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Thread: Let's arm our teachers

  1. #31
    Post Fiend
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    Cure nihilism. Teachers don't need guns children need philosophy. Show me the suicide rates in the countries with stricter gun laws; drug-related crime rates, unemployment, etc. Such a narrow scope on an issue of such magnitude is futile.

    Guns are bad mkay but the 2nd amendment makes a lot of sense.

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

    Cuz you know, the security of a free state (ours) is important.

    It's not a gun rights issue it's nihilism.

    In this individual's poorly informed opinion anyway.

  2. #32
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolzly View Post
    Cure nihilism. Teachers don't need guns children need philosophy. Show me the suicide rates in the countries with stricter gun laws; drug-related crime rates, unemployment, etc. Such a narrow scope on an issue of such magnitude is futile.

    Guns are bad mkay but the 2nd amendment makes a lot of sense.

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

    Cuz you know, the security of a free state (ours) is important.

    It's not a gun rights issue it's nihilism.

    In this individual's poorly informed opinion anyway.
    There's a big difference between "A well regulated militia" which aims to protect the people and some lone wolves misquoting the 2nd amendment to own a small arsenal to compensate for ... something.
    Also you have to remember that way back, the best guns they had were muskets. Muskets have short range, poor accuracy and long reloading times. Even a semi-automatic rifle with a 'small' 10-round magazine is far superior to a musket in every way and assault rifles more so.

    But I agree with you that the US does a poor job of caring for it's citizens which results in higher rates of crime and drug use. Which in turn leads to more violence.
    Imagine if all that money spent on war and lobbying was instead spent on education and healthcare....
    Last edited by Landro; 18-05-2018 at 20:46.

  3. #33
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    But that's socialism!

    Also, it's not entirely true to say that there was only muskets around when they wrote the 2nd amendment. There was most definitely rapid fire guns and canons and so forth, even if muskets were absolutely the most common firearm around

  4. #34
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    But that's socialism!
    Socialist Europa has far fewer mass shootings than the US even though many Swiss and Scandinavians have access to modern firearms

    Also, it's not entirely true to say that there was only muskets around when they wrote the 2nd amendment. There was most definitely rapid fire guns and canons and so forth, even if muskets were absolutely the most common firearm around

    Somehow I don't see people bringing cannons to a school shooting.
    As for automatic firearms: Oldest ones I could find are and both of which showed up more than half a century after the 2nd amendment and I don't see a school shooter lugging those around either

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Landro View Post
    Socialist Europa has far fewer mass shootings than the US even though many Swiss and Scandinavians have access to modern firearms
    Do I really have to start using the sarcasm tag? C'mon y'all =/

    Somehow I don't see people bringing cannons to a school shooting.
    As for automatic firearms: Oldest ones I could find are and both of which showed up more than half a century after the 2nd amendment and I don't see a school shooter lugging those around either
    I didn't say automatic. The Kalthoff repeater existed 100+ years before the 2nd amendment was written.
    More importantly, I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at. Automatic weapons existed long before school shootings became a major problem. It's not someone invented a gun designed for shooting schools up in the 90s.

  6. #36
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    Do I really have to start using the sarcasm tag? C'mon y'all =/
    When murrikans talk bad about socialism, they tend to mean it, but every now and then there's a smart ass who lectures you about sarcasm.

    I didn't say automatic. The Kalthoff repeater existed 100+ years before the 2nd amendment was written.
    More importantly, I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at. Automatic weapons existed long before school shootings became a major problem. It's not someone invented a gun designed for shooting schools up in the 90s.
    Perhaps they should introduce a new weapons line for school shooters. There seems to be a sizable market for it and the first one to enter that market could make a killing.

  7. #37
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    Another problem solved by capitalism
    /s (just in case)

  8. #38
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    35 years ago many kids in school had weapons in their trucks and cars at school. There were no shootings or even thought about it. Not long after that tho to many Parents got the idea that their children shouldn't be spanked or discipled not only at home but at school either.Now those children have children themselves and most have no concept of consequences for their actions . When parents start being parents again instead of trying to be their childrens best friends we might go back to how things used to be.


