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Thread: 2889 provinces

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    What a stupid idea. Same rational as make it a Facebook game.
    Move the community to a high traffic site where randoms can be charmed by your wonderful SJW mentality, or keep it here in a deep dark corner where only those that know it exists can find it....hmmm

  2. #17
    Moderator for:
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    Did you just call Pillz a SJW? Lol

  3. #18
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swagger View Post
    Move the community to a high traffic site where randoms can be charmed by your wonderful SJW mentality, or keep it here in a deep dark corner where only those that know it exists can find it....hmmm
    Yea cause the Utopia reddit that existed was such huge success you really saw how people flocked to join Utopia thanks to that. Reddit is is truly the answer to all Utopias problem

  4. #19
    Moderator for:
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    We've got to up our meme game if we want to be successful on Reddit

  5. #20
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    We've got to up our meme game if we want to be successful on Reddit
    No no, just move everrything over to Reddit and everything will just workout fine you heard Swagger.

  6. #21
    Forum Fanatic Syntico's Avatar
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    My meme game is strong, don't worry.
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    No no, just move everrything over to Reddit and everything will just workout fine you heard Swagger.

  8. #23
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    2899. 10 new provs!!!!
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  9. #24
    Director of Age Changes
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    What a stupid idea. Same rational as make it a Facebook game.
    Just do it!
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  10. #25
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    To facilitate the existence of provinces, stable kingdoms have to exist. IMHO the fewer number of provinces in Utopia reflects the dwindling number of people whom are willing or able to facilitate leading a full roster of 25 players. As the monarch becomes a dying breed; so too will the individual province. New player engagement drops as the culture that once existed to inspire and cultivate new talent decreases. This is further exacerbated by the behavior of hoarding all experienced and competent players into kingdoms at the top.

    If you want old monarchs to bring new organizations into Utopia, their old cores and maybe new friends, the 25 province kingdom has to become an entity of the past. What's a reasonable number? It's of course subjective, however, for myself, speaking as a former monarch, that number has to be closer to 15. Not 20. Not 22. Definitely not 25.

    How the above is still a debate in Utopia only serves to underlay the point and fact, that it's the super kingdom minority in this game that likely reflects 90% of the owner companies monetization through in-game purchases. As such, naturally, it's this community that also holds the most influence over major design choices in Utopia.

    Ironically, unless ideology changes at the top of Utopia, among her brightest and best players - all holding onto tradition will do, is create a day where they've strangled their game out of existence, just like every kingdom they squeezed out of the charts in the ages past.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingTyrant View Post
    To facilitate the existence of provinces, stable kingdoms have to exist. IMHO the fewer number of provinces in Utopia reflects the dwindling number of people whom are willing or able to facilitate leading a full roster of 25 players. As the monarch becomes a dying breed; so too will the individual province. New player engagement drops as the culture that once existed to inspire and cultivate new talent decreases. This is further exacerbated by the behavior of hoarding all experienced and competent players into kingdoms at the top.

    If you want old monarchs to bring new organizations into Utopia, their old cores and maybe new friends, the 25 province kingdom has to become an entity of the past. What's a reasonable number? It's of course subjective, however, for myself, speaking as a former monarch, that number has to be closer to 15. Not 20. Not 22. Definitely not 25.

    How the above is still a debate in Utopia only serves to underlay the point and fact, that it's the super kingdom minority in this game that likely reflects 90% of the owner companies monetization through in-game purchases. As such, naturally, it's this community that also holds the most influence over major design choices in Utopia.

    Ironically, unless ideology changes at the top of Utopia, among her brightest and best players - all holding onto tradition will do, is create a day where they've strangled their game out of existence, just like every kingdom they squeezed out of the charts in the ages past.
    Standard objection to this line of thought is exactly what you mention though, solid leaders are the problem. Smaller kingdoms won't magically fix that. The best players will still flock to the kingdoms with competent leaders. The amount of good kingdoms will remain the same, since competent monarchs will remain the same. And the player bleed might even accelerate since fewer players will fit into those kingdoms.

    I dunno if this holds true. This debate has been ongoing for decades (measured in ages). Personally, I would find it less stressful with a few less players. My suggestion from "way back when" was to decrease the amount of players per kingdom by 1 per age for 5 ages, as not to break up any kingdoms. But utopia was three times as big back then...

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  12. #27
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    You were just being lazy and didnt wanna micro as many people as 24!

  13. #28
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    @Tadpole; Solid leaders aren't a problem, my friend. Inspiring new ones, is.

    A new province in the past had the probability of landing in a middle kingdom, for example, whose leadership would often be involved in integrating said player into the kingdom. Teaching them the fundamentals of Utopia. Players individually at that point either stay and become core, or move onto a more organized kingdom for additional training and grooming. That initial experience doesn't exist anymore for a new player creating a province. Simply looking around kingdom pages with 10-16 players is the common. A new player landing in a ghetto with no leadership offers the poorest possible new player experience and likely the lowest possible chance of new player retention.

    Additionally, a player who may want to lead a kingdom, lands a new province in a kingdom in the above condition. That player knows the 6 months-1 year of work it will take to build a core and finally become organized. Smaller kingdoms are indeed a magical fix to this, because you introduce something a prospective monarch really doesn't have now - motivation and a realistic goal to achieve that doesn't take one year of heavy investment.

    Quality of leadership is a moot argument; all utopia needs is to incentivize a revitalization of ANY leadership in kingdoms not considered super. As it stands, the innate system that drove new player engagement in utopia is literally broken.

    While I understand the investment and friendship that's involved in a core of 25 players; not players, a group of 25 friends, coming apart to facilitate new life in Utopia may be an emotional prospect, those at the top should see that it's necessary to get back into the field, to mentor new players. We must recognize the value, as well, that the lesser middle monarchs possess in regards to the sustainability of the game and player base itself, before sustainability is lost.

  14. #29
    Needs to get out more
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    Did you just call Pillz a SJW? Lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    You were just being lazy and didnt wanna micro as many people as 24!
    I take pride in my laziness. Only 8 sitting days left this age! I do think that laziness is newfound though, relatively speaking...

    @KingTyrant Again. While I might possibly agree, seeing as I've argued for a decrease in kingdom size before, let me play devils advocate here...

    If the current common is as you say, 10-16 player kingdoms, how would decreasing the size of all down to the same limit in any way create "inspiring new leaders"? Those 10-16 player kingdoms will remain as they are, leaderless and disorganised and unfit to create enthusiasm for new players. The only real difference would be that these kingdoms will now be actively competing with former 20-25 player kingdoms of much greater quality, potentially demoralising them (as has happened to war tier kingdoms every time a whoring kd decides to war in the past). And the players being cut from their former 20-25 player kingdoms have a strong incentive to retire, being sacked from their kds.
    Last edited by Tadpole; 08-06-2018 at 21:10.

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