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Thread: Utopia

  1. #16
    Needs to get out more
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombies are people too View Post
    From the other end of the perspective, it's good practice for newer players to be put through the gauntlet and learn about their combo's weaknesses, maintaining armies in/out, and managing BE. Have you tried helping them with their building mods?
    Maybe a higher concentration of GS, Unis and Hospitals and making sure theyre always army in/out. If theyre netting 3-6 sci each unique and only losing 1, the +/- is in their favour. Keep abducting till their BE drops below 80%, swap the science to tools and build some homes, raise BE, draft, back to miltary/alchemy, abduct/plunder repeat.

    -DM <3
    It's funny to me because we were getting kicked by 4 kingdoms. So this guy out of the blue takes full intel on me and then I'm getting hit by two different kingdoms that didn't grab my intel and hitting me where my defenses were weakest, lol.

    But you are right. And this is why I recommend top feeder strats and behavior.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  2. #17
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    Please get on topic
    Fiiineee we will halp. But first, information! How large is this kd? 10k? 5k? Can they get a ritual up? Race/Pers (more specifically the TM types)?

    Losing the excess provinces and keeping the wall up in spite of the cost would probably increase the gains differential for starters, which is the only material benefit a smaller kingdom has. Have you messaged these kingdom that are operating under the impression that you intend to war them due to your retals/ops? They might not know any better until you tell them you're not into war.
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by NighT View Post
    Hey all,

    Here's a bit of a rant from the ghetto. I've played in some kingdoms up top, and last age decided with my friends that we were done setting alarms and micromanaging every single detail. So we decided to create a ghetto, 10 provinces to just have fun. We tagged up "The Retirement Home", if that gives you any sort of indication as to our plans.
    This age we were lucky? enough to get a few random provinces (mostly inactive), keeping up that wall (+20% wages) is just too expensive. Anyway, currently the kingdom comprises of about 12 actives (or at least, somewhat actives from the old core + 2 talking randoms). We have another 5 provinces who didnt pass 50K NW and another 5 provinces who (I think) login once every few days. Enough to avoid the +sign anyway.
    You know, as we're just playing this game for fun, we really didnt feel like razing out those non-talking provinces. We havent really been bothered razing the inactives as there really wasnt a reason for us to burn resources on them. Heck not like we even could spare the resources.

    When I was playing in a better kingdom last few ages, we'd occasionally get a random hit every 1-2 days. There'd be someone who hits us, a trad or abduct, usually on one of our TMs. Thinking it was a safe hit. Most of the time they'd get a retal, probably our/my reputation helped a bit too, considering we would defend our guys even if the other KD was bigger.

    Anyway, back to the ghetto, which is why I'm posting this rant. As of right now, we're hostile with four kingdoms (4:20 - 2:8 - 2:13 - 5:5). I should say, we've been hit 45 times today, 20 times yesterday and 40 times the day before.
    I've had pretty decent riot coverage the last few days (RL-days), pretty constant gluttony and greed too. Fortunately not droughts, but that might just be the NB they cant MV without relations. It's currently the 5th of utopia, we've been hit 19 times so far today.

    The reason I'm writing this post is not so much because I'm annoyed by the constant bottomfeeding on my own prov. I'll bounce back. I'm annoyed by the fact that this game is actively killing the fun for anyone new. I've got a new guy in the kingdom whos actually communicating. He's been hit a lot lately. Those kingdoms thinking we'd like to war them have been keeping up spells on him too, even stealing his freaking food, making him starve. Throw in NS and the new guy is about to quit .. and can you really blame him?
    -- For my own province, I'm down to 7.5 epa and 4.5 dspa currently. I had 12 epa and 6 dspa coming out of war cf. Dwarf / Sage.

    New people are going to play any combination that is less than perfect. That's the thing with new people. So dont come here saying he should have picked a better combination. If you want this game to have any chance at surviving, this game needs a serious overhaul when it comes to out of war damage.

