Quote Originally Posted by Elldallan View Post

True, we don't know everything about everything yet including gravity. I assume you mean 3rd generation sun or 3rd generation solar system, because that's correct, the current theory is that our sun and by extension our solar system is a 3rd generation one, but to talk about a third generation planet would mean a planet that was destroyed and remade for the third time in this solar system which is not the theory.
Aye. your very right - If I remeber korrekt, the Green planet we live on right now, was remade as well, with the sun.

Quote Originally Posted by Elldallan View Post
...Scientists most often use the word "fact" to describe an observation. But scientists can also use fact to mean something that has been tested or observed so many times that there is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing or looking for examples. The occurrence of evolution in this sense is fact. Scientists no longer question whether descent with modification occurred because the evidence is so strong....
I assume you know then that ALOT(I might be wrong but I have heard over 70% of reseachers in America belives in some kind of God/creative design (I dont belive in creative design in any regard thougt)

Also, by your well reasoned argument, Why whoud multible places in America reword up to 250k US dollers to prove evolution? ?

Quote Originally Posted by Elldallan View Post
Yes I've studied in higher education, and it's true that lower school education often simplifies concepts in science or using outdated models that have since been updated/replaced. They are however not LIES, half truths certainly. But they do what they're supposed to, they teach a deep enough understanding of the science is question. Take Niels Bohr's atom model for example, it is almost exclusively what's taught in school and while not exactly incorrect the truth as we know it is far more complex, but if we taught the actual truth to students they'd have to spend their 3 years of gymnasium/high school learning only chemistry, so it explains things well enough but doesn't go into depth since depth at that education level is unnecessary and superfluous.
And no, I've never seen any teacher say this is "Final knowledge" about any things science... except for the Biology teacher who was a member of the Jehovah sect and was subsequently barred from teaching Religion, sex education, evolution and many other parts of the Biology courses for exactly that very reason, being a religious fanatic is mutually exclusive to being a good teacher in these and many other subjects.
But no, teaching evolution in school as opposed to the religious mumbo jumbo fairy tale explanation for the creation of the world is absolutely correct, Religion has even less evidence and fact to support it's claims that there is a magical fairy supreme being.
I dont mind them telling ? lies/truths, as long as they do the students a favor - Saying its ether What we know so far OR ITs a Quite simpled down. (I might had bad teachers..)

About thes Jehovah - I like them.. ITs very hard to find people who will willing come to my own dor, and debate the bible. I find it just a shame they are soo succesfull, and jet so limited in their understanding of what it says. Sceince can be a Great help here - Like the Cross was real..

About FINAL knowede, even in religion I find it a bit hard to say, at least in christendom, there is alot of "dont knows" but Good ideas and solutions, but might be something else.
Just like in sceince, there is(might be) some final knowede.. like we live on this green rock - and we got our own sun.. Pritty basic - Long story short I find them similar, and I agree with you in that regard.

Quote Originally Posted by Elldallan View Post
... But please, if you wanna play that card then come up with absolute and incontrovertible evidence that there is a magical fairytale supreme being watching over us. And then there's the issue about who's "right" there's a bazillion religions and most of them are mutually exclusive(we're right and you're wrong". Personally I think this would be an absolute horror if it turned out to be true in the case of one of the Abrahmitic religions because the Abrahmitic "God" comes across as a cruel and mean deity with an obsessive need for self glorification. So if any religion turns out to be true I hope it's one of the others, the Norse one maybe, or the Buddhist one, or maybe the Mayan one? Damn how screwed we'd be if a long dead religion turned out to be the real one. And that's my issue with the opposing side, there's absolutely not even a single shred of evidence or fact(scientific or otherwise) of any kind, it's all "we're right and you're wrong and that makes you a heretic, so if we feel like it today have to kill you"
Its quite hard to be a heritic today. By any means there is only One Church in the ayes of God - The ones that follow christ(as the people)- So it might be some of one church - some people that dont even go to church. Can I know I am being right? Not realy.

In islam, its pritty easy. And if your a jew - I got no clue. Jewism and christen are quite similar (on their view on God) unlike islam. Allthougt they claim the same rot.

On the Norse thing.. Well - Might makes right then. Better not be a female, and if so a sheldmaiden. Being old is bad as well - Need to die in battle with Glory! OR else!

--> On this topic of MOST RIGHT - I think I am pritty open minded. And let peaple dicide for themself, but lets be frank about it.

Teach Neutral about evolution, I dont mind the teory, as long as it is just that. We can call creation a teory as well. I am cool with that..

----> KEY "Because there's no absolute truth to what's better,.."

To alot of people this is very true. But we also got to recon that the biggest mass murders in the history have been just that, ateists. The simply lack the "I cant do this, becourse of divine stuf" Also ateism can and are by alot of peaple treaded like a religion in its own right - that used to be called Cult of Reason. (Without the evo part)

Just to make sure - There is not wourse of bad peaple in my view, We are just all humies. Some are christians, some muslims, some hindues and jet some other things. But whatever we are, it all change how we view difffent topics, like What is love. And this is the very Core of this.

HOW do one look what love is.. And is it not love to protect your gene seed?

Also - Thx for the Great reply