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Thread: Trump brings the US yet another step towards becoming a Bana

  1. #61
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin'Birds View Post
    I would say it's you that doesn't understand the power of the POTUS and what damage he can do. The President does not have the power to make the investigation stop. That is obstruction of justice. Think Nixon would like to have a word with you. Sure he might not be offically charged but he most certainly would be impeached.
    I would ask you the same question. Where is your anger since your soo upset with the Chelsea Manning deal? You know, the lady that leaked secrets to Wikileaks... The same Wikileaks that leaked the Clinton e-mails that you praised the leakers for? Besides wtf does Manning have to do with Trump and how do you know we were not upset with the decision? We sure as hell were not talking anout it.
    Just made up noise? Lol... Oh your killing me here... To funny. Yea, it's all just make believe...
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.

  2. #62
    Postaholic DonJuan's Avatar
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    your such a are just a shining example of backwards-thinking moron

    The New York Times

    WASHINGTON — Jack Posobiec had his Twitter sights set on James B. Comey.

    A pro-Trump activist notorious for his amateur sleuthing into red herrings like the “Pizzagate” hoax and a conspiracy theory involving the murder of a Democratic aide, Mr. Posobiec wrote on May 17 that Mr. Comey, the recently ousted F.B.I. director, had “said under oath that Trump did not ask him to halt any investigation.”

    It mattered little that Mr. Comey had said no such thing. The tweet quickly ricocheted through the ecosystem of fake news and disinformation on the far right, where Trump partisans like Mr. Posobiec have intensified their efforts to sow doubt about the legitimacy of expanding investigations into Trump associates’ ties to Russia.

    But as the journey of that one tweet shows, misinformed, distorted and false stories are gaining traction far beyond the fringes of the internet. Just 14 words from Mr. Posobiec’s Twitter account would spread far enough to provide grist for a prime-time Fox News commentary and a Rush Limbaugh monologue that reached millions of listeners, forging an alternative first draft of history in corners of the conservative media where President Trump’s troubles are often explained away as fabrications by his journalist enemies.

    In this fragmented media environment, the spread of false information is accelerated and amplified by a web of allied activist-journalists with large online followings, a White House that grants them access and, occasionally, a president who validates their work. The right-wing media machine that President Bill Clinton’s aides once referred to as “conspiracy commerce” is now far more mature, extensive and, in the internet age, tough to counter.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.
    Since he isn't being investigated he did nothing wrong? Really?
    He isn't pardoning or persecuting anyone... He was trying to infuence a federal investigation into memebers of his staff.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.
    I don't think you know what "liberals" means. You don't need to be a liberal to oppose President Trump. A large fraction of conservatives also oppose his actions, that does not make them liberals. While a President has many powers, he has also given an oath to serve , protect and act in the best interest of the People of the United States of America.

  5. #65
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    I have not seen one bad policy for America come out of the White House. As a small business owner I thank God Trump is in office. Obama was crushing us with Regulations, trade agreements, tax, electric bills, Obama care. Trump already fixed most of those and I can breath again.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    I have not seen one bad policy for America come out of the White House. As a small business owner I thank God Trump is in office. Obama was crushing us with Regulations, trade agreements, tax, electric bills, Obama care. Trump already fixed most of those and I can breath again.
    Tell me. What is your business and how many employees do you have?
    Funny... Trump hasn't passed anything yet. He has his plan but nothing has taken effect yet. Sounds like bull**** to me...
    Forbes on Obama... The same Forbes that loves Trumps tax proposal. 'Naturally, the current economic climate is not without peril. However, the past few years of the Obama Administration have been prosperous ones for entrepreneurs on a number of measures. It is why Americans continue to dream big and why foreigners seek to come here to pursue the American Dream of business ownership.'

  7. #67
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Sigh you obviously don't understand the power of the President.
    Given that arrogant condescending attitude I will assume that erroneous parts of your post is intentional and a malicious attempt to obfuscate the facts

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    President can pardon anyone he wants to.
    Wow! already your first LIE! Your track record isn't starting out too well.
    The President cannot pardon anybody he wants to. He can only pardon offences "against the United States" this means that he cannot pardon anybody convicted in a state court as that would be a crime against that state, he also cannot pardon anybody convicted in civil court. It's also further established in the constitution that the President cannot pardon impeachments. So no, the President cannot pardon anybody he wants to, to say other wise is a LIE, and because you claim superior knowledge you're obviously not merely ignorant, you're actively attempting to spread lies.

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    If President Trump wanted to pardon Flynn he could with a stroke of the pen.
    Yes he could, but impeachments can be appealed to the Supreme Court and if the President used his pardon power in a manner which is questionable we will likely see those pardons appealed to SCOTUS and then SCOTUS might place limits on that pardon power as it has before when SCOTUS established that a pardoned individual can refuse the pardon. So while yes he can pardon Flynn it's not certain that any such pardon would stand.

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Just like Obama did for the Traiter Chelsea Manning. Who was tried and convicted Traitor in a court of law.
    Again you LIE. Chelsea Manning was never charged with treason and she was cleared of the charge against her for "Aiding the Enemy" which is the UCMJ equivalent of treason. Thus she is explicitly not a traitor despite whatever else she was sentenced for(espionage amongst others).

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Where was your outrage?
    Personally I think that the pardon was appropriate because I think that the Chelsea Manning should have had legal immunity as a whistle-blower to at least some of the convictions. Because I think that the greater good was served here by leaking the war crimes committed by the US Military which otherwise would never have been made known to the public. The real outrage here is that the Apache crew was not really punished and they never had to stand before the ICC charged of war crimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Anyways Trump is the head of every single federal agency in the government, including the FBI. If he wanted to he has the power to call the entire investigation off.
    Yes Agent Orange is the head of every federal agency and yes he has the power to instruct how those agencies works, for example he could instruct the FBI to not pursue petty drug charges as Obama did, that would be a correct use of his power. But bloody no he cannot corruptly instruct an agency to drop an investigation because it reflects badly on him. That's a textbook case of obstruction of justice and even Fu*kface von Clownstick is not above the law.

