On a more serious note. NW gap is now 3M and 30K land, so most of that is empty land really.
We have: 101k acres | 22,046k nw | tpa+wpa+sci 3,757k nw | 324k peons | 1,295k units (+5k solds) | 987k income (173k TOG) | 625k wages | 1,335k gc | 551k runes | 5,700k food
They have: 127k acres | 25,327k nw | tpa+wpa+sci 4,787k nw | 135k peons | 1,430k units (+2k solds) | 697k income (24k TOG) | 688k wages | 1,546k gc | 589k runes | 7,950k food
That's the last update I got!