I would like to put this question to rest (at least close to it) due to the fact that my original affinity for this game came from the now defunct alliances...and that love had helped me remember a lot of kingdom names and their monarchs over my years since 2001.

I found an old list from Utopia Temple by Truth Sayer that has the Rankings of Age 25 (2003)...


Contrary to popular belief...Vice N Virtue was not the oldest KLA KD still in existence. (BTW i think Dar is playing ATM but the KD is not official since her last official one was taken over renamed BiO like a year or so ago.)

41 (-4) Plaidovia KLA (##:##) 10,897,058

216 (-16) FamousLastWords nVAT (##:##) 6,495,682

6 - CanWeBeYourBoss - 5,122,926gc nw (TR)

I have seen "Famous Last Words" still tag...and I thought maybe it was a theme but no its actually a KD....question is if anyone has seen them last age.

As for the other 2..I think more investigation will conclude which of these 2 kingdoms started was founded first. Probably if we find more older rankings...we can see which ones were visible first so we can trace.

I havent seen Plaidovia lately either but I wont count them out just yet.