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Thread: Faery Ratios

  1. #16
    Strategy Moderator
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    Strategy person talking again

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganga View Post
    Spoken like a guy who thinks he's good because he plays in a top kingdom.......good because your kingdom probably hits 2x the unique attacks of the kingdoms you war and you think you know strategy. ..... you don't need strategy to be a 'top' kingdom, you only need 25 players who can attack 2x a day.
    You may need 25 people to compete in the top but theres is a huge difference between bad and good numbers. The numbers i suggested above or summarized nicely here

    Quote Originally Posted by elmoheadbutt View Post
    If you are heretic, you are only looking to ops attackers and trad/raze small targets so I would:

    4.5 wpa
    4.5 tpa
    5.5 ppa
    The rest goes to defense (elites if you can afford it, dspecs if you can't).
    are very much needed if you want to be a "good" feary. I have an ex-player i'd put in the top 5 in the game (better than me at solo prov management by a fair bit) who can literally solo carry a gheto where people aren't attacking x2 a day. he would NEVER run something like

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganga View Post
    you barely need 2wpa 2tpa and late game 4-4 is good enough to op most cores, .
    because its simply bad advise. To that end i mean i've seen him war in a kd of 12 v 14 where it was more like 4 v 7 active people in each kd and he was able to take the 4 people and pull off a win simply because he had his prov built right. If he were here and in running in a ghetto he would recommend something much more in line with my own numbers ore elmoheadbutts. being a feary isnt just about op-ing the enemy.

  2. #17
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    Other than that, if your playing in a 'top' kingdom you think for yourself get your own intel and run the tpa/wpa you want to run given that intel. That said, most people that come here looking for advice are not in 'top' kingdoms and my advice is the better advice.
    Last edited by Persain; 30-07-2018 at 08:59. Reason: ANy issues with moding u can address via pm
    If you don't want to add anything (numbers/strategy/theory) about what I'm saying so I can rebuke it. Keep your cult-like indoctrinated nay-saying to yourself.

    Utopia=Drink the kool-aid

  3. #18
    Strategy Moderator
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    If u ran the numbers you suggest Ganga your a drag on your kd top or gheto. Activity isnt everything either, i'd rather a healhty prov loging in sparingly than one thats on 24/7 with bad numbers

  4. #19
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    Funny, i've been doing it for 100+ ages opping and attacking and I never am a drag. quite the opposite. Ghetto OR top kingdom

    Got enough people like you and korp's attacking anyone who says anything that makes them look like they don't drink the kool-aid. Stop your book burning mentality here.

    --Issues with mods are handled via pm--
    Last edited by Persain; 30-07-2018 at 09:40. Reason: --Issues with mods are handled via pm
    If you don't want to add anything (numbers/strategy/theory) about what I'm saying so I can rebuke it. Keep your cult-like indoctrinated nay-saying to yourself.

    Utopia=Drink the kool-aid

  5. #20
    Strategy Moderator
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    Again ganga if u have an issue with what got added/deleted pm me or another mod..keep the STRATEGY forum to strategy.

    As for the "attacking" people that dont drink the koolaid i have no issues with people posting an odd strategy if they can back it up with a reasonable reason. But i go back to you suggested a feary heretic should run 2 tpa 2 wpa right about now. Even with science those numbers would struggle to op ANYONE in my kd. You might have enough tpa to ns an orc once he grew 50-60% but 2 wpa even with science on a heretic is going to struggle to even fireball an orc in my kd even after he grew 50% because you'd only have 1.5 times his mod wpa.

  6. #21
    Post Demon
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    Ganga's setup is bad. Its basically honor farm for competent tms. His moderate op power is easily disabled with small aw run or mac or two.

    Proper way to setup tm is with goal to combat enemy tm's not core. This gives you ability to win ub wars and secure economy in close wars.

    Persians numbers are decent benchmark, alltho his late age wpa goal might me very hard to echieve for most.

    My aproach is to get as muxh wpa as I can allways, everything else is situational and case dependent on who am i fighting.

  7. #22
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    I can still see my 10+ year old posts on utopia temple, so not sure what your point is.