    Quote Originally Posted by 18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally
    Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavours to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate, in the discharge of his duty, or injures any such grand or petit juror in his person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or injures any such officer, magistrate judge, or other committing magistrate in his person or property on account of the performance of his official duties, or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavours to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
    The President has no special exemption from this crime and could face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty of this crime for which he is now being investigated for by the special prosecutor Robert Muller.

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    But he doesn't because he has nothing to hide.
    So why is he at every turn acting like he's got something to hide. If he had nothing to hide he would just have stayed the bloody hell away from the Russia investigation. But no he had to use his tiny hands to go and meddle in it, which makes it seem as if he's trying to hide something, even if there's nothing to hide. And the most hilarious outcome in all of this would be if the investigation concluded that Trump knowingly and intentionally tried to obstruct justice but also concluded that there was no collusion or other crime. Because you can be convicted for obstructing justice even if the investigation you were trying to obstruct didn't find any evidence of wrongdoing.

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Sure he could be impeached but you can be impeached for anything, doesn't have to be illegal.
    Nope, you cannot be impeached for anything, you have to be impeached for cause. The only offences the President or the Vice-President can be impeached for is treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours. That's not "anything"

    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Anyways it's all just made up noise.
    Nope, it's not, if it was the President would just have ignored it and let everything settle down, but no he had to go and grab the investigation by the pussy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin'Birds View Post
    Since he isn't being investigated he did nothing wrong? Really?
    Well it doesn't really matter because now Agent Orange is officially under investigation. But yeah handofthrawn doesn't seem to understand the very simple fact that just because you're not currently under investigation doesn't mean that you did nothing wrong or it cannot change. It just means that the current evidence doesn't point to you doing anything wrong, Flynn asked for immunity because "he had a story to tell" and the only way that he's ever getting immunity is if he flips on somebody higher up, maybe somebody like... Babyfingers McDrumpf.

    Last edited by Elldallan; 15-06-2017 at 12:06.
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  8. #68
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    So under your logic Bernie Sanders is responsible for the actions of anyone connected to his campaign? The guy that tried to assassinate Republicans at the baseball practice? Democrats really have went off the deep end. Obama administration actually broke the law according to Comey and the most Trump did was make him feel uneasy. Anyways Trump 2020 predicting a landslide. ;)

  9. #69
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    So under your logic Bernie Sanders is responsible for the actions of anyone connected to his campaign? The guy that tried to assassinate Republicans at the baseball practice? Democrats really have went off the deep end. Obama administration actually broke the law according to Comey and the most Trump did was make him feel uneasy. Anyways Trump 2020 predicting a landslide. ;)
    Nice strawman, I never said anything that can even remotely be interpreted to mean that. if you think I did then you're delusional and should check yourself into a mental ward right now.
    But yeah, if Bernie Sanders colluded with this guy to attempt to murder a bunch of Republicans and then tried to use his power as Presid... oh right Bernie Sanders isn't the President, a complete retard is so there goes that theory.
    And before you say that the Obama administration broke the law then you have to prove that Obama or any of his senior people where in on it. If all Lynch did was suggest that Comey call it an 'issue' instead of an investigation then that's inappropriate but hardly criminal. And the rest was locked behind a closed door session.
    Did the Short-Fingered Vulgarian do more than make Comey uncomfortable? Only Robert Muller knows that right now, no doubt Comey held much back in order to not cause trouble for Muller's investigation.
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  10. #70
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    Only crazy people accuse the president of the United States of America of stuff with zero evidence. Fyi only democrats are claiming ptsd over the election. Lol

  11. #71
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Only crazy people accuse the president of the United States of America of stuff with zero evidence.
    Which accusation with zero evidence would that be? The fact that the Trump campaign is under investigation for colluding with a foreign power or that F*ckface von Clownstick obstructed justice?
    Because in neither of those cases are there "zero evidence", in fact in both of them there seems to be a boatload of evidence.
    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Fyi only democrats are claiming ptsd over the election. Lol
    Eh? I have no idea wtf you're ranting about now.
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  12. #72
    Post Fiend Crystopher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Only crazy people accuse the president of the United States of America of stuff with zero evidence. Fyi only democrats are claiming ptsd over the election. Lol
    So I guess that makes many conservatives/Republicans and Trump himself crazy? I mean, they did accuse Obama of being a Muslim and of not being born in the U.S.

  13. #73
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystopher View Post
    So I guess that makes many conservatives/Republicans and Trump himself crazy? I mean, they did accuse Obama of being a Muslim and of not being born in the U.S.
    Yes historically Agent Orange has definitely had significant issues with the simple act of telling the truth. So everybody is better off to not take his word for anything
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  14. #74
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    US politics is getting nuts. The news doesn't report the news anymore, just partisan political rheroric, and our politicians are all crooks. Sure Trump's a crook, so is Hilary, Bill, Bernie, Bush, McCain. ..... ALL of them. Politicians worldwide in fact are a parasitic entity. Just look at how mid east politicians twist Islam and chinese politicians have protesters run over with tanks.
    Long live Mehul!

  15. #75
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    Seriously I find all of you so amusing and nuts all at the same time. Zero evidence of anything claimed against Trump but you swear he is guilty. Liberals have went off the deep end and good news is you will never win the house, Senate or President again. So keep up the crazy rage just drives more independents towards being Republicans. ;)

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