If people do not wish to communicate, or perhaps stick to their ingame chat then that's fine by me as monarch. I'm playing this game for fun, and I see no reason I should be razing out non-communicating people. Especially considering we're not actively looking to war. Pretty confident we have a few people who are experienced enough, but just dont want to communicate.

We had diplo with a few KDs and they moved on. But then the list of KDs currently hostile to us came around. The moment we CF these, after bending over, other KDs will come.
This game offers no way to protect yourself and makes spending time out of war very painful. This game forces you to be hyper-active to succeed, which is not something you should want if you're looking to expand your playerbase.

We're happy to explain questions, but we're not actively looking to guide people. As in, if people ask we will provide support but we wont constantly message them about things they should be doing. If people decide they know better themselves, then by all means, stay and enjoy the game. Rather than me razing you / forcing you out .. to the next KD that'll raze you/force you out. Also, you saw the numbers I ran when I left war, including 15% unis at high BE giving me around 35% protection to abducts combined with the 20% protection from sage. Six hits a day for 2/hit kinda makes me wonder why the hell I even bother with sage/sciences/unis. You cant protect yourself, no matter what you do, unless you run a proper warring KD.

we're not interested in doing army in/out during war, I cant imagine you wanting us ;-)


Be less active, and that 24hr barrier is nothing ;-)

The point I was trying to make with this rant:
1 - Those who are 'just' trying to enjoy the game & get good nights worth of sleep need protection.
2 - New people to the game need protection.
3 - The damage output out of war is far too high, especially when your 20 player KD gets hit 40 times/day.
4 - New people need help and protection. This game is far too punishing. We apparently gave ops to one of the KDs waving us, and my Elf Mystic (out of war) is getting AW'ed into the ground. I have him being all upset about this now, understandably so.