    Warring at a higher level means every single advantage counts. Running 2tpa and 2wpa on a faery heretic is just a joke and a waste of space. Your advice is not the better advice. Just because people aren't playing in top kds isn't an excuse to encourage them to setup crap provinces and just because you're a poor player doesn't mean it's ok to give bad advice.

    This forum is to help people improve. So stop feeding your nonsense.

  8. #23
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    NM might be a bit of a stretch but Ganga's setup seems perfectly reasonable for a faetacker that is just soaking up honor opportunistically~
    theHERETICS - Brute Force - Sonata - Dreams - The Pulsing Trollfags - The Expendables
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  9. #24
    Forum Addict tras19's Avatar
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    Not smart to argue with persain on this, or much in general. He is usually right. He is one smart cat
    Player History

    -Returned in Age 55: "Happy Grasslands" Undead Cleric in WE KC (M)
    -Age 56: "Cortez the Killer" Elf Mystic in WE KC (M)
    -Age 57 1st Half: "KC March of the Penguins" Avian Warrior in WE KC (M)
    -Age 57 2nd Half: "Granny Smith" Halfling Rogue in TFC
    -Age 58: "A Horse With No Name - America" Halfling Rogue in HRS Partial (S)
    -Age 59 1st Half: "Birthday Cake Remix" Avian Cleric in HRS
    -Age 59 2nd Half: "Birthday Cake Remix" Avian Cleric in AC
    -Age 60 1st Half: "Beaver" Elf Mystic in AC (M)
    -Age 60 2nd Half: "I don t want" Undead Tactician in Allstars
    -Age 61: "trizzle my wizzle" Undead Tactician in Allstars
    -Age 62: "Tras19 is amazed by midgets" Dwarf Sage in Beastblood (CROWN x 2)
    -Age 63 yr 1-12: "To learn his Elfabet" Avian Merchant in Beastblood
    -Age 63 yr 12-14: "Thanks for the death Flogger" Orc Tactician in Beastblood
    -Age 64 yr 1-6: "Lust and Thrust" Halfling Rogue in PewPew
    -Age 65: "back yet again" Elf Merchant in Old Skool (M)
    -Return again in Age 67: "Whimsyton" Elf Merchant in the ghetto
    -Age 68 1st Half: "This Girl is on Shire" Halfling Rogue in The Shirish Mafia (M)
    -Return Yet Again in Age 76 2nd Half: "Happy Grasslands" Dark Elf Paladin in BOL
    -Age 77: "?" Human Sage in ? (M)

    Noteworthy Achievments

    *** Age 62: Books of War ... KD Land Crown and KD NW Crown Winner with Beastblood ***
    *** Was a member of The Faery Circle, yet have never played Faery ***
    *** Have never had a province die except once when I let Flogger province sit me for 24 hours in a war ***

  10. #25
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    He's alright! A little narrow in scope perhaps but that's typical of people who spend their entire careers in the warring segment.

    For instance, his point about accumulating as much WPA as possible is agreeable on the surface but Ganga is right to question the efficiency of doing so. Hoarding WPA is more a matter of dealing with uncertainty. Most kingdoms don't necessarily know who they will be engaging next so they're forced to act as though they'll encounter well defended provinces. However, once the opponent is known, intel is gathered, and projections are made, it makes perfect sense to release down to a WPA level that will satisfy the requirement and free up more pop space for def/off prior to training for the engagement. You -could- walk in with excessive WPA, but it wouldn't be the optimum path and could leave provs overexposed to other risk factors.
    Last edited by octobrev; 01-08-2018 at 18:23. Reason: Example
    theHERETICS - Brute Force - Sonata - Dreams - The Pulsing Trollfags - The Expendables
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  11. #26
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    Last edited by Palem; 02-08-2018 at 19:04.
    If you don't want to add anything (numbers/strategy/theory) about what I'm saying so I can rebuke it. Keep your cult-like indoctrinated nay-saying to yourself.

    Utopia=Drink the kool-aid

  12. #27
    Needs to get out more
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    Ganga, I'm experienced enough to understand both points of view. I've seen octo handle the world admirably with fae attacker types. I've been in TFC and run faery in various troop loads.