    Fighting the world back Proudly since Age 35


  9. #39
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder TA View Post
    35 years ago many kids in school had weapons in their trucks and cars at school. There were no shootings or even thought about it. Not long after that tho to many Parents got the idea that their children shouldn't be spanked or discipled not only at home but at school either.Now those children have children themselves and most have no concept of consequences for their actions . When parents start being parents again instead of trying to be their childrens best friends we might go back to how things used to be.
    What dream world you live in?

  10. #40
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    Don't you just love it when people agree with you?

  11. #41
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    Hopefully, I'm replying before this devolves into another pointing finger insult fest in regards to school shootings & gun control.

    1-I'm surprised that this conversation is allowed at all due to the potential of the website getting shadow banned from google.

    2-When shadow banning gets more will be impossible to doe proper due diligence on a variety of topics...this just being one of them.

    3-Neither Washington D.C. nor the Capital are gun free zones.
    Washington D.C. went thru the whole "the sky is falling". But the crime rates have gone down a significant margin (at least 20% if I remember correctly) across the spectrum despite gun control activists scare tactics (whether they were disingenuous or simply misinformed, I do not know).
    The Capital may be technically gun free (at least for us lowly civilians)...I would assume so. But even so, you are comparing apples to oranges. There are armed people of various stripes throughout. Take your pick; CIA , FBI, Marines & Army personnel in various defensive positions. Not to mention the private security hired by various individuals for protection. Since they themselves do not (and most likely can not) carry. There really isn't much to compare schools to in this regards...we all know that they are & remain immensely soft targets. There isn't much that can be done about that...especially in our current culture of mass concentration of students. Most schools are consolidated to the point of having a higher population than most towns do in America, yet have less "security" than most malls or other public places. I say "security" with quotation marks because nothing else in America has the amount of ingress or egress as the American High School does on a daily basis. Sure, they may have the equivalent of or more people passing through on a daily basis. But not in the condensed time frame.

    4-Security at practically any level is a bad joke in any case. I'm wandering abit off topic here...sorry. But I have to mention most security is merely symbolic & psychological rather than practical. Take prisons for example, one of the most "secure" environments you will ever find. Where the inmates are frisked routinely...unarmed...and yet, they routinely find ingenious ways to kill each other. If not for their care takers...I bet you would hear on occasion about murder sprees from within those confined "secure" spaces. And yes...I am implying that you need those capable of violence to prevent those who are abusing violence for personal gain, and can freely replace "violence" for "guns". But beyond even have these unarmed individuals overpowering those that are in possession of weapons. The weapons are not the cause....the culture/environment is.

    5-Arming teachers:
    On this I've always been of two minds...there are days I am for it:
    A-response times of first responders will never be fast enough to prevent the carnage
    B-active deterrent for most of the profiles of known shooters (if only they targeted police stations instead)
    C-reacquainting the population with this useful tool. One that for most of Americas existence was a common household tool.
    the days I am against it:
    A-shootings of aggrieved people...whether they be student or faculty (it will happen, would be less than the current situation....but regardless, unacceptable)
    B-Some faculty member just going postal (come on....there is a reason the term exists in the first place)
    C-Individuals being armed who do not posses the right characteristics, whether they be to cocky or undisciplined (this one really isn't one of mine, simply because most people know if they are or not competent enough to handle the far as the show boats go. They would also be regulated because of peer review.)

    I believe I have rattled on long enough for one post on this debate. But there are many, MANY facets to this issue that should be considered & pursued to reach our desired outcome. I won't say no more mass shootings, because that implies the weapon of choice...the firearm, is the reason of these events. Don't forget the murder spree in Barcelona that happened not long ago. Where the terrorist used a truck. Nor was Barcelona the only recent event that an evil individual used a vehicle instead of a bullet.

  12. #42
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    Name checks out

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