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Thread: Age 106 Final Changes

  1. #1
    Strategy Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Age 106 Final Changes

    Welcome to the Final Changes for Age 106!

    WoL Age 106 Open: Sunday, May 6 @ 00:00 GMT
    WoL Age 106 Start: Thu, 9 May at 18:00 GMT+00:00
    WoL Age 106 End: Saturday July 20, 2024 @ 00:00 GMT

    Miscellaneous things that are being “fixed” or Quality of life
    • To declare war, the kingdom you are declaring war against must have had hostile actions from at least 3 unique provinces. (hits only)
    • Thieves Dens - Age 105 change - now implemented (see buildings)
    • Meteor Showers now also works on “-” tick
    • Love and Peace, as well as all other duration spells have always worked on “-” tick
    • War - Learns and Amnesia recovery time - Book recovery time set to 48 Utopian Days. - Age 105 change
    • War - Learns and Amnesia recovery time - Book recover back to 100% at end of war
    • Buildings in progress are now shown on the survey operation
    • Military casualties can be expected to be roughly 5-6.5% base on defense, 6.5-8.5% base on offense
    • Provinces with successful Bribed Generals operation will now display an extra effect message on attacks that indicate the effect of Bribed Generals
    • Reviewing Age 102 change - Failed Attacks will increase the MAP of the defender, based on relative offense sent/defense, linearly scaling from 0 to half the amount of MAP generated on a successful Traditional March - Confirmed effect was implemented but results are non-obvious.
      • Modified to - Failed Attacks will increase the MAP of the defender, based on relative offense sent/defense, linearly scaling from 0 to half the amount of MAP generated on a successful Raze - Result: Less MAP per hit than previous age (calculated to be about 40% reduced MAP per hit).

    General Mechanics
    • Soldiers are 3/0, 0.75nw* and THEY die on defense - adding a warning/notice on the military page
    • Provinces will have base starting military when created as: 3000 Soldiers, 3000 Specialist Credits, 800 Defense Specialists and 400 Thieves
    • Hostile Meter: Spells and Thievery Operations - all values have tripled (example, Rob vaults now moves the meter 0.12 up from 0.04)
    • Explore pool will not decay but has a maximum value of 2500
      • Upon reaching:
      • Explore pool over 1000 acres: End of war and Daily pool growth are auto explored for free (this land will create a new explore schedule for that amount of acres, i.e. 2 acres will be explored each tick)
      • 2500 acres: at month change (1st) if your pool is above 2500 acres it will reset to 2500 acres.

    • Normal:
      No effects, default

      +10% Battle (Resource) Gains
      +30% Credits gained in Combat
      +10% Self Offensive Military Casualties
      +10% Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Operation damage
      +25% Military Wages

      +25% Income
      +15% Food, Runes, Wizards Production
      +20% Birth Rate
      -20% Offensive Military Efficiency
      -50% Defensive Military Losses
      -25% Outgoing Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Operation damage

    Changes to War based on Number of Provinces in the Kingdom
    • Provinces created/reset during WAR will be unable to donate to dragon or aid to those within their kingdom for 24 hours after they leave protection
    • War Score will incur a 4% stacking penalty for each missing province below maximum (Calculated for each individual War, this carries over to EoA adjustment, full points only awarded full kingdoms)-currently 2%
    • War Win bonus will incur a 5% stacking penalty for each province below 25. (Calculated at War start - max 25% reduction)

    Changes to War Completion
      • Acre redistribution: Upon completion of war, acres awarded will prioritize the smallest Provinces first.

