Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
  • This ****** named Bart continuously ****plays everybody and nobody ever holds him accountable for it afterwards.
  • Octo is now the anti-crown.
  • BB failed for 4 ages to crown, lost 3 of them b2b2b to Emeriti
  • Absalom is back unofficially, consisting of Emeriti, Civil Disobedience, Divinity, and Sleepy
  • Zauper & Hawk bought Utopia (I told you this on Sapp and you read it ******)
  • Zawk can't into changes, literally the worst ideas to ever come out of this game have materialized in their tenure so far.
  • Bart/Sparta crowned last age but because they'd had a fake war earlier in the age, Zawk decreed that individuals and kingdoms found guilty of cheating will have their records expunged from the rankings at EoA, allowing BB to claim a pity crown.
  • Bishop did not retire and you should have figured that out browsing the forums but youre a lazy ****.
  • Mike returned to Utopia - so far all he can do in-game is farm out crowns to friends.
  • Simians crowned in age 71 under the name of Barcoloco (led by cappo and hesus and maugrim) thanks to mike farming out to them.
Simians crowned? Nawwww....