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Thread: CF accepting/breaking abuse

  1. #1
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    CF accepting/breaking abuse

    I think if a CF is accepted in order to stop hostile ops on you you should not be able to cancel it out by simple accepting and then breaking thus going back to default normal relations, this abuse needs to be addressed.

    I don't have a solution for this, maybe if they do the meter doesn't change if the CF is accepted/broken within the same hour, but if a kd is pounding another kd and feeding off them and refuses to accept CF then only accepts after they have hostile ops on them and then just break it they can effectively go back to pounding the kd again, and if said kd can't defend themselves this is a highly unacceptable and a rather nasty/cowardly/bullying way for a kd to act.

    Yes this is a strategy game but if you have new players getting pounded and unable to progress in any significant way any wonder we can't keep hold of new players who just quit playing all the while the game itself struggles to grow in numbers to keep the game alive!!!

  2. #2
    I like to post
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    Mar 2016
    Solution: Don't hold an open CF without proper diplo.

  3. #3
    Post Fiend
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    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
    Solution: Don't hold an open CF without proper diplo.
    touché! But I guess it depends on a monarchs diplo skills, clearly in this incident could have been better.

    But i still think that the meter should not be cancelled by a simple accept/break of CF, especially if it's instant accept/break, this needs to be reassessed and maybe make it so the meter stays the same if this is done and just decays normally, but I guess all the bully kds would scream at this suggestion.

  4. #4
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Maybe there should be a delay at least so people that just want to reset the meter will get screwed over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    What's the argument against allowing the parties to set in game the length of the cf?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    They need to be breakable to be able to police abuses that aren't deletion worthy~

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andurilas View Post
    What's the argument against allowing the parties to set in game the length of the cf?
    The argument would be that people are allowed to lie to each other and engage in any form of cooperation they choose.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffT View Post
    The argument would be that people are allowed to lie to each other and engage in any form of cooperation they choose.
    How about having it so that either kd can break the cf but they will lose 20% of their honour (or some other penalty) if they do.

  9. #9
    Sir Postalot Ordray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanth_ View Post
    How about having it so that either kd can break the cf but they will lose 20% of their honour (or some other penalty) if they do.
    That seems a bit excessive unless there's a time window on it. If I cf a KD at the start of the age, then why should I lose honor for breaking it 8 weeks later? Maybe lose say 10% if canceled withing 48 hours.
    Retired at one time but no longer retired.

  10. #10
    Sir Postalot
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfric View Post
    I think if a CF is accepted in order to stop hostile ops on you you should not be able to cancel it out by simple accepting and then breaking thus going back to default normal relations, this abuse needs to be addressed.

    I don't have a solution for this, maybe if they do the meter doesn't change if the CF is accepted/broken within the same hour, but if a kd is pounding another kd and feeding off them and refuses to accept CF then only accepts after they have hostile ops on them and then just break it they can effectively go back to pounding the kd again, and if said kd can't defend themselves this is a highly unacceptable and a rather nasty/cowardly/bullying way for a kd to act.

    Yes this is a strategy game but if you have new players getting pounded and unable to progress in any significant way any wonder we can't keep hold of new players who just quit playing all the while the game itself struggles to grow in numbers to keep the game alive!!!
    What is the word abuse doing in the topic?

  11. #11
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    What is the word abuse doing in the topic?
    At the time of posting we were being bullied by another kd refusing to accept CF, they only accepted after we started hostile ops and then broke it thus cancelling hostilities meter back to normal! It was literally accepted and immediately broken and we no longer had hostile ops available to us so they could start all over again, fortunately they haven't partly because we eventually went fortified.

  12. #12
    Sir Postalot
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    So you made a mistake?

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
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    100% agree that accepting then breaking a CF should not restart the hostility meter. i was in a ghetto where something similar happened at it makes no sense that a 10 second CF would remove a kingdoms ability to effectively retaliate with ops.

    DV to address this.

  14. #14
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    What is the word abuse doing in the topic?
    Using the cf in a way it wasn't intended. It wasn't for clearing the meter hence it's abuse.

  15. #15
    Post Fiend
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    Alaska USA
    I say there should be limits on CF's.
    Breaking CF should auto-raise relations to War relation level
    CF's only last for 3 days
    Every time you CF a particular KD the relation meter decay slows for the age.
    Breaking CF will give 10% of your (prov) and attacked prov combined honor.

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