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Thread: Best warring KDs

  1. #1
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    Best warring KDs

    So Im just wondering who people think are currently the best warring KDs out there. I get this is a very subjective question, but I would just like to hear peoples opinions about this. But if I had to limit the question id ask people to focus on KDs more focused on warring and not growing.


  2. #2
    Strategy Moderator
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    Only issue i have with focusing on waring and not growing, is currently the kd "best at waring" is Emeriti and they are a 'growth' kd. I'd say the reasoning is because in the current climate the best waring kd can be the best growth kd, that wasn't always the case, and i'd say that drop from 4k->3500->3k players along with stuff to making waring more fun has eroded at the previous tier distinction. That is in the past 8-10 kds needed land, time to pump wpa/science/cow and prep 4 war leads to a vastly different environment than 3-4 kds who could war b2b2b and win.

  3. #3
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    a lot of decent warring kingdoms has disbanded over the past like 5-10 ages so it would be kind of hard to say, more keeps hiding who they are all age so for someone not into utopia politics hard to tell who is really arround still.

    I would disagree that the kingdom aiming for nw/land crown is the best warring kingdom since they never try to get most ww's, some ages they did not even have a single war, and beeing the best at maintaining the position where no one want to war you because you have to much of an advantage is not equal to beeing best at warring too. I'd rather say look at the ww chart and for mabe the past 5 ages or so and anyone constantly getting in top 10 could be the best current warring kingdom.

    Also it might not be a definite answer which is fine to, I do not think that there is one kingdom arround that could beat everyone else no matter the situation, one setup might beat another but loses to a third who would get beaten by the second setup, preperation and activity plays a role too, think of it as a more advanced game of rock paper scissors.
    Furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed and Dryads brought back to the game

  4. #4
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    Here are the honor and war win crown holders of the past 10 ages:

    Pretty sure its Emeriti though... especially with Zoot back!
    theHERETICS - Brute Force - Sonata - Dreams - The Pulsing Trollfags - The Expendables
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  5. #5
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Emeriti most likely, but these kind of discussions always stems people like Madchess who argues that warring kingdoms are the best cause they have more wars. Like having more wars is some meassurement of success.

  6. #6
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    There's a lot of measures of success. # of wars, %wins, WW points, winning on even terms, making the most out of a loss, making the most out of a win, set up vs execution.

    The "best" war kd may not top the charts every time or even ever if they look too scary, ppl won't engage, etc.

    The tightest waves I can remember in the last couple years was a war against baralocco, lots avians all hitting within a few minutes demolished us, they also did excellent sold bounces, abused our chains, saved their chains.

    FS also seemed to manage to do the most damage with ops. I've never seen so much NS damage done as I have against FS and I think they were running avian clerics... But every 8-12 hours our undead/tacts were just getting nuked, losing upwards of 50% in single op runs.

    I think I've only warred emeriti once, while it was a loss, any mid tier war KD would have beat us just as hard. Week 1 war with a big advantage for them, hard to judge but I wasn't amazed. Emeriti has probably lost the most wars of any growth KD that still seems to win so much.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madchess View Post
    I would disagree that the kingdom aiming for nw/land crown is the best warring kingdom since they never try to get most ww's, some ages they did not even have a single war, and beeing the best at maintaining the position where no one want to war you because you have to much of an advantage is not equal to beeing best at warring too. I'd rather say look at the ww chart and for mabe the past 5 ages or so and anyone constantly getting in top 10 could be the best current warring kingdom.
    i'd agree with u maybe 5-10 ages ago about war v land/nw but with the player base dropping and overal changes make waring pretty needed to get in the top land/nw. Im not saying even crowning in b2b2b ages in land/nw would make you the best, its simply just happens to be that a big name in growth is one of the best kds at war (@bananamancer, emeriti doesnt chose standard setup so the way it feels to war them is gonna be differnt). As for "looking at those consistently in the top 10. Thats not really that great, alot of the kds that hit top in in war wins really arent that great they are just above average and war ALOT, very much a function of can u get enough wars. Its alot easier to go 6/9 and hit #1 war win chart than for example the age evil hipmunks took it going 5/5 all against pretty decent kds. Or for example

    Quote Originally Posted by Bananamancer2000 View Post
    The "best" war kd may not top the charts every time or even ever if they look too scary, ppl won't engage, etc.
    are u bad if u simply pick a Freakstyle setup where if u're activity matches your opponent you win when declaring on anyone <115% your nw/land? Not a lot of wars but u arent gonna lose.

    If u wanna define the best warring kd as a kd who will win a war when facing a kd of roughly equal strength and whose goal is to simply "win", the answer is Emeriti. Theres about 3-4 kds on their level though not as consistent another 5 that could put up a fight but just arent that caliber (these are the 'best waring kds" most would call out) and then another 10 or so good kds before u hit up the average kd like say Monsters. Let me give some credit though i've fought monsters 2 times in the past 3 ages they are not bad, by no means is anyone in their kd stupid, nor is their activity laughable, but they simply arent going to beat me in an 'even' fight because every little build mistake, sniped army, science miss-allocation is going to add up to a loss. I'll give them credit though one war we gave them a decent lead and i had to work insanely hard to win....(i think it was against them we literately casted 1 et/tick/feary for 72 hours on 6 fearies and only won because of that).

