Quote Originally Posted by Madchess View Post
Just refused to give a blank cf the other day to a top kingdom who was 4x my size and waved my kingdom which is at 7 provinces only, went and FG'ed what I had mana for, and we retaled what we could without giving relations + keept smite on all provinces. I had made it clear when they did the same a week earlier and we reacted the same way, that we would not cf blank and that I wanted an eoa agreement before sending a cf and they finally agreed to that the second time arround. I bet you they think I'm an asshole now while I call this standing up for myself and fully believe they have set themself up for faliure by wasting time and resurces on us in this manner since we are irellevant for the top strife ranked arround 100, had it ended with them going ham over this I would have been sufficiently satisfied by taking away their kingdoms goal in exchange for them to take away mine.
But at the same time you didnt send a messages wanting a CF so then its perfectly fine. But if you would have sent them a CF asking for a CF and then dropped all your mana and stealth on them that would be a different story.