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Thread: Age 108 Final Changes

  1. #1
    Strategy Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Age 108 Final Changes

    Welcome to the Final Changes for Age 108!

    WoL Age 108 Open: TBD
    WoL Age 108 Start: TBD
    WoL Age 108 End: TBD

    General Mechanics and Misc

    • Elites now do damage to Dragons based on Off AND Def points
    • Massacre damage reduced by 15%
    • Provinces who join during War do not receive War bonuses upon completion and are in Protection for the duration of the War
    • Removed bounced attack GBP
    • Bonus Books also added to activity bonus (same as Income, based upon your Book generation - 1 tick/2 ticks/3 ticks of generation for 6/9/12 Ticks logged in)
    • Explore cost formula no longer is discounted by Land lost in combat over the age
    • Honor no longer gives Military Efficiency, it gives Offensive Military Efficiency instead
    • Assassinate Wizards damage has been increased by ~17.5%
    • Spells and Sabotage operations Meter Point values have been reduced slightly
    • Either Kingdom may now declare War if both Kingdom's Meter Points are 60 or higher

    Changes to War Completion

    • Changes to how the acre shuffle works on War completion (War Win)
      • Removed the Kingdom shuffle/redistribution at War end
      • Winning Kingdom gets 10% of the losing Kingdom's land, distributed to lowest provinces (as current)
      • An extra amount equal to 5% losing Kingdom's land is distributed to the provinces in the Winning Kingdom (distributed equally)
      • Losing Kingdom only loses 5% (as current)

    • All Dragons health points increased by 10%

    • +25% Military Casualties
    • -20% Battle (Resource) Gains
    • -40% Building and Specialist Credits Gained in Combat

    • -15% Military Effectiveness
    • +30% Military Wages
    • Kills 30% of new drafted Soldiers every Tick

    • -30% Lower Magic (WPA) and Thievery (TPA) Effectiveness
    • +12.5% Instant Spell and Sabotage Damage Taken
    • -12.5% Instant and Sabotage Damage Dealt

    • -30% Building Efficiency
    • -25% Income
    • Destroys 4% of Buildings Instantly and Every 6 Ticks Thereafter

    Age 107


    -25% Attack Time
    +50% Birth Rate
    Immunity to Ambush

    Access to Greater Protection, Clear Sight, Town Watch

    +15% Military Casualties
    No Access to Stables and War Horses

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/4, 900gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - n/a

    Age 107

    Dark Elf
    No Rune Cost (Excluding Ritual)
    +10% WPA
    Can train Thieves with Specialist Credits

    Access to Blizzard, Guile, Invisibility, Mage's Fury

    +25% Exploration Costs
    +25% Military Wages

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 12/0, 4.8nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 10/10, 1050gc, 8.0nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107


    Access to Tree of Gold

    +20% Attack Time
    -20% Enemy Military Casualties on attack and defense

    Soldier - 4/0, 1.0nw
    Offensive Specialist - 12/0, 4.8nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 18/2, 1050gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 10/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 10/0, 2.0nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    +30% Building Efficiency
    -50% Construction build time

    Access to Miner’s Mystique

    Cannot use Accelerated Construction
    +100% Food Consumption

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/6, 1000gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107

    +25% WPA
    -30% Military Casualties
    +1 Mana per Tick

    Access to Mist, Pitfalls, Chastity, Wrath

    +30% Military Wages
    No Dungeons

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/5, 900gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107

    +25% Offensive Spell Duration
    +25% Self Spell Duration
    +1 Mana per Tick in War

    Access to All Racial Spells, Tree of Gold

    -10% Population

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 4/12, 850gc,6.75nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.0nw

    Age 107

    +10% Population
    +25% TPA

    Access to Quick Feet, Town Watch, Vermin

    -25% Birth Rate

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 11/5, 850gc, 6.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107

    +35% Science Efficiency
    +15% Income

    Access to Greater Protection, Aggression, Fountain of Knowledge

    -30% WPA

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/5, 950gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107

    +30% Battle (Resource) Gains
    -25% Draft Cost
    Train Elites with Specialist Credits

    Access to Aggression, Bloodlust

    -30% Science Efficiency
    +15% Military Casualties

    Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/8, 4.0nw
    Elite Unit - 15/3, 950gc, 6.75nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 107


    The Artisan
    +50% Building Capacity (Homes, Stables, Dungeons)
    +50% Building Production (Banks, Farms, Stables, Towers)
    +50% Building Credits gained in Combat
    +100% Successful Espionage Operations for double stealth cost
    -20% Building Damage taken from Arson, Greater Arson, Tornado, Raze
    +20% Artisan Science Efficiency
    Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +200 Building Credits

    Age 107

    The Cleric
    +1 Elite Defensive Value
    +1 Defensive Specialist Strength
    -25% Instant Spell Damage taken
    Access To Salvation, Revelation, Divine Shield
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 107

    The Heretic
    +20% Spell Damage
    +20% Sabotage Damage
    +50% Wizard Production
    -50% Thieves lost on Thievery Operations
    Access to Fool’s Gold, Nightmares
    +15% Channeling Science Efficiency
    +10% Crime Science Efficiency
    Starts with +400 Wizards and +400 Thieves

    Age 107

    The Mystic
    +75% Guilds Effectiveness
    +1 Mana Recovery per Tick
    Access to Magic Ward, Meteor Showers, Mage’s Fury, Mind Focus, Chastity
    +25% Channeling Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Wizards

    Age 107

    The Rogue
    +80% Thieves' Dens Effectiveness
    +1 Stealth Recovery per Tick
    Access to All Thievery Operations
    +25% Crime Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Thieves

    Age 107

    The Shepherd
    Land generates 4 bushels of food per acre daily
    +30% Scientist Generation
    -30% Build Time
    -30% Train Time
    Immunity to Drought, Gluttony, Vermin
    Access to Reflect Magic
    +25% Resilience Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 107

    The Tactician
    -15% Attack Time
    No Thieves lost on intel
    Immune to Dragons
    +25% Credits gained in Combat
    +25% Siege Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 107

    The War Hero
    +30% Enemy Military Casualties on Attacks
    Converts Offensive Specialists to Elites on Successful Trad March and Conquest
    Access to Animate Dead, Mist
    +25% Housing Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 107

    The Warrior
    +15% Offensive Military Efficiency
    +2 Mercenary & Prisoner Strength
    -50% Mercenary Cost
    +25% Tactics Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 107

    • Clarified several bonuses and penalties
    • Reworded/clarified several mechanics
    • Updated war completion mechanics
    Last edited by Avenger; 03-10-2024 at 12:16.

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