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Thread: Hey There! Faery Attackers

  1. #1
    Newbie GhettoWitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Hey There! Faery Attackers

    Hi all. I have a question. I haven't played since 2011 or so and I have a new province that I'm messing around with trying to re-learn stuff in the ghetto's. I have my eye on a Faery attacker for next age and for some reason Faery Undead attacker really has my interest. It looks to me like the nasty pop penalty was removed from Faery's and now they just have the income penalty. Is that right?

    Granted, age changes could change my mind on this but is there anything else I should be aware of? Has any one tried it? Like I said I'm a ghetto girl so am interested in strategies that could make this work because as far as I can tell, ghetto's haven't changed since I was here last and you are basically on your own. I think this might be a very fun combo for me!

    Let me know what you think and ideas you might have on how to make this work. Or any other fun combinations that would hold my interest would be great too.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Faery warrior was significantly stronger this age than undead.

    +20%*Military Science Effectiveness
    +15%*Offensive Military Efficiency


    -33% own casualties when attacking

    A faery would be attacking with specs only, meaning retraining would be relatively cheap or even free with credit gains. Plague isn't really enough of a bonus to be worthwhile in my opinion. They made it easier to cure and there aren't a ton of UD out there. Like you said though, this will probably all change next age.

  3. #3
    Newbie GhettoWitch's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Well BOO! Here I was thinking I'd be a plague spreading pile of rotting tinkerbells :( ... Thanks for letting me know they made it easier to cure. Appreciate the knowledge!

    BTW - Kinda like the Warrior idea if it doesn't change much. Thanks for that too!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I think fae pali works pretty well as an attacker. As mentioned specs are quite cheap for your attacking, I find the defensive bonuses of pali works in your favor. SI is way better a bonus than the warrior sci bonus. You do lose out on like 25% offense from bloodlust and +ome. But double guilds and a heap of extra spells is awesome.

  5. #5
    Post Demon
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    Feb 2012
    Faery/War Hero is the more clasically version of Faery attacker for converting specs into free and defensive elites

  6. #6
    Sir Postalot
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madchess View Post
    Faery/War Hero is the more clasically version of Faery attacker for converting specs into free and defensive elites
    DE Warrior

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Fought Feary/warriors this age and they sucked. The problem with going Feary/warrior is that feary in general is only good at turtling. As pure attacker (warrior/undead) they generally get played as if they are a pure attacker such as orc. Maximizing the offense while having less defense, tpa/wpa. Regardless of personality, a feary will never have any competative offense compared to other races. Also with just as low wpa/tpa, they will be just as vulnerable as any other attacker to getting NSed/Propped/NMed and struggle to keep their 1 true strenght (their ability to defend). Also if a feary gets chained, bye bye elites and plummiting nw.

    If you want to be feary attacker, go heretic with good wpa/tpa and a 60-70% elite army. That way you you're gonna be far less vulnerable to enemy t/m, hybrids and are more likely to turtle yourself to unbreakable.

  8. #8
    Newbie GhettoWitch's Avatar
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    Hey guys ... thanks for the knowledge! Much appreciated. Lots of things have changed since I last played. Looks like unless they do something amazing ... which I doubt, I'll be looking at something else. Kind of a bummer but it is what it is!

  9. #9
    Post Fiend
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    Jan 2013
    Faery attacker is better in a war kingdom, where you can buff the other attackers as well as hit out yourself. (a/M) Warrior (BL and Fanat) and Tact (ClearSight) are great personalities for that. If you are going solo, Fae attacker doesn't really impress in any way.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by LuckySports View Post
    Faery attacker is better in a war kingdom, where you can buff the other attackers as well as hit out yourself. (a/M) Warrior (BL and Fanat) and Tact (ClearSight) are great personalities for that. If you are going solo, Fae attacker doesn't really impress in any way.
    There's a really big fae warrior playing in well, won't target share, but a half kd of cows. He uses warrior ability to conquest at 80% NW or so, and runs 250 dpa, 66 opa. It's pretty boring an slow, but it can work if ops aren't being given. In a war kd fae are ofc support roles as attackers, but solo you don't need to worry even a bit as much about magic/thief numbers or science. That means more sci in econ/military, more military numbers. 6/9 with GP and BL is a pretty damn good military.

    Doesn't beat say a dryad doing the same with with 15 dspa and 5 epa, but who wants that? :P

  11. #11
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    May 2016
    Double post.

    6/9.45(gp) military is pretty close to say a orc with a 10/6. it's better than 8/7 of dark elf. Only dryad 14(+2 horse)/6 beats.

  12. #12
    Post Fiend
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    Jan 2013
    Dryad horses are +4, so 16/6

    I've never been in a nonwar kingdom where no one gave ops, so that would be new to me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by LuckySports View Post
    Dryad horses are +4, so 16/6

    I've never been in a nonwar kingdom where no one gave ops, so that would be new to me.
    I didn't add horses to the others, I added +2 for the bonus

  14. #14
    Post Demon
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    Sep 2008
    I used to play Faery attacker a fair amount back when they had all spells. There were a few key points in their favor. Number one was all spells, since that really helped them deal better with anything you threw at them. The other major points was that the o-spec was really light on NW, and while on NW gains, your "size" really was NW, not land. Especially modding up the spec further with spells.
    Their big drawbacks were the static defense, and the NW plunge when chained. Some ages they put out just as good opnw as anyone else, but others were better balanced and you also were a little light on offense. Also the low NW/A acts a little like negative GS.

    In general, the idea is to be a flexible attacker. Slightly higher pes, slightly higher defense, slightly higher wpa/tpa. If they chain, LL hard and TW away the pes. If they let you bloat, stack on the econ and push the def to get to 1x range, make them pay later to take you down. If they come at your with T/Ms, use RM and CS (don't have those any more though) and the solid T/M def to keep attackers out and cost the enemy T/Ms a lot extra. You can't be "safe" - but making every path to taking you down costly, while still putting out pretty good offense, can be really valuable for a team. Especially if you have a few attackers that like being "chain bait" and will let you get to the second day basically untouched, since by then you should be a lot safer from the chains.

    I will say that, even when they were good and most of the kingdom went with them... only certain types of players can get the best out of them. We had a few "orc hulk smash" players that just couldn't get them to work right, hated that age. (But they do great with orc!) If you want to try, that usually indicates at least the right general temperament.
    it's vs. its is ambiguous - from now on I'm attempting to use the proper possessive it's, and the contraction 'tis. (Its will just be the plural.)

    Think Different

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Yea most attackers are "smash" players, no way they can convert to the econ based defensive attacker. But they do a damn good job at what they normally do.

    Elves also falls into this category. Sure they are "magic" inclined and different stat spread, but same story as a fae when it comes to players that can play it properly.
    A outerworld vagabond Elf traveling this world.
    From the world of Thardferr, herald of the Eldar Elven Kingdoms
    Elven Roles sense Age 63: Sage, Mystic, Rogue, Tactician, Cleric, Merchant, Heretic, War Hero, Warrior, Paladin, Undead, Artisan, Raider

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