Age of Rebirthing Chaos - Genesis 158

Welcome to the new age.

Tick Length will be 15 minutes.

Please refer to the chooser for the appropriate stats for each race and personality.


* War Proposal is Enabled
* War range is NW only (You / 0.85 - You * 0.85)
* War minimum duration is 14 ticks
* War Auto-WD can occur at 10 ticks
* War Auto-WD phases in over time up to 75% NW at 48 tick duration
* EOWCF is 48 ticks
* Subdue Wizards exists in place of Assassinate Wizards
* Meter Maximum is 25 points, Unfriendly relations begin at 7.0 points, Hostile Relations begin at 12.0 points
* War may be declared by the lesser relations kingdom until the meter is 14 for both kingdoms when both may declare
* Forced CF as the defender requires 4 ticks from hostile relations.


The dragons enabled are the same as Age 157.


Population is doubled across the board:

Built land holds 50 people, gives 30 jobs. BE *should* function as we expect it to with the population numbers adjusted.
Homes function with doubled efficacy as population has doubled. WoL = 25 space + 10 home bonus. Genesis = 50 space + 20 home bonus
Base income is **5** gc/peasant


Specialists cost has returned to 350gc
Soldiers are 2 unless modified by a race
Intra-Kingdom Attacks are significantly stronger
Multi Attack Protection is lessened
Attacks generate land at a rate of an additional 20% outside of war, and 5% in war
Ambush will only gain land that was taken, and not generated
The maximum gains cap is 25% of the target province's land
Military Upkeep is the same as WoL

New spells Righteous Aggressors and Righteous Defenders allow the player to choose to activate spec to elite conversions during offensive trad marches and when defending, respectively. Spell is durational.


The following effects are double their WoL values in Genesis:

Birth Rate, Wizard Generation, Mana Generation per tick, Stealth regeneration per tick


Scientist generation rate is 5% / tick
Scientists generate 400 books / tick


16 casts are needed for 100% effectiveness
10 tick minimum duration
36 tick standard duration
Overcasting is significantly more potent in Genesis than WoL

Ritual Options are:
Barrier - -20% Instant Spell damage and Thief Sabotage damage from enemies and +20% Defensive WPA/TPA
Expedient - -30% Training Time (including Thieves), -30% Construction Time, & -30% Build costs & 20% faster wizard training
Haste - -10% Attack Time, -25% Training Time, -25% Construction Time
Havoc - Increases offensive Thieves per acre (TPA) and Wizards per acre (WPA) by 15% & Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Damage by 15%
Onslaught - Increases Offensive Military Efficiency (OME) by 10%, Enemy Military Casualties when Attacking by 15%
Stalwart - +10% Defensive Military Efficiency (DME) & -20% Own Military Casualties

Bravery is active

This mechanic is designed to reward provinces that attack in range and stronger provinces while penalizing bottom feeding. The effects of Bravery are as follows:

Increase your Birthrate by 75% of your Bravery
Increase your Dragon Slaying strength of all troops by 75% of your Bravery
Increase your honor gains on attacks by 50% of your Bravery
Increase your scientist generation per tick by 35% of your Bravery

Example: Bravery = 20; Birthrate adjustment is 75% therefore Birthrate increase is: 20 x 75% = 15%; thus your increased birthrate is "(Current Birthrate) x (1.15)"

Bravery will increase differently based on the attack type
Bravery over 10 will decay per tick while not in war
Bravery will not decay for 10 ticks following your most recent bravery gain
Bravery gain is affected by the composition of your army and the attacks you make (Trad March/Plunder/etc)

Support Spells:

Builder's Boon, Divine Shield, Fanaticism, Fertile Lands, Greater Protection, Hero's Inspiration, Illuminate Shadows, Inspire Army, Love and Peace, Magic Shield, Minor Protection, Nature's Blessing, Patriotism, Wrath