Kingdom and Position?
How would you rate you overall experience this age?
What impacted your experience the most?
We mostly sat around waiting for stuff to happen. There was some bad timing mixed in with waving. Outside of that over all a pretty solid age.
What was your strategy for your attackers?
Chain people and break stuff. Destroy UBs, make your own. Typical story.
What was your strategy for your TMs?
Basic tm stuff sort of varied by situation.
What was your strategy for your hybrids?
Keep pressure off the TMS
What was your favorite ritual and dragon combination for war?
Stalwart and what ever we could afford at that time.
How many wars did you have and how did your setup work well for you?
We had 4 wars, mostly against very talented kingdoms. We managed not to lose any so that's about as well as we could have hoped.
What are your thoughts on the conversion mechanics?
Stuff like this changes from time to time. While I'm not crazy about the mechanic it does change game play a bit. So I guess from a development perspective of trying to keep the game fresh, it does accomplish that.
Is there something you would change about UTOPIA?
Make it visible so people can find it.
Would you like to say something to your kingdom?
They run a fantastic kd and there are very few that have lasted as long as they have. That's a testament to their dedication to playing well, treating other kingdoms fairly, helping fellow kd mates and always striving for perfection.
Do you have any advice for the community?
Have fun, it's just a game
Any Final Thoughts?
gg glroa!
Thank you very much Smellcaster ! We look forward to seeing you in Age 89!