      On Conclusion of War - both kingdoms will receive
      • 3 times the kingdom’s median province’s acres in Specialist Credits
      • Free Building Credits to the total of 200% of the median province’s total land at the end of the war
      • Science Books bonus equal to 24 ticks of production for each Province
      • Each Province will have 5% of their land lost and moved to their explore pool (minimum of 100 acres added to pool, regardless of how many are lost)
      • An equal number of acres to those lost will be redistributed to Provinces across the kingdom**
      • Recognition on Kingdom Page based on the number of Wars achieved

      Mutual Peace
      • No additional Bonus's or penalties

      On war Loss the surrendering kingdom will lose
      • 5% of the Kingdom's Land (each province loses 5%)
      • 5% of the Kingdom's Honor (each province loses 5%)

      On war Win the winning kingdom will receive an additional war win bonus
      • --The following bonuses are modified based on War Win Tier and the Kingdom Province count penalty as outlined above.
        --Each win increases these numbers by 5% to to a max of 50%
      • Science Books bonus equal to 12 ticks of production for each Province
      • +0.50 to “Current scientist generation”
      • Honor equal to 5% of the losing Kingdom's total Honor at the end of the War (distributed evenly), plus 200 Honor per province
      • Land equal to to 10% of the losing Kingdom's total land at the end of the War redistributed prioritizing smallest province**
      • Additional Free Building credits equal to province land

    • Watch Towers - do not have an impact on intel based ops
    • Thieves Dens - losses bonus reduced from 4% to 3.6% (90% max). - Age 105 Change not previously implemented

    • Spy on pool: gives current pool size, and costs per acre in gold and soldiers
    • Night strike damage: now does 25% more damage to soldiers

    • Barrier: -20% Damage from Enemy Instant Magic & Thievery Operations, -10% Battle (Resource) Losses
    • Expedient: -10% Draft Costs, +10% Building Efficiency
    • Haste: -10% Attack Time, -25% Training Time, -25% Construction Time
    • Havoc : +20% Offensive WPA, +20% Offensive TPA, +10% Spell Damage, +10% Sabotage Damage
    • Onslaught: +10% Offensive Military Efficiency, +15% Enemy Military Casualties on Attacks
    • Stalwart: +5% Defensive Military Efficiency, -20% Military Casualties

    • Taxes will now be capped at 80%
    • Land Trade Balance value:1500 gc
    • Land is now subject to taxes
    • Land aid will be destroyed at a rate of ⅓ instead of ½
    • MAP will no longer exempt someone from taxes
    • if you are <25% median acres your taxes cap at 15%
    • Trade balance: will decay 10% per in game month (~50% per real life week) and will not decay in war

    Draft Rate
    • Base costs remain the per draft rate
    • Draft rates have been increased to:
    • Reservist: 0.5%
    • Normal: 1%
    • Aggressive: 1.5%
    • Emergency: 2%


    -15% Attack Time
    Ambush immunity
    +35% Birth Rate

    Access to Greater Protection

    -10% Battle (Resource) Gains
    No Access to Stables and War Horses

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 15/4, 1000gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - n/a
    Age 105

    Dark Elf
    -50% Spell Rune Cost (excluding Ritual)
    Guilds produce Runes at 50% rate of Towers
    Can train Thieves with Specialist Credits

    Access to Chastity, Blizzard, Guile, Invisibility, Mage's Fury

    Can not build towers

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 12/0, 4.8nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 6/12, 950gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
    Age 105

    +30% Building Efficiency
    -50% Construction Cost
    -50% Raze Cost
    +5% Military Efficiency

    Access to Miner’s Mystique

    +50% Food Consumption

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/6, 1000gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 105

    +5% population bonus
    +50% wizard generation bonus
    -25% massacre damage taken
    -50% damage taken from assassinate wizards

    Access to Mist, Pitfalls, Salvation, Wrath

    +25% training time (can not push you past 24 hours)

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/5, 900gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
    Age 105

    +20% Offensive Spell Duration
    +20% Self Spell Duration
    +25% Rune Production
    All land produces 0.5 horses per tick
    All land holds 15 horses

    Access to All Racial Spells

    -10% Population
    No access to stables

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 4/13, 900gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.0nw (Horses are zero NW, be aware of this)
    Age 105

