Did someone seriously compare forced Health Insurance to forced Car Insurance? That is comparing Apples and Oranges. The state does not mandate you to get collision/comprehensive insurance, you are required to get liability insurance in case you injure someone else. Health insurance is solely for your own benefit. Please name the states that mandate you to have collision/comprehensive and then your point is valid. (Do not confuse State mandated, verse lender mandated. If you finance a new car, or lease you will be required to get collision/comprehensive by the lender to secure their interest in the vehicle, similar to getting homeowners insurance when you have a mortgage)

The real problem with Healthcare costs is it became the ONE AND ONLY insurance that you want to use. Think of all the other insurance policies out there, Car, Life, Homeowners, Flood, etc. All of them only get used when something terrible happens. If Health Insurance were the same, and stopped covering things like routine visits, the flu, going to the dr for strep or any other non-major disease, and instead it was only used for MAJOR problems (IE you need to go to the hospital) the cost would go WAAAAY down. Another way to drop the cost of health insurance is the lawsuits in this country are disgusting, and its cheaper to settle than to go through with the lawsuit, even if the defense is going to win, but that gets into a whole different argument.

For all of you in favor of ACA, if the republicans maintain the house and senate and get a president in, are you ok with a law that mandates every individual own a firearm (Lets say over 18) or you pay a penalty on your tax return each year? If you fall into the poor category there will be subsidies to make the firearm cheaper for you.