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Thread: 2889 provinces

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  1. #11
    Postaholic DonJuan's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Los Angeles, CA
    17-20 player KD sizes would be a great start since to be honest...since the pandering to the best 15 KDs is really whats killing the other 120 KDs in the server for the last 5 years has not worked.

    Leveling the playing field and making ALL KINGDOMS start on EQUAL FOOTING will give incentive to some players to start fresh and compete with others that...which is more than can be said than doing nothing and watching playerbase #s sink.

    Why would it work?

    1) It would remove any "headstart" or "handicap" that most organized KDs already have at 25 players vs those who can only get 22 before the game is even played. At least in any competitive e-sport game...all contestants start on the even playing fields with their competitors regardless of talent or skill.

    I cant understand why Utopia community hasn't come around to that realization if there isn't any examples of simple free games (like Fortnite) that can prove popularity and time investment can take off if the free game premise stays fair for all yet calls for teamwork and skill to be developed in real time.

    2) The spread of players that will produce can also procure new leaders if the right combination can be found....only way you can find that out is to lower KD sizes and spread the player base farther apart and see for yourself.

    3) Technological assistance has yet to help the game as planned...mainly because the only real attempt made by the new Game Development Team to make tools to help play this game more efficiently was just adopting and integrating an existing 3rd party irc intel tool (Munkbot)

    Unfortunately its still riddled with bugs and well as a coding format and presentation so basic that it is worse than that of a high school Senior working on a project for his Computer Science class. In fact even after becoming an official Dev Team Member for over a year...there has been no effort or attempt by Munk to clean up his tool and bring up the quality of his work to at least that equal to Utopia grammer standard.

    I think the guy who made the Utopia App (private independent developer) has done a better job trying to visually bring Utopia into the Modern era ... a stark contrast on whatever you guys thought Munkbot was going to do for Utopia in the long run. At this point...who knows is the Community-requested "Facebook App" will ever become a reality yet I can bet we will have Munkbot and the same top 15 kingdoms using it until the game officially dies.

    This not to say I am displeased with the recent gameplay changes...the race balancing as well as new lil features over the last few ages has been refreshing and enjoyable. However that is not what is being discussed here.

    I'm not surprised that province count is going down. What i'm surprised is that none of the elite players who supposedly know the game from every aspect...has yet to come up with any good suggestion on how to save the game....just the same ol' excuses that has been killing the game year upon year
    Last edited by DonJuan; 11-06-2018 at 07:47.
    "Respect the one who defends his land with bravery;
    Honor the price he pays to fufill his duty."

    -DonJuan, The Legendary KaMiKaZe King
    WhatsApp +16264286874 | SC2/D3 BattleNet: DonJuan5420 | PSN: DonJuan5420

    Age 54: #1 Land KD (HaLL of Heroes)
    Age 54: #1 NW KD (HaLL of Heroes)

    Age 81: #1 Honor KD (The Faery Circle)
    Age 81: #1 WW KD (The Faery Circle)
    The Tactical Technical Institute

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