    +10% Population
    -10% Military Train Cost
    -Thievery Dens also provide Watch tower bonus

    Access to Quick Feet, Town Watch, Vermin

    Can not build WT

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/11, 5.5nw
    Elite Unit - 11/5, 850gc, 6.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
    Age 105

    +10% Science Efficiency
    +15% Enemy Military Casualties (when defending and when attacking)
    All Land holds Prisoners (10/acre)
    Prisoners convert to leets over time (2% per tick)

    Access to Fountain of Knowledge, Tree of Gold

    +30% Spell Rune Cost (excluding Ritual)
    Cannot build dungeons

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/5, 1000gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw
    Age 105

    +20% Battle (Resource) Gains
    +20% Massacre Efficiency (Peasants, Thieves, Wizards)

    Access to Aggression, Bloodlust

    Homes increase your max pop by 5 instead of 10

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/4, 950gc, 6.75nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 105

    -25% Military losses
    Spreads and is Immune to the Plague
    No Food Needed
    Can train Elite Units with specialist credits

    Access to Ghost Workers

    +50% land lost on ambush (return 75% of land instead of 50%)

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 9/0, 3.6nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/1, 500gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
    Age 105


    The Artisan
    +50% Building Capacity and Production (Homes, Banks, Farms, Stables, Towers, Dungeons)
    +50% Building Credits gained in Combat
    -20% Building Damage taken from Arson, Greater Arson, Tornado, Raze
    +20% Artisan Science Efficiency
    +20% Bookkeeping Science Efficiency
    Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +200 Building Credits

    Age 105

    The Cleric
    100% of Military Casualties return as Soldiers
    Soldiers convert to Offensive and Defensive Specialists over time (2%/2%)
    Immune to the Plague
    Access to Divine Shield, Illuminate Shadows
    +25% Resilience Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    The Heretic
    +20% Spell Damage
    +20% Sabotage Damage
    +50% Wizard Production
    -50% Thieves lost on Thievery Operations
    Access to Fool’s Gold, Nightmares
    +20% Crime Science Efficiency
    +20% Channeling Science Efficiency
    Starts with +400 Wizards and +400 Thieves

    Age 105

    The Merchant
    +30% Income
    Immune to All Income Penalties
    100% successful on espionage ops at double stealth costs
    Access to Clear Sight
    +25% Income Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    The Mystic
    +50% Guilds Effectiveness
    +1 Mana Recovery per Tick
    Access to Magic Ward, Meteor Showers, Mind Focus
    +25% Channeling Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Wizards

    Age 105

    The Rogue
    +50% Thieves' Dens Effectiveness
    +1 Stealth Recovery per Tick
    Access to All Thievery Operations
    +25% Crime Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Thieves

    Age 105

    The Shepherd
    -15% Battle (Resource) Losses
    -15% Damage taken from Instant Spells and Sabotage Operations
    +1 General
    Immune to Droughts, Storms
    Access to Reflect Magic
    +20% Production Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    The Tactician
    -15% Attack Time
    50% Ambush (Land) Protection
    +25% Credits gained in Combat
    +25% Siege Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    The War Hero
    +50% Bonuses from Honor
    -25% Honor Loss in Battle
    Converts Offensive Specialists to Elites on Successful Trad March and Conquest
    Access to Hero’s Inspiration
    +25% Strategy Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    The Warrior
    +15% Offensive Military Efficiency
    +2 Mercenary & Prisoner Strength
    -75% Mercenary Cost
    Access to Enhanced Conquest Attack
    +25% Tactics Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 105

    • Update Age 106 Open and Start Time (DavidC 5-4-24 @ 05:04)
    • fixed spelling
    • Updated Example Graphics (persain 5-5-24 @ 15:44)
    • Wording to add context, and highlight 0 nw horse, and start date
    • Update Age 106 End Date and Time (DavidC 5/28/24 @13:15)
    Last edited by DavidC; 28-05-2024 at 17:15. Reason: See changelog

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