    In the interest of octo, I've played faery enough to understand the premise of "barrel cooling" along with resource limits and tactical shell gaming. And octo is way out of my league. In the realm of Divinity there's much to be said about exhaustible resource balance amongst the entirety of the kingdom. It's that logistically Persain chooses overlap because he knows where one kingdom feature falls off another has already begun. He's very polished in kingdom strats.

    I'm somewhat similar to you in practice and have always been aggressive, if not particular, in rough environments. If I'm a hybrid I regard enemy attackers as a resource pool. I'd see mystics as my sabotage target and rogues as my ops target. - If I'm focal to core supremacy I've enjoyed much success in turning my attention to fantastically built heavy attackers and reducing them to rubble. - Again, I don't do numbers because I just make blobs and pretty numbers in the vicinity of what succeeds. As an example: I can get you good results in a homes pump, but I can only do the math figuratively.

    I think these discussions are valuable to the reader and thus encourage you, Ganga, to participate. We must have faith the reader will decipher through intellectual discrimination. Is that what it's called? Maybe distinction...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  13. #28
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    There's a redeeming quality to militarized faery that I can relate to, just that it's against my honor code.

    Like Frank Thomas for Nugenix says: IT'S EASY!

    If you're a province-ace and know how to random you can grow to immense acreage...but you're war tier and grumpy voices prevail, you can negotiate a land drop. It's pretty old news like steroids, but the community has been asleep on land dropping since the Cromulent Republic and Pyro cJ era. If you're new here; by compacting acres via land drop you increase all your pa's except peasants per - wpa, tpa, nwpa...

    You just send out elites enough to expose yourself to the successor of the acres.

    Again, it's not my way. I've got a number of honor/challenge codes which include land dropping as a no-no, but for the immoral glory hounds I see nothing but win-win :D No insult intended. Without black knights us white knights would be playing solitaire.
    Last edited by StratOcastle; 03-08-2018 at 21:16.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  14. #29
    Strategy Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by octobrev View Post
    For instance, his point about accumulating as much WPA as possible is agreeable on the surface but Ganga is right to question the efficiency of doing so. Hoarding WPA is more a matter of dealing with uncertainty.
    the point of his suggestion being terrible is the vast majority of kds will setup a feary at least on par with what i was suggesting. If u want your prov to be successful in a random kd or in your average kd you need to plan around what most people in the game are running. If you want to run a non standard setup you need to explain how your mix is used in a kd or why you dont just crumble. Ganga was saying as a feary you'd run 2 tpa and 2 wpa and op attackers early age with 4 wpa and 4 tpa late age. Thats fine if say you want your feary to only op fat provs. The point i made is that right now 2 tpa and 2 wpa WONT actually be successfull doing that early age. This is because TPA: most kd attackers start at 2 tpa and when they grow WT counters their diluted tpa enough tha you arent oping and WPA: 2 wpa again is barely enough to fb attackers and u wont be NMing due to rune/wpa shortage. He suggested late age 4 tpa 4 wpa and i go to the same thing. 4 wpa isnt enough wpa to nm anyone and you'd end up wasting the heretic personality.

    However now he wasn't suggesting that my numbers could be lowered if you simply play your feary a certain nonstandard way clarify that playstyle, he was simply saying "a feary doesnt need good tpa/wpa to use the heretic personality to its fullest" which is simply just wrong. I can confirm you dont need anywhere near my numbers on ALL faeries, i ran faery tact 2 ages in a row running 1.5 tpa and 3 wpa and i simply acted as a self spell machine casting CS/GP/RM.... and growing as big as i could. I didnt care about eating ops or geting shelled because my goal was to grow and build 40-50% towers and feed my kd. I'd keep just enough wpa to cast selfies and i went aid runes v econ so it was a "viable" way to play. I however wasnt running heretic as the OP asked which due to its nature needs wpa/tpa to use its personality.

  15. #30
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    2-4 would be fine in the hood! 1 to 1 is sufficient for robbing and there are always randbobs on 1tpa/wpa besides. My intel farms have spent a lot of time among these people. I even had one in your Divinity back when they were still HaJ :O
    theHERETICS - Brute Force - Sonata - Dreams - The Pulsing Trollfags - The Expendables
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