  8. #8
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    As long as we don't go into the Vasp argument (no one beat me in a war I lead so I'm best) I'm fine with the discussion.

    To add to the discussion, have you ever wondered why so many decent warring kingdoms has retired, maybe it is not a sign of them beeing best if they burn out their own leadership and core players all the time, maybe the real champions are the kingdoms that perform well despite not forcing a race/personality choice and request people to set alarms, there is only so many people willing to do that at any one time.

    Not saying kingdoms run less strictly can beat a kingdom that is fully setup with all race/personality choices made by leadership where everyone gets texted in the middle of the night to send out or cast spells, but I know what type of kingdom I'd prefer to stick arround in for a long time and which of these I would not want to be a part of. I find it more motivating that I am the one making the call on when to set my own alarm in the middle of the night and when I simply can't do that, and still I'll aim for top uniques in war no mater what kingdom I'm a part of.
    Furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed and Dryads brought back to the game

  9. #9
    Needs to get out more
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    To my mind the question is in the skill in mechanical war. Many kingdoms of highest order believe wars are won in hostile/relations/meter control, but I find this simplistic and logistically weighted to kingdoms with discipline and a nose for the naive.

    The real question is how you match blades against a crafty opponent of known quality in the relative vacuum of war. This is something I've noticed in my kingdom hopping travels that is considered esoteric, but frankly is the prevailing method I measure opponent worth.

    You're doing yourself a disservice in measuring opponent quality if the strategic methods of most kingdoms are similarly a compromise of culture. That is just the beginning. Nobody talks about what causes the collapse of rudementary objectives. The simplest is chain waving, as an example.

    In summary, I can tell who's really good when I see them in war.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  10. #10
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    This threads depressing. But Persian is more or less right. There are maybe 5 kds on the server that are good.

    The rest might not be outright horrible at Utopia as individuals, and maybe as a weekend amateur curling team they are ok, but those 5 kds are playing hockey.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    This threads depressing. But Persian is more or less right. There are maybe 5 kds on the server that are good.

    The rest might not be outright horrible at Utopia as individuals, and maybe as a weekend amateur curling team they are ok, but those 5 kds are playing hockey.
    yay Pillz agrees with me :D

    I'll point out a great example of what hes saying. Dungeon dwellers is a pretty average kd, activity isnt consistent strategy can be hit or miss due to how their leadership is feeling at the time, but they have some pretty good players. Enough so much so that im not going to wave them for science or randomly for land if im trying to find a war. They will mess you up if you piss them off. i.e. In a one on one fight thats agreed to war im gonna win every time, yet if i get arrogant and give a huge advantage like a learn wave open button that i forget to cf, or i get pissed off at some learns and try to !@# with em where they can nw drop to declare..omg its gonna hurt. They are smart enough to absolutely crush me in war like that.

    @Bibilicious if u actually wanted a "Ranking" your going to start pissing people off when someone says xyz is meh, or "im so great" people will start arguing. Espically because theres a whole group of the kds in that "good not great" that are good enough to see kds that will beat them and when u better kds aproach it gets really hard to agree to war terms. I'd put like warseekers (look at octobrev's list) when operating at full throttle in that boat, no one is gonna say they are the best, but its really really hard to line up fair fights because giving a kd like theirs a decent advantage is gonna be insanely hard to overcome no matter who you are and they can see when your trying to fight with your own advantage.
    Last edited by Persain; 21-10-2018 at 00:34.

  12. #12
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    True we dont stack up aswell with some kds as every age we tend to have some take ages off and take in friends of people or old players returning so we stay in training mode alot instead of only recruiting established players. I still enjoy training new people.Even then we seldom get a even war and normally have to war kingdoms that have 1-2 more players or higher net. Dont remember the last war we had against a smaller kd . New players learn IMO more against good opponents than they do in easy wars against smaller people.


    Fighting the world back Proudly since Age 35


  13. #13
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    New people also learn if they do not get beaten so badly every time that they quit outright.

    I believe a good kingdom has the ballance between beeing good enought to keep people interested and beeing bad enought so they do not get to demanding and chase people away. The best kingdoms probably never uses the recruitment forum or ingame recruitment options. If a kingdom constantly needs to recruit super active or skilled people then they are probably not that good, or there is a problem with how they are doing things.
    Furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed and Dryads brought back to the game

  14. #14
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    As far as reputably good there's no real argument. Charts are for the breadth of the game.

    My point in getting "in there" to see is that qualitatively you can be in a much tougher war than anticipated against opponents you weren't aware of. There are aspects in war that can get particularly tricky depending on the approach. I enjoyed warring Noobies Don't Bite because they were very aggressive toward chained opposition. This aspect alone doesn't make them a great warring kingdom, but getting chained by them prepares you for that situation.

    As you accumulate experiences across a broad spectrum you can then regard a kingdom based in a worldly view. Being hammered down because one of your guys slipped on the meter doesn't mean the kingdom in question is a maneuvering chess master, they're just doing logistics.

    I had the pleasure of seeing Freeakstyle fight out of a tough war first hand. I payed attention to everything they did.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  15. #15
    Enthusiast Minty's Avatar
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    Emeriti is best at positioning prior to a war. They might be the best warring KD but how often do they enter a war on fair terms? They've already done the hard work of getting into a winning position in the first place

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