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Thread: Age 79 Utopia Aftermath (the most disappointing age ever. )

  1. #16
    Strategy Moderator
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by khronosschoty View Post
    Ops moving the meter, can't stand it. The new CF mechanics; combined with the current hostile meter; and declare by either side when hostile is reached. I haven't been a fan of any of the new CF mechanisms; but these new ones take the cake -- and break the camels back.
    so what ruins utopia for you is a few in game mechanics that stops assholes from draging out pointless fights for days. Like the inability to @#$# with someone forever when they hit you w/out having the aggressor kd spend days and days raze killing to force a cf or having to beg a stronger kd for days to cf you while u wait for them to keep you at max meter and knock you outa nw range?

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persain View Post
    so what ruins utopia for you is a few in game mechanics that stops assholes from draging out pointless fights for days. Like the inability to @#$# with someone forever when they hit you w/out having the aggressor kd spend days and days raze killing to force a cf or having to beg a stronger kd for days to cf you while u wait for them to keep you at max meter and knock you outa nw range?
    How often does that happen? I'm almost always the aggressor KD, and while people threaten to do that, they always fold and send a C.F.. Obviously I can't speak for anyone else, but in my experience it's a non issue.

  3. #18
    Strategy Moderator
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    correct it doesnt always happen, but it does. i was about 24 hours away from pking people this past age as a kd wouldnt cf and kept oping after we random'ed them x3 by 3 people for some science and then exchanged a few hits enough to push meter to 20 points. Similarrly its been 2 ages buut i've been waved for 36 waves for science by asshole kds plenty in the past.

    Point is the mechanics added as far as war goes literally just say if u want to war start fighting, if u dont want to war u can either do what we've done in the past and send a cf that can be accepted when the wave is over or u have to wait out few hours of attacking before you get a 3 days cf. And if the kd your hitting has completely afk leadership wait out ops an day and u can put up a cf.

    How does that drastically change anything for the vast majority of kds? The only 2 really limiting thing i see is 1. you have 3 hours to wave instead of 6-8 that some weaker kds took in the past and 2. A setup like that is mostly rogue/mystic/heretic that gets waved relies on MASS GBP and 1/2 damage of SW/ET pre war to sit and op u for days while doing LL+hopeing (even if they'd claim not) that the agressor gets outside hits as they get weakened is flat out shut down. That sems like a reasonable compromise....i.e. if u wanna op someone to **** war en and do it in war.

  4. #19
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    I'm just not a fan of a "hardcore strategy game" removing some strategies and forcing you to play a certain way.

  5. #20
    Strategy Moderator
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    4,208 a certain way, u mean like taking a fight to war v never geting into war? the game already forced 2 fighting kds into war it just took like 100+ hits to do it and now its helping facilitate the protection war stance gives by pushing any 2 fighting kds into that faster. it seems reasonable to me. you fight u go to war. Since they introduced no fake wars and the war win bonus its basically always been like that anytime 2 kds actively engage they enter war....why should mechanics meant to protect kds from griefing or bullying be used to gain an advantage over a kd you fully intend to war?

    Similarly the cf stuff you already said "they always fold and send a C.F.. " so how do the new mechanics alter that for you? literally all its doing is forcing it a bit sooner, i mean they lowered learns gains AND u get 1/2 troop damage on learn so its much much less painless if the aggressor kd just wants some science. Theres still a ton of ways to mess with someone by say hiting into a war, scewing with them, cfing pumping breaking the cf. I get people aren't likely "new mechanics" but as i said before the only thing being "Forced" is a fight that is a war is now handled in the war stance, why is that so terrible?

  6. #21
    Needs to get out more
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    My whole play style is predicated on letting a logistically superior kingdom/provinces hit first. As a player who never moves with offensive aggression the mechanics offer me choices that aren't thrilling.

    I use to random attack and join organized kingdoms but most of that time was spent playing in ways I felt was bad for the player base. The random attacks were to keep army out or grow on demand. I found I no longer needed to grow from targeting some poor soul and splitting his skull to progress in science or acreage. Using bots and 3rd party chats just to play cookie cutter madness with a preselected race and personality caused boredom.

    My decision was to play pure retal out of war with a race and personality of my choosing. This way, only enemies that felt tough enough to attack me were subject to reprisals. I'm not mean spirited and see most interactions as sport. I'm use to being attacked by 3 different enemies from 3 different kingdoms at a time and going to war without recovery.

    All the mechanics for pump and readiness are nice for neatness OCD but shouldn't leak into the aggressive blunders these kingdoms make diplomatically. If I could find 24 psychopaths to join me then these mechanics would never be noticed. Sadly, the majority of players are driven by a desire to stack resources rather than experience high adventure.

    The only reason I ever rate is to confirm I know how to play, and I do it without vulturing. I even sent a CF to a kingdom we were retal warring 2 ages ago because I sensed, while they were our superior they didn't want this. I think it's important to leave decision making to those who have empathy. The player base requires nurturing. It may not survive, but I'd like it to linger for a while.