    @the so called "top", unless you have ghetto experience (and I'm talking bottom-100 kds) in the past few ages, dont come here saying "it's not that bad" or "just diplo".


    Good luck to Ruthless! I think it's great that you guys are putting in effort to teach and guide randoms.

  4. #19
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    They're obviously not putting in effort or they'd be doing better.

    They're a kd with inactives, no clear setup, probably loads of poorly run provinces, and he is complaining about 'bottom feeding', without even clearly staying whether it's kd or province bottom feeding he's dealing with / complaining about.

    This boils down to 'we are not a good kingdom, and others in a pvp game are taking advantage of the fact we're easy targets'.

    Ive had 0 (zero) def all age and suffer nearly 300 hits personally. My kd of just 4 (four) provinces gets 5-10 randoms a day discounting those on me.

    Every single kd that's been bigger than us has decided to 'teach us a lesson' for hitting them, retaling them, or even just for having zero defense... All of them. We are the 4th lowest ranked kd, and none of these have been impressive even by ghetto standards.

    Were not whining about bottom feeding, and we've managed to end every single hostility so far through diplomacy because we know how to fight and how to diplo (we also got zero t/ms to abuse all those relations people give us and that makes me sad, but we still manage).

  5. #20
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    Not really the point. We're happy to welcome active nubs, as long as they have the same expectations about warring as we do. Take wars where we can viably get them, attack in war and that's it.
    We didnt retal with hostile ops. We made a few retal hits (un-ordered). I messaged some at the start of their wave not to wave us. I was told to just war and that it'd be a fair fight. I told them to go to hell. I'm not the best diplo-guy.
    Mostly abduct, a few trads here and there. GBP on abducts (and abduct gains in general) are a joke. None of them are in warring range, if I discount the inactives we're like 60% their size with half their provinces. The monarch is out with the flu too, so that's not helping.

    The issue is not so much that my province gets destroyed. The issue is that this game is actively killing the fun for new people. When I have to explain to new people why they are starving, and what "xx troops were found dead" means out of war when he's just been hit half a dozen times by several guys, then that ... kinda kills the fun.

    The mechanics are problematic, the atmosphere too.
    I see where you're coming from. I lost about 6K elites and a couple dozen scientists so far.

    @Crunch, and you dont think that a "FSU" mentality is exactly what's wrong with this game? We'd like to play just to build our provinces, and eventually war some other KD who feels the same. In a friendly war, rather than some grudgewar where we just have an empty war forum (or a few threats back/forth).

    It's good practice, if people need/want that practice. To someone who just wants to chill and login from time to time it's not working if they are actively burning his farms and stealing his food + drought/glut.
    Having BE explained, and telling them to keep army out are all things that have no place in the ghetto / chill mode.

    Losing the excess provs requires us to hope they dont login for five days + delete. We cant really go raze them all out. I'm also not in favor for razing non-communicating actives. Kingdom is 16.4K acres (I'm in 1:14).

    .. And that's all the time I have before work. yay.

  6. #21
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    Without stances there is just no way things will be diffrent unless they decide to put in color schemes for gb protection and highlight that gains was bad after each hit or something, and I don't think dumbing down the game to that level is desirable. I really miss fortified from time to time, atleast that was efficient in holding out randoms even with the build in flaws and it beeing easily abuseable, I don't see rituals doing the same since almost everyone plays with tunnel vision and think bigger means better and then they are entiteled to your stuff.

    It is a community problem that most who don't understand the mechanics think that way, last age for instance I keept getting threaths from the king of Kandis whenever I retaliated their hits on us, I was trying to negotiate a cf, but either he misunderstood or decided to ignore me and after a few attemps I decided to just push to outgrow them, even with them in t10 I knew they was unlikely to stay there. At the 3rd random I retaliated he ordered his kingdom to raze which cost me 20-30% of my land over 24 hours, his logic that I was not entiteled to retal the province I was retaling since it was not the one who hit us, thus he ordered full scale raze on my province which luckily was trotteling or reduced because of gb protection. In the end my steward had to send a blank cf since that was the only way to end things while I had almost negotiated things in place with their steward not wanting to trust their king with a blank when he would pull such a move on me for hitting the best avalible target rather than to be forced into hitting a less profitable one.

