Quote Originally Posted by umajon911 View Post
Im not trying to get a retroactive ban lol just want to try and clear up the gray areas so people don't make innocent mistakes and get a ban for it then flip out cuz they didnt know. Its the gray areas of the rules that upset most players.
Agreed, its why we're trying to clarify some of the less obvious rules, tho naturally some of the rules need to be left grey as we cannot predict every situation, and a lot of it comes down to a judgement call.

In this case, the rule was not specifically written down, but rather you were aiding in bypassing a ban issued for someone breaking another rule. We obviously need to ensure that when we ban someone from the forums, they cannot circumvent that ban, and to do that we need to ensure people realise that regardless of the content the banned person is asking them to post, posting it on their behalf is a violation. Given it is a bit of a grey area in terms of what is specifically written down, we have to judge intention in this case, and I believe you genuinely didn't realise you were violating the rules at the time and were intending to simply help a former player pass on a message of congratulations. Therefore, no ban should be issued. However, now it is written in the rules, and is no longer a grey area henceforth.