Quote Originally Posted by sUpeRneBU View Post
This guy is probably in 6:15, whom we both tagged war agreed but war wouldn't happen for another 6 days. 6:15 was told not to random out since we clear tagged war agreed - respect others to be respected. But no, they didn't listen and continue hitting out and got retaliated in return. Emeriti then waved them on the basis that they won't respect War Agreed tag if that kingdom itself didn't. I don't really blame Emeriti for this although I was quite pissed.

6:15 then sent me an ingame msg, that war is off. War is off = cf is off. We then waved them 2 rounds and we entered into EOACF amicably. Not sure why this was brought up again.

P/s: we r not just gonna sit around again when another war gets stolen under our nose again - be it a win or a loss
War agreed does not mean war guaranteed.

If you aren't actually hostile with your target, you don't get to sit there pumping for days and not have other people hit in.

If you want to dealbreak because TBB decided to come OOW with 25% homes 25% banks and 20% arms, and send +4h non anon'd attacks that you conveniently didn't even ambush when 4 ambushes would've killed more troops and gotten you more land than the idiotic hits you did make (You hit out for 230 acres on a guy who you could've ambushed for just as much, AND killed more offense AND only used 1 meter point? Do you expect me to believe you're that bad? Or are you actually that bad.)