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Thread: Ronins - notice served

  1. #436
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    Age 73 - The Age of Tricksters and Mischief

    It's obvious who the winner will be

  2. #437
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    Few islands after 1:1
    Quote Originally Posted by Aetherion View Post
    Age 73 - The Age of Tricksters and Mischief

    It's obvious who the winner will be

    Best post ever! Haha. No wonder its all a plot from the start. Eh i still feel there are some twists.

  3. #438
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    Did Ronins/Spartans cheat this age? No (at least nothing that has been reported yet constitutes cheating afaik)
    Do they deserve to be deleted this age? No (again, see above)
    Should dealbreaking go unresponded to? Again, a big no. But no alliances to enforce deal terms means noone is going to step up without it being in their own self-interest.

    Maybe its time to bring back alliances to make dealbreaking a more daunting option. Maybe not. I know there's precious few kds left in the game that can reliably war at the top level, even if they manage to ****play their way up there, and at least two of those kds who can wouldn't be involved with each other unless a major ****storm was already brewing.
    ~~ S A N C T U A R Y ~~
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  4. #439
    Regular ellivort's Avatar
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    Stop making deals and db becomes a non issue. You want cf at vulnerable time...ok... Take tax or give's choice. No notice, no stupid 20000 terms. Force kds to be on their toes always ready to take on a challenger. That's how this game should be played.

    Why must we give notice only on the 3rd hour and only if the monkeys anus blooms roses and venus is aligned with the moon?

    It's rather simple.
    KD A starts on island with KD B who looks strong oop. Kd A says 'hi KD B can we have cf?' KD B says either 'sure, bbut pay 2k acres' (cuz we oop) KD A can then say ok. Or no way forget it we will take our chances. Alternatively kd B can say yes freely and accept cf tax free. (Giggle, snort)

    Now assuming a term free, notice free cf is in place, a week down the road KD A sees KD B is looking weak/landfat etc and says' hey let's make our move' , breaks cf and waves to war. Easy.

    Alternatively, KD B says 'hey that Kd A has had plenty of time to grow' and breaks cf and waves to war. Eezy peezy.

    Why make it more complex than it needs to be. Play the game as designed. Let's face it, no matter what the outcome it's still a text based game, why must it be so serious?

    Mind blowing eh...?
    Last edited by ellivort; 30-10-2017 at 04:27.
    "She was a vixen and though she be but little, she is fierce"

  5. #440
    Post Fiend copious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JusticeLeague View Post
    But who should I Congrats?
    Ronin for crowning
    Spartan and Ronin for successful GB on Sleepy
    Bart for successful manipulating outcomes even got banned in game and forum
    Dear Feint,

    Since you always pretend to be in dark about so many things with snide condescension undertones:

    Blame Sleepy for not winning the war with BB even though they were crowd favourite to win.
    (BB had the more appropriate setup to grind out a win anyway, Sleepy thinks a little too highly of science and too little of how that obsession with science can be to your strategic detriment when you tradeoff with other more important factors like troops sustain / attack speed)

    Blame TBB for taxing theU, and angering theU players to go off their rocker enough to declare on Ronin yet still continue to hit TBB back while in the middle of the war they made the crazy decision to engage in and surprised even Ronin, and not participate in it wholeheartedly
    (who the heck does that... crazy Europeans)
    [also, how is this Ronin's fault? they wanted to tax and run away with easy gains but instead got declared on by theU, out of theU's spite for TBB]

    Blame Sleepy for having itchy fingers and noticing Ronin from a position of weakness. Ronin waived notice cos Azns don't respond well to threats. Even if that is considered a dealbreak and bad form by the community at large.
    (Real question is why Sleepy went to poke Ronin at all even? Did Sleepy even bother to grab intel of Ronin before noticing? They were in full warbuild and war ready, this entire scenario could have been avoidable if Sleepy was more prudent but too bad)

    Blame Sparta for having itchy fingers and waving Sleepy right after they knew Sparta gave Ronin notice. This is why Sleepy players should not be saying so much on public utopian irc channels and letting opponents like Sparta get wind of it. Keep it to yourself because you never know who is listening in and intends to time their revenge.
    (compound mistakes like that, of course they hurt, take notes)

    Blame BB for angering Emeriti enough 2 ages ago such that this age became a 2 3 week staredown/war affair when Emeriti could have warred Ronins instead. Heck it would have been war of the age instead of with BB. (Ems won - grudge over)

    I should be a news correspondent.
    This investigative journalism thing is tiring to do.

