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Thread: Science diminishing returns

  1. #1
    Forum Addict Bo To's Avatar
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    Science diminishing returns

    I didn't play for the last few ages but I'm thinking about going back for the next one as a t/m. Does anyone know the diminishing returns on the science? All I have is some raw data from KD mates but it's not enough for accurate calculations.

  2. #2
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    I am working on a curve right now; not a huge variety of info in it yet, so not sure of the reliability, and the rounding on science page is annoying too!

    y = 1.018054e^-0.006045x (ONLY ACCURATE UP TO ~60 points over the cap ... I have an updated curve below)

    where y is the effectiveness of the category in question, and x is the number of skill points over the cap in that category.

    recruit = 0 skill points
    novice = 1 skill point
    graduate = 1.5 skill points
    professor = 2 skill points

    in a few days ill probably create more data points by moving/stacking a lot of science in couple categories
    Last edited by RattleHead; 05-11-2017 at 02:20. Reason: i got some more data, updated equation

  3. #3
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    Stealing some info from the Utopia Talk thread, I had to change from exponential to a polynomial description... Obviously this can't be right because it starts to curve back up eventually- but it should be fairly accurate up to at least the point where X = 180. This 180 value represents 90 (ninety) Professors over the category's cap... If you get substantially beyond this point let me know :P

    Y =[1.9*(10^-5)]X^2 - [6.35*(10^-3)]X + 1.02

    X = # of Skill Points above the cap of the category in question
    Y = The effectiveness of the category in question
    Last edited by RattleHead; 05-11-2017 at 02:21.

  4. #4
    Forum Addict Bo To's Avatar
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    Thanks for the posts.

    I used the last formula you provide with 5 profs and got 0.988725 but does this apply to all categories? Different categories have different multiplayer is it ignored?

  5. #5
    Post Fiend
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    Did you plot them separately? I'm thinking it's much easier and based on % over cap. That would give a slightly different curve for each category.

  6. #6
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    I've been plotting them all together, and it seems more to more or less follow the same curve from what I can see. You could be right that the curve is slightly different for each category, but I am pretty lazy, and this seems fairly accurate so far :)

    Each category is separate, going over the cap in one does not change effect in any others. Category in Question only
    Last edited by RattleHead; 04-11-2017 at 13:56.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Okay, so based on what you've said, the 10th professor past the cap in a category is still getting about 85% of the effect of the "below-cap" professors, (your two functions plots very close together).

    Am I reading this right? I thought the returns diminished much quicker than this!

  8. #8
    Post Fiend
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    Jan 2015
    Really, because if so, I'm dumping 45 scientists into my Dwarf Sage as we speak.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RattleHead View Post
    Stealing some info from the Utopia Talk thread, I had to change from exponential to a polynomial description... Obviously this can't be right because it starts to curve back up eventually- but it should be fairly accurate up to at least the point where X = 180. This 180 value represents 90 (ninety) Professors over the category's cap... If you get substantially beyond this point let me know :P

    Y =[1.9*(10^-5)]X^2 - [6.35*(10^-3)]X + 1.02

    X = # of Skill Points above the cap of the category in question
    Y = The effectiveness of the category in question
    I started to try and figure this out last age by looking at only military on my undead sage. I went up to 44 profs in that catagory and then reassigned them one at a time to other catagories and noted the percentages each time. Do you want these numbers? I gave up on trying to do anything with it.

  10. #10
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    Thanks, but I am confident I have enough data, up to the x = 180 mark anyways... If you get more than that this Age drop me some info at that point!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    which formula is accurate up to 180 skill points?
    They diverge a lot at 180. (90 professors). one shows about 50% effect and the other 34%.

    I repeat, are you sure these are correct? I didn't do any math last age but I thought I was seeing a drop of 50% effectiveness as early as the 10th professor. That contrasts sharply with the formulas you've posted.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke3 View Post
    I started to try and figure this out last age by looking at only military on my undead sage. I went up to 44 profs in that catagory and then reassigned them one at a time to other catagories and noted the percentages each time. Do you want these numbers? I gave up on trying to do anything with it.
    I would love those numbers

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Gift me blocks of data and I'll sort it out! It's surely some variety of root function.

  14. #14
    Post Fiend
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    C/T * (T-C) + C = overall science effect is probably a good place to start. they like simple stuff like that.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    May I kindly ask the people who have data to share the raw data they had? It'll make this process a lot easier :P

    Especially because even if we find the exact formula, when you actually play the game, you'll probably say something like "Ok, the Xth professor after the max will be 50% effective" to yourself and that will probably be the only thing you will remember and need to remember as you play the game. If the formula is indeed too weird (although I doubt that would be the case), at least the raw data can give us the value of X.

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