of war is a sturdy build. I've seen many waves and rocketed off the turn(my turn). Rogue is absolute gold this age so it is a better decision for most, just not me. I like to look at attackers as an attacker at heart. If that doesn't make sense, roll an elf cleric and find the sweetspots like I have. GS, WT, elites and a fascination for challenge pretty much got me anywhere I wanted to go.