    Last edited by copious; 30-10-2017 at 05:46.
    It's a beautiful glass, nevermind half full or empty

  6. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellivort View Post
    Stop making deals and db becomes a non issue. You want cf at vulnerable time...ok... Take tax or give's choice. No notice, no stupid 20000 terms. Force kds to be on their toes always ready to take on a challenger. That's how this game should be played.

    Why must we give notice only on the 3rd hour and only if the monkeys anus blooms roses and venus is aligned with the moon?

    It's rather simple.
    KD A starts on island with KD B who looks strong oop. Kd A says 'hi KD B can we have cf?' KD B says either 'sure, bbut pay 2k acres' (cuz we oop) KD A can then say ok. Or no way forget it we will take our chances. Alternatively kd B can say yes freely and accept cf tax free. (Giggle, snort)

    Now assuming a term free, notice free cf is in place, a week down the road KD A sees KD B is looking weak/landfat etc and says' hey let's make our move' , breaks cf and waves to war. Easy.

    Alternatively, KD B says 'hey that Kd A has had plenty of time to grow' and breaks cf and waves to war. Eezy peezy.

    Why make it more complex than it needs to be. Play the game as designed. Let's face it, no matter what the outcome it's still a text based game, why must it be so serious?

    Mind blowing eh...?
    Here's one for you: If you aren't prepared to keep to the terms of a deal you make, don't agree to the terms in the first place, else be prepared to be treated like the lying, sniveling weasel you are and don't come in here whining when it happens. Mind blowing, eh?

    The game is introducing things like minimum-duration mechanics to cfs now, it shouldn't be too difficult to add a couple of tickboxes to add a notice period to breaking and conditions for that notice.
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    Rocking the top ages 30-57

    "The phrase... 'Who's your daddy?'... comes to mind"

  7. #442
    Regular ellivort's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allanon KT View Post
    Here's one for you: If you aren't prepared to keep to the terms of a deal you make, don't agree to the terms in the first place, else be prepared to be treated like the lying, sniveling weasel you are and don't come in here whining when it happens. Mind blowing, eh?

    The game is introducing things like minimum-duration mechanics to cfs now, it shouldn't be too difficult to add a couple of tickboxes to add a notice period to breaking and conditions for that notice.
    Who's whining? Well, everyone I guess, but not I. We had a decent age, til we dealt with one whiney KD who enjoys fabricating terms that never existed. Ah well, nice of the devs to dumb **** down some for the emotionally handicapped
    "She was a vixen and though she be but little, she is fierce"

  8. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allanon KT View Post
    Maybe its time to bring back alliances to make dealbreaking a more daunting option. Maybe not.
    Dont be naive. Alliances is not better, at least ABS. Every time when ABS have full control on top they find "legit way" to deal break. I have experience this several times over ages. Coss/sleepy deal break Season age 42 in much more lame way from how Ronin did it this age, Season had "friends/ally" but this didn't stop Sleepy to deal break.

    If some one will DB or not depend from moral standards both Kingdoms leaders. Its what lack atm in game.
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
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  9. #444
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    Dont be naive. Alliances is not better, at least ABS. Every time when ABS have full control on top they find "legit way" to deal break. I have experience this several times over ages. Coss/sleepy deal break Season age 42 in much more lame way from how Ronin did it this age, Season had "friends/ally" but this didn't stop Sleepy to deal break.

    If some one will DB or not depend from moral standards both Kingdoms leaders. Its what lack atm in game.
    But there were less ****play back then cause there punishing ****play was enforceable. Personal experience isn't a good measurement for the whole server. Should look at the bigger picture and throw that bias away.