    Atleast if you are forced to offer a blank this age you can chose a 3 week cf, but that still does not change the mentality of the playerbase overall.

  7. #22
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    There is no way to learn the game without talking to your kd mates. This is why you have in-game forums and chat. People who do not communicate with the rest of the kd will never have a good experience. This is obviously the failure of the monarch to organize the kd, not the fault of the game. The game is difficult, but that's why people play it.
    The only barrier I see is if people do not speak English, so maybe there should be some system that matches people with a monarch that speaks their native language.
    Last edited by toolian; 27-11-2017 at 12:10.

  8. #23
    Needs to get out more
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    I agree with the language deal. As a poorly educated American I'm humbled that so many nations would learn english.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by NighT View Post
    We didnt retal with hostile ops. We made a few retal hits (un-ordered). I messaged some at the start of their wave not to wave us. I was told to just war and that it'd be a fair fight. I told them to go to hell. I'm not the best diplo-guy.
    Mostly abduct, a few trads here and there. GBP on abducts (and abduct gains in general) are a joke. None of them are in warring range, if I discount the inactives we're like 60% their size with half their provinces. The monarch is out with the flu too, so that's not helping.
    My suggestion would be politely explain you are not going to war them and ask them to agree a CF. Explain politely that if they keep hitting you will start hostile ops.

    Obviously if in reality your provs aren't set up to perform hostile ops, then there's very little you can do, but if that's the case I'm not really sure it's the game's fault. Of course you are welcome to chill, but obviously people are going to want to take your resources if you have no way of responding.

    As for the new provs, I agree with you that it's not the best introduction for them. You could explain to them though that that wouldn't happen in all KDs - it is an effect of you being in a chill KD without any/many viable ways of responding and with a relatively low number of active and experienced players.

    He would probably also benefit form WTs to at least discourage them.

  10. #25
    Enthusiast Zombies are people too's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NighT View Post
    It's good practice, if people need/want that practice. To someone who just wants to chill and login from time to time it's not working if they are actively burning his farms and stealing his food + drought/glut.
    Having BE explained, and telling them to keep army out are all things that have no place in the ghetto / chill mode
    I'd say that's debatable; I'd also need a definition of "chill" to fully understand how teaching people how to properly defend themselves isn't necessary in any KD.

    -DM <3
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uhm hoi View Post
    On multiple occasions, people have made the argument to get a second server where new players could learn and where more casual players will feel more at home. Coldhearted's suggestion would be a pretty good situation to start with. Most wars nowadays come from diplo anyway, not waving. There needs to be a little bit more thought about what size provinces need to be to get wars going, but other than that, it'd be a light or softcore version of the utopia we have now.

    Edit: or the war server where one can obtain the warcrown and a hardcore server where one can win land/nw/honour crowns.
    The game will never grow at the current mechanics. It's too hard to be a brand new player coming in and compete with vets. They just give up and quit. A war server wouldn't only be successful but easy to advertise and promote. Only reason it won't happen is the main server would die. Granted you could allow people to play in both servers.

    @night you and your crew have a open invitation too join my ghetto. ;)

  12. #27
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombies are people too View Post
    I'd say that's debatable; I'd also need a definition of "chill" to fully understand how teaching people how to properly defend themselves isn't necessary in any KD.

    -DM <3
    You seem to lack the perspective of playing in a small ghetto. Besides, doesnt really matter how well you try to defend yourself cause it wont help.

  13. #28
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldhearted View Post
    @night you and your crew have a open invitation too join my ghetto. ;)
    yeah you can take my spot :-p
    “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by umajon911 View Post
    yeah you can take my spot :-p
    You can't leave......

  15. #30
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldhearted View Post
    You can't leave......
    You may not modify/move/abandon your province within 24 hours of aggressive actions. Your most recent was 23 hours ago.
    “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
    - unknown

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