    It comes down to players listening to their inner voice and understanding levels of aggression. The CF mechanics reflect the game as full of overly competitive uncles and highschool bullies that can't handle social norms. In conversations I've had with monarchs the majority are reasonable. When I have run across angry monarchs I let them know I'm not a monster and prefer peace.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  7. #22
    Post Demon DM_Benjamin's Avatar
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    As Justin Timberlake would say, cry me a river... khrono
    Redwood Originals ~Lowriders for life

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DM_Benjamin View Post
    As Justin Timberlake would say, cry me a river... khrono
    Sure, just stick with that thought as we lose 100 players per age

  9. #24
    Post Fiend
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    Last age was the most fun Ive had in a long time.

    I started the age about two weeks late and got the hang of the science system pretty quick, I hadnt played in a while.

    I realized i wanted to try some sci army in out learn strat I came up with so I just started learning people army in/army out for a couple weeks oop and racked up 8 million books on my 80k nw/350 acre province which was the 2nd highest science i saw all age.

    I then pumped a couple days and was able to grow like 300k nw and 1500 acres in about a week before the age ended and my kd was like at the bottom of the charts. If the age had gone another week i mightve made it to a million nw.

    It was so easy to grow with good sci.
    Last edited by Billah; 19-11-2018 at 07:51.
    Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!

  10. #25
    Post Fiend
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    And who cares about the mechanics bro?

    Im still bent out of shape about when they removed land based gains and also BE? Wtf were they thinking?

    And personalities? Who needs them.

    I miss the days when if you wanted to war somebody you just declared war and then waved them. Lol. All this modern war stuff is just useless.

    Bring back plazas bro.

    Waaaa cry me a river. Utopia is still fun.
    Last edited by Billah; 17-11-2018 at 23:57.
    Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!

  11. #26
    Forum Addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persain View Post
    so what ruins utopia for you is a few in game mechanics that stops assholes from draging out pointless fights for days. Like the inability to @#$# with someone forever when they hit you w/out having the aggressor kd spend days and days raze killing to force a cf or having to beg a stronger kd for days to cf you while u wait for them to keep you at max meter and knock you outa nw range?
    Poor babe. Cry me a river.
    So I wonder if this entirely epic suggestion was yours as you seem so emotionally attached to it? Been forgetting to diplo and getting butt hurt?

  12. #27
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    im only "emotionally attached" to it as u say in so much as i think it'll benefit the kds i normally have to hurt. i dont think people enjoy it when i have to start strong arming their kd because i know how the mechanics work better than they do. Its like i said i think the changes will have zero impact on my kd next age but in general benefit the kds weaker kds or those who dont have super active leaders.

    A good example of this would be one of the wars i had a few years back when i crushed a ezzerland run kd. He was 90% my size yet had a setup that could min time beat me easy. he stupidly waved not knowing "all" the mechanics. after realizing i wasnt going to push a button before wave 2 he was locked into ops with me for days. We spent 3 days plundering out of hostile for 2 dragons+retraining lost military+ land while gbp/gs/kd throttling made his gains nearly 0 into us. didnt help his only other option was bounce-waving one of my unbreakable and risking 0 incoming declare across his core as u cant conquest outa nw range when not in war. mechanics designed to stop him from griefing us for days basically ment he realized he lost within 24 hours but it took another 4 days of oow+war for him to lose. sure that "Strategy" isnt there and he made his own stupid mistake, but why did i get to win because i abused poor game mechanics.

    I'd personally prefer if all hits were 12 hours, took 12% of the targets land, there was zero gbp and all ops were always available. That'd still provide just as complex a game as ever with plenty of strategies but bad kds would cry, those who arent as good wouldn't have fun as we've seen in the past. so be it what u may.

  13. #28
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    I can't agree to the suggestion that hitting someone while they are in a war would be better than to have a few days of ops and beeing forced to try and diplo a cf for meter points that you have given. Essentially while you might say weaker kingdoms want protection against stronger kingdoms to many a cf gives them nothing but fewer targets which is undesirable even if they run the risk of getting waved so they will not actively seek to cf unless they absolutely have to, such is the mindset in the ghetto, and many will likely still refuse it since they got gb protection acros the kingdom and further hits will give less gains.

    Thus doing diplomacy is really the key here, seek to arrange for mutual agreed wars over just waving whoever is in range and it would be easier to get a war, people who want to wave every 12 hours for science, land or war are really to greedy for their own good which is why they are failing at getting everything they want.
    Furthermore I think Carthage should be destroyed and Dryads brought back to the game

  14. #29
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    Defending the 'Force CF' mechanic is an absolute joke. It doesn't matter if you've been in engagements that dragged due to poor diplo/apathy/not caring about the other KD's time/etc. Any Uto player has dealt with that situation many times. It's part of the game that smaller KDs make larger KDs look elsewhere for easy waves (FSU KDs or not). Larger KDs will now wave with the smaller ones in fear of even retaliating with ops. Smaller KDs will whine whenever they are waved+monarch offline for whatever period of time extra. Now the devs give us the option to erect a magical 3 day long force field to prevent the 'bad guys' from getting us? Nice 'hardcore' strategy game. I'm taking the age off, but I won't say Uto is entirely dead.. just in dev limbo.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Snowstorm View Post
    I don't know who you ghetto noobs are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for free acres, I can tell you I don't have any for you... but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for noobs like you. If you CF now, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will razekill you.

  15. #30
    Sir Postalot
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    Changes are out right horrible. I thought I was seeing things when I read about ops & meter.

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