Chartshape? Yes! Fakewar? No! Ronin just got lucky. What is interesting is that this farmout resulted out of hate to other top kds that were all busy. Tbh not sure what.s worse ... the farmout itself or the reason ...
For me it looks easy ... TheU hit into a "hostile" ... that was not really a hostile between 2 friendly kds that just had a war and wanted to "b2b". Then the 2 friendly kds double hostiled TheU as I expected. What doesn.t really fitt here is the reasoning for interfering into the friendly b2b ... if they waited rest of top would just santion the 2 friendly wars. No offense to both tbb and ronin, i like both kds but you guys choose the wrong path to the top ... it.s like 2 abs kds would war 2 times in a raw to climb the top ... not nice at all.