I like the changes (though poor Orcs. I would've given them an 8/2 elite).

A few (more) notes:
– I preferred humans having a sci building bonus instead of an outright sci bonus. It gave human players a choice: do they do for more science buildings, sacrificing current standings for future gains? Do they build less of them? Do they build none of them, to ignore that bonus in favor of other things? I guess you changed it for good reason, so this is more of a personal note than anything.
– A 6/5 elite for human is better, but it's still kind of pointless. Why would people build a 6/5 elite? It doesn't defend as well as archers, attacks just as good as swordsmen that are half as cheap, and they add more NW. It's a primarily offensive elite that doesn't do a good job of being offensive – compare with halfling's 5/6 elite which, yes, isn't as good at attacking as a Strongarm, but it's much more likely to be used as mainly a T/M unit that focuses on defending but can attack when the need arises. While this is valid with the human elite too, humans are not good T/Ms and their elite isn't as good defending.
– Give Dark Elf some negatives, c'mon. How about +10% wages (since you took it from Dwarf)? People don't pay a lot of wages, and it sort of balances with the +20% sabotage damage (stealing counts, right?)
– Does Halfling get 2/2 soldiers anymore? No aggression either?