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I wish people would abuse it that way... especially now that either KD can declare at Hostile. It would be a risky proposition to attempt to abuse this for war score, I would think, albeit effective as hell if successful.
Sure you can keep it out of declare range on meter, but you are then going to gimp yourself for the retal-war that will follow. You won't be able to op, or attack in return, while the KD you just ticked off goes to town... You probably won't get a lot of Wars, let alone WWs, if your KD is beat up like this throughout the age.
Maybe you can make the -75% protection from War slide in over 24h rather than 12, so that people would also be less tempted to wave to juice up their warscore before hiding in a previously arranged war... Heck, you could remove that protection altogether from KDs you have Unfriendly, or worse, relations with.