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Thread: Universities, nerfed or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Universities, nerfed or not?

    Hi all,

    Could I get some clarification regarding universities.

    In age 73 final changes it says "Universities - Effects from Universities will be reduced to a maximum reduction of 50%, and the rate of effect will begin at 2.5%"

    But when I check Growth page it has a bracket stating (5%) which I guess means 5% reduction per % university and not 2.5% ?

    Which one is correct?

    As a side note I personally I like it if it remains on 5% since it offers some protection against bully KDs just hammering abducts on us little guys.. (and 2.5% is kinda close to GS 2% which protects scientists + land + resources right?..)

  2. #2
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I have seen others stating similar, also that they cap on Universities is not adjusted as stated there. Not sure if it ever got reported or confirmed as I wasn't able to reach the person. Post #108 here;

    where he says he has 86% protection from universities, according to in-game info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Thank you for the link RattleHead, would be good to get some clarity on it..

  4. #4
    Post Demon
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    Feb 2012
    according to effects it seems to be the same. I got arround 10% for 36% protection and the next % would give 3,56% which seems compartible with last age.

    Maybe an oversight, maybe this will be fixed just like the barrier breaking spell later on.

    Personly I think it was sheduled to be nerfed a bit to much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    The concept of a building to house and hide the old-fellas of the tribe is a stupid one.

    If scientists are too valuable and timely to replace,
    a workaround should be implemented.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Universities 177 15.4% Protect 73.99% of science from enemies (3.86%)

    so. is it this or 50%?

  7. #7
    Post Demon
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    Feb 2012
    the number of 0 abducts against me suggest the old effect is still in place, I do have a few % less, but kingdoms tend to get -30% from hitting my kingdom due to rkdnw, so I'm likely better covered overall.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    This seems to have been missed and will be fixed on the next server maintenance
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  9. #9
    Post Demon
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    damn we really need those 0 abducts to happen, people will not realize that they are doing bad targetting unless they get a whopping nothing from their hits, 1 abducts left unretaliated means the offender gets back later for 1 more. It is easier with landgains when you get 50 acres on a 1500 acre province most would recognize it as a bad idea to hit again.

    The whole point of being able to overprotect your scientists is because the low gb protection generated against mass abducts.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Isnt abducting 1 scientist instead of 6 kinda the same as hitting for 50 acres instead of 300? Both end up being less than optimal hits, but still better than nothing if no better targets present themselves. If you don't want to get abducted, or hit in general, make sure you look too scary to hit. Show them your warface.

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
    Made utopian faeries fly.
    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  11. #11
    Post Demon
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    Feb 2012
    nope I abduct back getting 3-4 and that self same province abduct for another 1 insted of finding a 3-4 abduct elsewhere, or their kingdom fellor tries wasting both my time and military because a lot of players can't do basic target selection.

    Getting 0 on the first try that province will not bother me again even if I retal. I've had players getting back for another 1 abduct after a day or two because we did not retal their first hit and they barely got 1 in the first try, this is why the ability to overprotect your science matters a lot, you can't teach those people that they could have gotten 5-6 scientists with better target selection, but now they wasted time and are down 1 or 2 with the likely senario that they could be retaliated a second time and be down some more.

    Playing in a 5 man kingdom a lot of people try to target us because they think they are not getting retaliated even when we clearly can, so looking scarry is not really possible.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Madchess View Post
    I've had players getting back for another 1 abduct after a day or two because we did not retal their first hit
    There's the problem. If you can retaliate a random hit, retaliate.

    (Do make sure it's a random hit, there aren't negotiations going on and don't give relations like you're taylor swift in need of inspiration for a new album.)
    Last edited by Uhm hoi; 06-09-2017 at 14:11.

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
    Made utopian faeries fly.
    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  13. #13
    Post Demon
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    Feb 2012
    1 abducts are still bad targetting, I get 3 easily from someone arround 50-60, I'm orc so it should be possible for others to atleast get two from most targets.
    Last edited by Madchess; 06-09-2017 at 17:00. Reason: edit, used a word that got sensored so changed to another.

  14. #14
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Honestly, I can't even tell what your argument is, or whether you think Unis should be updated to be 'as advertised,' or remain as they had been last Age.

    For me the logic to reducing their effect is that the Sage bonus is greatly undermined by this. Who needs the extra 30% protection if you can get ~60% protection from like 15% of your acres.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Of course they should work as published in the final changes. The time to debate those changes for this round is over, we can debate them for next round, but now people have picked strats based on the changes posted and it'd be very unfair to everyone who picked a race/persona based on that change if it was published and then not implemented.

    I know the current devs are new at this, but my constructive feedback to them would be to actually do what they promised in the final changes and have it done in time; before a round starts.

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
    Made utopian faeries fly.
    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

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