Here's an alternate proposal for these with 5pt specs and 1pt horses!


specs -> 5pt
ospec -> 1nw / strength
dspec -> 1.2nw / strength
horse -> 1 strength, 0.4nw
stables -> 100 capacity, 3 horses / tick (to make up for horses being a lot weaker)
BL -> 15% OME, 15% enemy casualties when attacking, 15% own casualties


Dark Elf
+20% Spell Damage
25% of peasants gained on TMs are converted to wizards

+20% enemy sabotage damage

7/3 elite 9nw 900gc
Spellbook: GP

+20% sabotage damage
Can train thieves with credits
+20% spec credits

-10% income

6/3 elite 8.5nw 850gc
Spellbook: BL

+20% WPA
+25% rune production
+1 dspec

+20% wages

6/4 elite 9nw 900gc
Spellbook: MF, GP

+20% TPA
+15% population
-50% thief cost
2/2 soldiers

-1 ospec

5/4 elite 8nw 600gc
Spellbook: MA, Invis, Aggression

+20% income
+20% spec and building credits from attacks
+15% economy science

+20% enemy spell damage

7/4 elite 10nw 1000gc
Spellbook: IA, QF, Rev

+10% Battle gains
+10% enemy casualties
Free draft

-25% arcane arts science effectiveness

7/2 elite 9nw 900gc
Spellbook: Aggression, BL

-25% attack time
+35% birth rate
-35% military training time

cannot use stables or horses

7/1 elite 8nw 850gc
Spellbook: TW

+20% BE
-50% construction time
Free construction

+75% food needed
Cannot accelerate construction

6/5 elite 10nw 1000gc
Spellbook: RM, CS, TW

+25% self spell duration
can cast spells on mates
self spells cost 2 mana

-1 general

4/7 elite 10.5nw 1100gc
Spellbook: MA, SI

-25% casualties
no food needed
spreads and is immune to plague

+10% attack time

9/2 elite 10.5nw 1100gc
Spellbook: AD


+150% guild land effect
+50% channeling science
+1 mana/tick

Spellbook: MS, Chastity, Blizzard, Rev, Paradise
Starts with: 800 wiz

+50% TD land effect
+50% guild land effect
+50% crime science
+1 stealth/tick
Access to rogue thief ops

Spellbook: Rev, Paradise
Starts with: 800 thieves

+75% guild land effect
wiz don't die on failed spells
-75% losses on failed thief ops
+30% channeling, crime, and cunning sci

Spellbook: NM, FG, Amnesia, Rev, Paradise
Starts with: 400 wiz, 400 thieves

-25% casualties
Immune to plague
+30% strategy and shielding sci

Spellbook: GP, DS, Wrathful Smite, IS, Pitfalls
Starts with: 800 solds and creds

-15% attack time
+50% siege sci
accurate intel

Spellbook: War Spoils
Sarts with: 800 solds and credits

Immune to income penalties
+25% gains on robs and plunders
-25% losses on enemy robs and plunders
+25% income, production, and thievery sci
-25% TB from aid, both incoming and outgoing

Spellbook: ToG, Gluttony
Starts with: 400 thieves, 400 solds and creds

+10% OME
+30% tactics sci
-25% casualties on conquest attacks
improved conquest range

Spellbook: fanat
Starts with: 800 solds and creds

War Hero
+1 ospec
Convert specs to elites
+30% dragon slaying strength
+30% valor and heroism sci

Spellbook: Hero's inspiration (PI renamed)
Starts with: 800 elites