  10. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    But there were less ****play back then cause there punishing ****play was enforceable. Personal experience isn't a good measurement for the whole server. Should look at the bigger picture and throw that bias away.
    Personal experience is sure most objective measure and i cant really tell if its was "less". For example you know here was so many alliance actions and in all this process was "accepted" everything for legit. Age 42 what i mention ABS was GBed from other grup. Do you think they got notice for income GB or not? Sure when there is more KDs they are grup in alliances and KDs from same grup don't DB each other so they fight with other party and its look more "civil". Main differences is in past you needed "legit reason" for DB and now some Kds do it just for fun. Still Dont matter if DB/GB is legit or not final result is same = Ruined age for target KD.
    Did you forget how lame ABS GB Dreams age 50 because they hate Realest and some other KD members being in Sonata before? Do you know why SG joined in GB?= they told ABS will take free acres so we cant stay away and not take some.

    I know you like to post in forum but don't came and tell me im biased because im not. I have see so much problems, no one had to deal with so many BS in this game and still never rage quit from it.
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    “I should've suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.”
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  11. #446
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    To a point, I agree, having one dominant alliance at the top of the entire server resulted in actions that probably shouldn't have happened going unresponded to, and as you know thats coming from a former abs player. However, one might argue that was as much the result of the other kingdoms at the top failing to form a stable alliance of their own for so long as it was the result of a single dominant alliance. The kingdoms were there to recruit if anyone had come along with the political aptitude to get them to work together, and could have been improved over time if they were sub-par to begin with. Absalom wasn't born overnight, nor were its kingdoms. The Covenant alliance, probably the closest thing to a contender that came along following the fall of NoX, lacked the political patience it required to establish itself at the top in the same way Abs did, taking every act of Absalom personally rather than playing the long game and looking at the big picture.

    Additionally, whilst there were certain circumstances Abs may have been accused of abusing its position, it never did so in an excessive manner, hence the number of ages where outside kingdoms crowned.
    ~~ S A N C T U A R Y ~~
    Rocking the top ages 30-57

    "The phrase... 'Who's your daddy?'... comes to mind"

  12. #447
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    Allanon KT, what matter is people not alliances alone. ABS attempt most from time to keep pub face so they was better from many other alliances. I agree with it. But if we look really-ti now game is so small for old ways alliances. We have 2-3 good kingdoms and if they team up here wont be targets. If some one from incoming waring kingdoms do BS its duty for regular land based kingdoms to take action and teach them.

    For example during my 1 age in CR when they had age off Dorje pmed me to ask if Sparta deal break Emeriti we will help or not. My answer was instant: yes i think we will help but need to check with Zauper because i don't lead. He told instant same. If Sparta DB we will help. So how you see my personal feeling against Emeriti don't made me biased and tell "we have CF so we cant" how most Kds reply in situation like this.

    So i think every one from top need to start play with some mutual respect to other and game will become much better.

    BinBin stop use this retard stall tactic in diplo. If you don't want deal just tell it. How you know most frustrating in leading kingdom is time you spend and if you need to deal with several "idiots" who stall and pretend to be off line you waste way to much time for simple diplo. This is really lame. Grow UP !
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    “I should've suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  13. #448
    I like to post MyNameIsMatija's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    BinBin stop use this retard stall tactic in diplo. If you don't want deal just tell it. How you know most frustrating in leading kingdom is time you spend and if you need to deal with several "idiots" who stall and pretend to be off line you waste way to much time for simple diplo. This is really lame. Grow UP !
    I agree with this. Emeriti can be so annoying to get a CF with sometimes. You sort of give up on life in the process. Just state your position from the start and be done with it.
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  14. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsMatija View Post
    I agree with this. Emeriti can be so annoying to get a CF with sometimes. You sort of give up on life in the process. Just state your position from the start and be done with it.
    I had similar problem with CR in past, so i start put time limit in offers. Its valid next 12h. If i don't get reply offer is off.
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    “I should've suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  15. #450
    Join Date
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    Funny. Emeriti and Sleepy are usually the easiest and most straight kingdom I ever diplo a CF* with. Yes or no and we move on. No "let me consult my council and get back to you 12hrs later while i continue robbing you in the meantime"

    *asterisk for emphasis on CF only
    Last edited by astron; 30-10-2017 at 07:56.
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