Quote Originally Posted by Shai View Post
We havent changed anything in our nattative. How many times do I need to say this: We came OOP on 0 offense with soldiers and gc stocked. right OOP we stole gc from inactives with our 2-2.5 tpa that we had on every province, released 500 def specs for more soldiers (those that stole enough gc to retrain 500 def specs to elites on top of their stored soldiers), entered prosperous stance and put between 700-1300 elites in training depending on how much u stole. That made us look like a weak opponent and easy farm OOP, but anyone taking proper intel and doing some maths could figure out we would have 1500 elites 12h later and 2k 24h later and so on. And we had stables, rax and tgs build already so it was clear we would be fight ready after 12h. To us 8:6 seemed like a cocky ghetto thinking they could farm us cause they had offense OOP and we not and they couldnt see 24h ahead. Should we not war someone in range OOP that taunt us because they cant see the long term picture?

We werent afraid to enter war cause we could night strike them to hell right away and hit their all solider inactives after a few hours as offense came in. Its a strategic choice. Nowhere does it say you have to have offense right when you enter war. We had kickass tpa to use right away. We chose a strategy that gave us all elite offense right away (with better econ then going with more spec army). Several kds have used that strategy before OOP, its not news. We were in no hurry to go all off specs and into a slugfest right OOP cause human sages suck at that. Like Coss said. If you know strategy you know the advantages of our choice.
Sounds valid to me.