Quote Originally Posted by DM_Benjamin View Post
Sinners were supposed to be a top kd, they achieved nothing. If your argument is that Sinners weren’t trash because GA were then you are mistaken. I openly admit GA were trash

The difference is that Sinners players are the most delusional in Utopia, they honestly believe they were good when they weren’t. The reason you sinner fag bois cop so much **** in the forums is because all you dick heads talked like you actually mattered when realistically you were the nuggets of Utopia. Those little pieces of **** that just won’t flush but don’t really cause you any problems.
Fully intended to respond to this. But it's basically a copypasta. Try harder to articulate yourself and make meaningful person attacks.

Sinners lost 3 wars in 11(10) ages, disband 2 alliances with NA (a 50% success rate), and consisted entirely of folks who liked to see flaming in the forums. The fact we were the best at creating ****storms on AR/utimes/here is a testament to our greatness.

You carry the torch for us, Ben. One day I'll write in depth about the impact of sinners, and maybe specific community members, in depth.

Octo you in?