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Thread: New Kningdom 2.0

  1. #1
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    New Kningdom 2.0

    Hello, utopia friends!

    This is not my first post on this recruiting board, but I hope it will be my last (rhetorically, I can answer questions here and etc,, don't be ridiculous).

    Hey listen, if you want a kingdom that does wild **** and makes you laugh and have a good time, then you should apply to this kingdom.

    We like to do wild **** and have a good time, but mostly we like to win and do so with style and grace. If the first part isn't available, we'll take the second and vice versa.

    I'm an avowed ****-poster, in fact, if I ran for ****-poster-in-chief, there wouldn't even need to be an election. People would just unanimously decide I'm the best. I'm not better than anyone, I'm just better at certain stuff, just like I expect you to be better at certain stuff.

    We're building a team from the ground up and looking for like minded individuals that want to FSU and have a good time doing it.

    I've played this game for about 20 years (yes, I'm that old but I also started young so I'm still virile and I doubt there's anyone on here that'd leave me with their significant other longer than necessary) ever since mehul was around. It's his fault this game has problems now, so we can blame him or praise him however you'd prefer if things go wrong (they won't, we'll have fun regardless).

    Here's my pitch though:

    We will war when we should not, and when we should. We will fight those that deserve it even when we can't. We will use underhanded tactics to accomplish the aforementioned goals if needed. Who dares, wins. And (I won't pad the numbers here) 50% of the time in utopia your war wins are due to a series of decisions made. Likewise the losses, however, we do not surrender here. Let the devs or game mechanics decide that for us. Either we're right or you're wrong or there's a bug. We don't give up, and neither should you if you want the best. The best is here and you're invited to join if you think you're worthy.

    PM me or email me or twitter or whatever. I'm not hiding my identity or intent. Javier Nelson. @JavierNelson or reply here.

    I'm not here to troll anyone or any tom foolery, just looking for people to use the tools the game gives us (in game chat/bot/etc) and the tools god gave me (shenanigans, tom foolery, **** posting, etc) to make a better utopian world.

    Ah, someday we will be on top. Not this day, but soon enough. Because better players having a good time will always beat out dumb ****s with loads of friends paying to win.

    We do not pay to win and we never will.

  2. #2
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hello, an addendum:

    If you're looking for a "home", that's what we want too. Permanence. Somewhere that won't change and you can always come back and holler at your boys, mostly to get roasted but c'est la vie.

  3. #3
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Additionally, we have a bit of this kind of action involved:

  4. #4
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    You're not even a top ten **** poster.

    Do endorse.

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